Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Panorama photo: cop car is on the left, Mike Brown's body is on the right.


The two sides of the apartment complex line up perfectly. There is no way in the world that that is even close to 35 feet. It is indeed well over 100 feet. 145-148 is more likely. The only way to get points A and B into the picture is with a panoramic photo. That alone tells you something about the distance.

thanks for the great pic of dirtnap mike
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Johnson said he was surrendering for all intents and purposes. "I don't have a gun".

"I don't have a gun" as you are charging the police isn't surrendering

With that being said, I've given you FAR longer than I should have. Welcome to my ignore list. Goodbye Ravi
Toro here's your link.

He had a fit because he insisted that since Brown wasn't shot in the back, it "proved" that Wilson never fired at Brown while Brown was fleeing. Of course it proved nothing of the sort.
watch the video...

What part in particular do you want me to believe?

just watch and you'll know more...

Tell me, please. The video is longer than my battery life.

you need to watch that video, rav...

There are two findings of major importance: First, the autopsy found that Michael Brown was never shot in the back, as some early witnesses claimed...

Ferguson Documents How The Grand Jury Reached A Decision The Two-Way NPR
It doesn't matter even Mike. Once Brown shoved that door in , he was guilty of a felony and Wilson had every right to use whatever force necessary to arrest him and Brown certainly did NOT have the right to resist a lawful arrest.
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Wasn't Johnson the one who said Brown was shot in the back? Why would you believe anything from a witness who has an incentive to lie, has been proven to have lied, and who just robbed a store? Why would you? Can you show somewhere that Wilson has a history of abuses against blacks or minorities? Why would Wilson suddenly do something out of character like this? Keep in mind Wilson was on the way to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem , while brown had just roughed up a store clerk. Now put their respective frame of minds side by side on your balance sheet, and see what probable actions would correspond.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

Well, some of the witnesses who were also African American testified that Brown was charging Wilson when he shot him. So the question is who are those people? How close were they? What would be their incentive to Lie in favor of Wilson? and what would Johnsons incentive to lie about Wilson?
To completely disregard the other witnesses testimony isnt correct, unless you have your mind made up already,
No. If RK is correct that Wilson used his vehicle against Brown then the first felony was committed by Wilson.

No matter how you look at it, Wilson used piss poor judgement and thankfully is no longer a cop.

If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Wasn't Johnson the one who said Brown was shot in the back? Why would you believe anything from a witness who has an incentive to lie, has been proven to have lied, and who just robbed a store? Why would you? Can you show somewhere that Wilson has a history of abuses against blacks or minorities? Why would Wilson suddenly do something out of character like this? Keep in mind Wilson was on the way to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem , while brown had just roughed up a store clerk. Now put their respective frame of minds side by side on your balance sheet, and see what probable actions would correspond.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

Well, some of the witnesses who were also African American testified that Brown was charging Wilson when he shot him. So the question is who are those people? How close were they? What would be their incentive to Lie in favor of Wilson? and what would Johnsons incentive to lie about Wilson?
To completely disregard the other witnesses testimony isnt correct, unless you have your mind made up already,
That's why I think it should have gone to trail, but I'm happy Wilson is no longer a cop.
watch the video...

What part in particular do you want me to believe?

just watch and you'll know more...

Tell me, please. The video is longer than my battery life.

you need to watch that video, rav...

There are two findings of major importance: First, the autopsy found that Michael Brown was never shot in the back, as some early witnesses claimed...

Ferguson Documents How The Grand Jury Reached A Decision The Two-Way NPR

That brings up all kinds of other questions, including Wilson's seeming inability to handle a gun.
If RK is right, which he isn't.

And I've already said he made some tactical mistakes .
We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Wasn't Johnson the one who said Brown was shot in the back? Why would you believe anything from a witness who has an incentive to lie, has been proven to have lied, and who just robbed a store? Why would you? Can you show somewhere that Wilson has a history of abuses against blacks or minorities? Why would Wilson suddenly do something out of character like this? Keep in mind Wilson was on the way to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem , while brown had just roughed up a store clerk. Now put their respective frame of minds side by side on your balance sheet, and see what probable actions would correspond.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

Well, some of the witnesses who were also African American testified that Brown was charging Wilson when he shot him. So the question is who are those people? How close were they? What would be their incentive to Lie in favor of Wilson? and what would Johnsons incentive to lie about Wilson?
To completely disregard the other witnesses testimony isnt correct, unless you have your mind made up already,
That's why I think it should have gone to trail, but I'm happy Wilson is no longer a cop.

Sure, a lot of us would have liked it to go to trial, so we could satisfy our questions, but , that is not the purpose of a grand jury. Whatever the Jurors saw in the witness testimony and physical evidence convinced them that certain witnesses were credible and others were not. Whatever they saw had to be overwhelming for them to determine there was no probable cause.
Panorama photo: cop car is on the left, Mike Brown's body is on the right.


