Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels any money...

Trump himself has admitted that Cohen represented him when he paid off Stormy Daniels. Cohen has gone to federal prison for violating campaign finance laws and by extension Trump has broken the same laws. This case is a slam dunk.
LOL Musta missed the part where Bragg started working for the Federal gvt.
There is evidence of Trump knowing,
it's early yet...the trial is suppose to take several weeks....they are on the first witness out of about 30 plus.

If he doesn't prove trump was aware of the scheme, then that would leave reasonable doubt....imo.

Does not matter....it was a misdemeanor even then and the statute of limitations ran out....
And Bragg has this guy as his prime witness. As I said a while ago, that is suborning perjury, which should never be permitted. And the hack judge will also permit suborning perjury, that is where we are in 2024.

No lawyer, whether prosecutor or defense counsel, civil or criminal, may knowingly present lies to a jury and then sit idly by while opposing counsel struggles to contain this pollution of the trial.” [ United States v. LaPage (9th Cir. 2000) 231 F3d 488, 492—criminal conviction overturned where prosecutor failed to correct prosecutorial testimony known to be false] (emphasis added)​

Trump is on tape with Cohen asking if they will be paying her cash.
FYI- Cohen's payment of $130k to Stormy to hide and silence Candidate Trump's sexual encounter, was illegal because a person can not donate more that $2500 to a candidate's campaign....

Campaign finance law, is the law.

Yeah, and Obama, record FINE, and Hillary and her campaign, FINED.

FYI- Cohen's payment of $130k to Stormy to hide and silence Candidate Trump's sexual encounter, was illegal because a person can not donate more that $2500 to a candidate's campaign....
The courts have already previously ruled that hush money payments are not considered a "campaign donation". :cuckoo:
Yeah, and Obama, record FINE, and Hillary and her campaign, FINED.

Yup, Trump gets prosecuted, they get a hand slap
That’s why Bragg hired a former federal prosecutor to front the case.

I guess we should be happy he din just hire whoever he was bangin’ like Flatback Fani.
Not just "a former federal prosecutor" Colangelo was #3 in Biden's DOJ when he decided to take a demotion to a prosecutor in a city DA's office. Just a coincidence I guess.
And Bragg has this guy as his prime witness. As I said a while ago, that is suborning perjury, which should never be permitted. And the hack judge will also permit suborning perjury, that is where we are in 2024.

No lawyer, whether prosecutor or defense counsel, civil or criminal, may knowingly present lies to a jury and then sit idly by while opposing counsel struggles to contain this pollution of the trial.” [ United States v. LaPage (9th Cir. 2000) 231 F3d 488, 492—criminal conviction overturned where prosecutor failed to correct prosecutorial testimony known to be false] (emphasis added)​

So what? Cohen also lied to Congress to protect the orange slob. He went to prison for it.
suborning perjury

Subornation of perjury


In American law, Scots law, and under the laws of some English-speaking Commonwealth nations, subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading or permitting a person to commit perjury, which is the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, whether spoken or written. Wikipedia

thx ~S~

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