Michael Cohen, after Stormy Daniels, Russian Oligarch paid 500K into same shell corporation.

I guess Norman isn't a very curious person.

I am the most curious person there is...

How I achieve it? By not going through same stuff over and over, again and again.

What 'same stuff', this revelation only came about yesterday. Just admit it, you don't care what Trump does, you're incurious and unable to hold him accountable.
Viktor Vekselberg, Renova Group and others all are tied to the Clinton Foundation as well. It is not unusual for companies to play both sides in an election.

Great, so since you think the Clinton Foundation is so guilty then why are you comparing them to Trump?
Viktor Vekselberg, Renova Group and others all are tied to the Clinton Foundation as well. It is not unusual for companies to play both sides in an election.

Great, so since you think the Clinton Foundation is so guilty then why are you comparing them to Trump?

All I said is that it is not unusual for companies to support both candidates to curry favor.

THIS oligarch and his associates in particular though are the ones that helped secure Bill Clinton his half a million dollar gig in Russia thru Hillary's State Department.
Viktor Vekselberg, Renova Group and others all are tied to the Clinton Foundation as well. It is not unusual for companies to play both sides in an election.

Great, so since you think the Clinton Foundation is so guilty then why are you comparing them to Trump?

All I said is that it is not unusual for companies to support both candidates to curry favor.

THIS oligarch and his associates in particular though are the ones that helped secure Bill Clinton his half a million dollar gig in Russia thru Hillary's State Department.

It's extremely unusual for a company to give money to the president's lawyer for no fucking reason.
Why were there sanctions on Russia with zero evidence they hacked Crooked Hillary and the Podesta emails?

I guess that “zero evidence” is a whole lot more compelling than Dumb Donald let on. In fact it’s pretty hard core convincing.

That’s why former Trump campaign workers keep pleading guilty to their charges.
Daniels' lawyer is calling the payment to Cohen 'SUSPICIOUS' and snowflakes run screaming and frothing at the mouth...

$500,000 from a Russian 'oligarch' to a Conservative is 'suspicious', tantamount to 'Pay to Play' and 'Treason'...

...but $145 million from the KGB Bank through the Russian leading the Russian effort to acquire Uranium one while their spouse is paid $500,000 PER SPEECH by the KGB bank is 'no problem'?!

View attachment 192670 View attachment 192671

Nobody paid money to secret bank accounts for the Clintons.

In fact all payments were made to the Clinton Foundation right out in the open, and used for Third World relief, just as the donors intended.

And the $141 million wasn’t even connected to Uranium One, you lying piece of Russian shit.
not one RW'r will answer how the Russian knew the name of the bank and the account number he deposited the 500k in. The tooth fairy didnt tell him and he didnt guess ..

so either Trump or Cohen told him - if it was Cohen you can bet he relayed the information to his long time CLIENT - if it was Trump ?

either way, is that collusion ?
not one RW'r will answer how the Russian knew the name of the bank and the account number he deposited the 500k in. The tooth fairy didnt tell him and he didnt guess ..

so either Trump or Cohen told him - if it was Cohen you can bet he relayed the information to his long time CLIENT - if it was Trump ?

either way, is that collusion ?

Collusion is Junior taking a meeting with a Russian government lawyer to get dirt on Hillary.

Collusion is saying “Russia, if you’re listening”, on the day Russian trolls started downloading emails from the DNC.

Collusion is Roger Stone tweeting about Podesta’s emails BEFORE WikiLeaks released them.

Collusion is Michael Cohen going to Prague to meet with the Russians.
Why were there sanctions on Russia with zero evidence they hacked Crooked Hillary and the Podesta emails?

I guess that “zero evidence” is a whole lot more compelling than Dumb Donald let on. In fact it’s pretty hard core convincing.

That’s why former Trump campaign workers keep pleading guilty to their charges.
Daniels' lawyer is calling the payment to Cohen 'SUSPICIOUS' and snowflakes run screaming and frothing at the mouth...

$500,000 from a Russian 'oligarch' to a Conservative is 'suspicious', tantamount to 'Pay to Play' and 'Treason'...

...but $145 million from the KGB Bank through the Russian leading the Russian effort to acquire Uranium one while their spouse is paid $500,000 PER SPEECH by the KGB bank is 'no problem'?!

