Michael Brown's juvenile record may include 2nd degree murder charge

I heard about this on the radio. It was said that now that he's dead his juvenile records shouldnt be sealed, and now people are suing to have access to them.
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A TMZ style journalist/website wants them unsealed for clickbait for their advertisers.

Fuck that.

If the court deems them relevant to the case I have no problem with them unsealing them for that purpose but that isn't what this journalist, and I use the term lightly, is seeking.
A TMZ style journalist/website wants them unsealed for clickbait for their advertisers.

Fuck that.

If the court deems them relevant to the case I have no problem with them unsealing them for that purpose but that isn't what this journalist, and I use the term lightly, is seeking.

You understand that dead people can't have their feelings hurt or be discriminated against in the job market, etc. Even your census answers become public 72 years after the census, even if you are alive.
Well well well the gentle giant is a murderer and gang members. Who could've guessed?
This will turn out to be Al Sharpton's Twana Brawley. Maybe he won't be so quick to eulogize the next Thug.
His record was sealed for a reason, if it helps in the case then the court should unseal it. Otherwise, it just stirs up crap.

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