The two sides of the apartment complex line up perfectly. There is no way in the world that that is even close to 35 feet. It is indeed well over 100 feet. 145-148 is more likely. The only way to get points A and B into the picture is with a panoramic photo. That alone tells you something about the distance.

thanks for the great pic of dirtnap mike

There is absolutely no reason to disparage a man who is dead. Grow up
watch the video...

What part in particular do you want me to believe?

just watch and you'll know more...

Tell me, please. The video is longer than my battery life.

you need to watch that video, rav...

There are two findings of major importance: First, the autopsy found that Michael Brown was never shot in the back, as some early witnesses claimed...

Ferguson Documents How The Grand Jury Reached A Decision The Two-Way NPR

Ravi has NO interest in facts, truth, or logic. In this case or any other.

Hence the ignore.
Panorama photo: cop car is on the left, Mike Brown's body is on the right.


The two sides of the apartment complex line up perfectly. There is no way in the world that that is even close to 35 feet. It is indeed well over 100 feet. 145-148 is more likely. The only way to get points A and B into the picture is with a panoramic photo. That alone tells you something about the distance.

thanks for the great pic of dirtnap mike

There is absolutely no reason to disparage a man who is dead. Grow up

fuck off, I'll do as I please
We have some hard physical evidence, the audio file and the autopsy. The audio file records Wilson firing 6 shots in 2 seconds, then a 3 second pause, then a seventh shot, a one second pause, and 3 more shots.

(And if you're going to deny the hard physical evidence ... go away, cultist.)

Wilson said he began firing at a range of 15 feet, when Brown was already charging full steam at him. And that when Brown kept charging after the first volley, he opened fire again.

Even an overweight couch potato can easily manage 10 mph in a short sprint. Brown clearly could, since he ran at least 150 feet away from the car in around 10 seconds.

10mph is 15 feet a second. 75 feet in 5 seconds, which the time elapsed when Wilson said Brown was still charging full speed directly at him, demonic expression on his face. Yet Brown somehow couldn't even make it those 15 feet to Wilson in 5 seconds at a full charge.

Wilson was not backing up any significant distance. Forensic evidence showed all shots fired from the same spot.

So, Brown would have had to have been casually strolling, not charging, for things to have played out as Wilson claimed. The forensic evidence says Wilson's story is impossible.

Given the physical evidence and the majority of eyewitness statements, this seems to be the actual scenario:

1. Wilson chased Brown down the street, firing the 6 shots, winging Brown in the forearm. Autopsy confirms a back-to-front wound in Brown's forearm.
2. After getting hit, Brown turned around, put his hands up and started walking back towards Wilson
3. Wilson fired again, hitting Brown again.
4. Brown bent over and staggered forward
5. Wilson fired 3 more shots. Autopsy shows wounds with a downward trajectory, meaning Brown had to have been bent over.

That says nothing about Wilson's motivation at the time, it's just description of the facts, facts that say Wilson's story can't be what happened.

Looks like your facts are wrong, according to Holder and the DOJ.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair
Funny how Holder figured out Wilson was telling the truth. The science didn't lie.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair
Funny how Holder figured out Wilson was telling the truth. The science didn't lie.

What's funny is your response when I ask you where Holder found that Wilson was telling the truth. You can't link to it so your name calling will be a hoot
Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
No he wasn't.

Simple math proves you wrong. And it is documented. You can even see the flowers still being put on the sidewalk directly across from the spot where Michael Brown was shot down in cold blood, 148 feet away from an officer who was in no way in danger.
Looks like Holder says you are full of it.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

absolutely false

i am surprised this guy is still floating this lie

pretty disgusting really
Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
No he wasn't.

Simple math proves you wrong. And it is documented. You can even see the flowers still being put on the sidewalk directly across from the spot where Michael Brown was shot down in cold blood, 148 feet away from an officer who was in no way in danger.
Looks like Holder says you are full of it.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

absolutely false

i am surprised this guy is still floating this lie

pretty disgusting really

He was 148 ft away from the car...Why do you lie when a tape measure proves you wrong?
Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
No he wasn't.

Simple math proves you wrong. And it is documented. You can even see the flowers still being put on the sidewalk directly across from the spot where Michael Brown was shot down in cold blood, 148 feet away from an officer who was in no way in danger.
Looks like Holder says you are full of it.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

absolutely false

i am surprised this guy is still floating this lie

pretty disgusting really

He was 148 ft away from the car...Why do you lie when a tape measure proves you wrong?

Tell that to race baiter eric holder and obama......they disagree with you....
Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
No he wasn't.

Simple math proves you wrong. And it is documented. You can even see the flowers still being put on the sidewalk directly across from the spot where Michael Brown was shot down in cold blood, 148 feet away from an officer who was in no way in danger.
Looks like Holder says you are full of it.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

absolutely false

i am surprised this guy is still floating this lie

pretty disgusting really

He was 148 ft away from the car...Why do you lie when a tape measure proves you wrong?

Correct but that is not what the OP , and several other posters, have been saying - and you know it.

Damn dishonest liberals.

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