View attachment 192670 View attachment 192671

Nobody paid money to secret bank accounts for the Clintons.

In fact all payments were made to the Clinton Foundation right out in the open, and used for Third World relief, just as the donors intended.

And the $141 million wasn’t even connected to Uranium One, you lying piece of Russian shit.
It has been made clear that the Russians did not hack the DNC.

Their own Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was running her own espionage ring, one in which she gave terrorist-connected spies illegal access to classified house files...and once they had been caught, banned from the House, and an espionage investigation was opened up on them DWS re-hired one of the spies and AGAIN gave him illegal access to classified House records and files. Not only that but DWS gave Awan access to every DNC member e-mail, gave him their usernames, AND gave the spy their passwords....

When the hacked information - the racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic Democrat e-mails and the revelation that Hillary and the DNC had rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, and helped Hillary STEAL the DNC nomination - the Democrats jumped on board the 'It-Was-The-Russians' Conspiracy train to protect DWS from being sent to GITMO for being a con-conspirator / boss of a terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring. The Democrats refused to hand over their server so investigators could confirm there was any outside hacking, especially by the Russians. Although they refused to hand it over, an investigation did take place and the server was looked at -- the report stated that there was NO OUTSIDE HACKING, that Pakistanis had been downloading TERABYTES of data from off the House and DNC servers directly. They explained that technical evidence showed the download rate of data stolen was too great to have come from the outside, had to be done from the inside, and that the information had been downloaded onto Thumb Drives.

So much for the BS excuse that it was the 'Russians'.

Was Hillary involved in this espionage?
-- When it was discovered DWS had re-hired the terrorist-connected spies and given them access to classified House files AFTER they had been banned and the espionage investigation on them had begun. DWS was FIRED as Chairwoman of the DNC...and that same day Hillary Clinton hired / brought DWS into be part of her campaign staff.


Here Hillary is, still under the cloud of 2 simultaneous FBI investigations for crimes (she was proven to have committed) that included ESPIONAGE, criminal negligence, illegal possession / storage / handling / destroying classified as well as giving people who had no security clearances access to EXTREMELY classified information. (Obama stated publicly that classified found data on her server was so classified it could not be released in any context or format because to do so would cause 'grave damage to our national security' - TOP SECRET - and yet she was allowing her MAID access to the classified so she could print it off for Hillary.)

But here Hillary is, escaping indictment only because the criminal Obama administration, to include the FBI, was protecting her, and yet she reaches out to a woman who was just proven to have been running a terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring and brings her on as part of her team.

You have to hand it to Hillary - despite escaping prison in perhaps her closest call ever, she still has the bass cajonies and belief that she really is 'teflon' enough to associate / bring in as a team member a woman who was just busted / exposed for running a foreign spy ring, helping them steal classified from The House of Representatives......
Cohen is first lawyer or lobbyist to ever receive payments from people wanting access to a politicial amiright?
Cohen is first lawyer or lobbyist to ever receive payments from people wanting access to a politicial amiright?
Cohen, the 1st / original 'Influence Peddler'?

Easy your can post your Russian troll farm lies until hell freezes over but no one’s buying the bullshit you and Putin are selling.
Dragonlady, YOU can continue to parrot your 'masters' debunked, exposed, proven, TREASONOUS CONSPIRACY BS if you want...you're just proving you're not intelligent to know when IT'S OVER!

EVIDENCE SHOWS the Russians initiated military-style PsyOps operations within the United States, manipulating liberal snowflakes' emotions - especially their extreme hatred for Trump - and got snowflakes to ORGANIZE AND MARCH FOR THEM.

EVIDENCE SHOWS the Russians PAID Liberal groups - the Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc... to spread racial hatred and violence...and like good little well-paid Russian lap dogs they did.

EVIDENCE SHOWS the Russians attempted to hack senior members of the US govt but failed to do so....

EVIDENCE SHOWS the Russians attempted to hack the US Power Grid but failed to do so....

EVIDENCE SHOWS the Russians OBAMA knew all about this...and he did NOTHING. He did not shut down the PysOps programs. he did not warn the senior US politician the Russians were tying to hack them. He did not draw any 'Red Line' because a 'hostile foreign nation' was targeting the US in these ways... HE DID NOTHING.

