Michael Brown’s father, Ferguson activists demand $20M from BLM

Good for them.....if BLM wants to be more then a leftwing terrorist organization, they should be giving this money they have raised to the communities that need it.

Something tells me their budget for bricks and gas might not allow it.
BLM should be paying reparations for the businesses they destroyed last summer.
That's another good point.....thousands of businesses have been destroyed because of their terror this summer.....a lot of them actually minority owned. BLM not giving back money to rebuild and restore what they destroyed, highlights not only are they are left wing terrorist organization, they are also just greedy.

We should also be tracking where this money came from....
bad guys like Michael Brown are sexy for the media. Americans have always had a thing for "the outlaw"
did i mention i am black?

sounds like this whole black oppression scam is about the money after all,,,,
Always. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson didn't get wealthy because they care about justice.
did i mention i am black?

sounds like this whole black oppression scam is about the money after all,,,,
you know, at least Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition didn't commit acts of terror....I hate to say it, but I miss Jesse Jackson
" An open mike has caught Jackson upset with Obama and saying "I wanna cut his nuts off"

did i mention i am black?

sounds like this whole black oppression scam is about the money after all,,,,
you know, at least Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition didn't commit acts of terror....I hate to say it, but I miss Jesse Jackson
" An open mike has caught Jackson upset with Obama and saying "I wanna cut his nuts off"

He's got Parkinson's.
C'mon ma'am! Poor kids be just is smut as white kids!
Ferguson's population is 20,000. in 2013, the city's police obtained arrest warrants for 33,100 criminal offenses. in other words, Ferguson has more crime than citizens!

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