EVIDENCE SHOWS Obama did NOTHING because he did not want to upset Putin because he wanted Putin's approval to invade Syria...and Un-Constitutionally without Congressional approval the Nobel Peace Prize Winner DID! Illegally invading Syria was more important to Barry than Russia running PsyOps operations in the US, than their paying Liberal groups to split the country apart by spreading racial division and violence, than their trying to hack senior govt officials and cause untold harm, than their potentially shutting down the US electrical grid...

EVIDENCE SHOWS that WHILE RUSSIAN WAS DOING THESE THINGS Barry and his DHS were attempting to hack into State Election systems / processes in order to prove the Russians could so they could justify seizing control of all US State elections systems 'in order to protect our democratic elections'.
-- THIS BS coming from the leader of the party that did MORE to illegally effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians did (rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during their primaries, Obstructing justice to protect their candidate from being indicted for crimes she was proven to have committed, campaign violations, campaign finance violations, creating the entire 'Russian Collusion' lie....

Going on 2 years now the Democrats / Liberals / Mueller has not / can not produce any evidence that the President committed illegal collusion with the Russians, that Illegal Collusion with the Russians was perpetrated by anyone, or that there was ever ANY crime committed that warranted a Special Counsel and his Witch Hunt.

Going on 2 years now all the democrats have managed to expose, reveal, uncover is:
- Evidence Hillary broke Laws.
- Evidence of the Treasonous 'Secret Society' composed of Obama administration / Cabinet members. FBI / CIA / NIA who never wanted Trump to be President and conspired to take him out if he won using their 'Insurance policy', which was the debunked Dossier from a foreign spy and Russians provided to the FBI by Hillary, the Dossier Hillary used illegally in an election and one the FBI - according to the IG - used illegally to acquire warrants to spy on Candidate / President Trump and his team.
- Evidence of crimes committed by Comey, crimes committed by McCabe (already recommended for indictment by the IG), crimes committed by Strzok, crimes committed by US AG Lynch, and even crimes committed by Mueller...and all of this possibly leaving a trail right back to Obama.

The 'Russian Collusion / Troll' lie / Conspiracy has been exposed...its over. Even the Liberal Media has given that up and has placed all their hope in that Stormy Daniels, who has nothing to do with Russians or the 2016 election - will be the thing that takes down the President.

So every time you mention the 'Russians', before you hit the button to 'POST' your comment, just know I will be laughing my ass off at you. You can't accept the outcome of an election, and you can't accept the now proven fact that there was no illegal 'Trump-Russian Collusion'. You can't accept that Hillary is the US' Scandal Queen and the worst Presidential candidate in US history...a TWO-TIME LOSER who should have been in a prison cell wearing an orange jumpsuit with her inmate number on it on election day instead of hold up in her home waiting to hear she had lost the WH....AGAIN!
easy can do anything BUT tell the world how the Russian billionaire knew which bank and the acct # he used to deposit 500k.
come on easy - be a good boy and tell everyone how a RUSSIAN knew where a SHELL ACCOUNT was hiding and how to DEPOSIT $$$$$ IN IT ..

you can do it !!!!!!!!!

how about you frank ? same for you ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Accidental Society has recently observed this phenomenon:

Shake any Trump tree and a Russian falls out.
Considering that the Senate voted 98-2 to impose new sanctions on Russia, wouldn't Trump's refusal to enact those sanctions be considered dereliction of duty?

That's like saying the President's vetoing a bill from Congress is derelict, warranting impeachment.

Isn't dereliction of duty an impeachable offense?
Anything is an impeachable offense. It's a political process.

Vetoing is a constitutionally mandated process. Signing a bill then refusing to implement it is dereliction of duty. It shows a blatant disregard for our system of government.

Besides there's a HUGE difference between a bill that's barely passed and one that's passed 98-2.
Considering that the Senate voted 98-2 to impose new sanctions on Russia, wouldn't Trump's refusal to enact those sanctions be considered dereliction of duty?

Isn't dereliction of duty an impeachable offense?

he could veto congress - congress can kill a veto with a 2/3rds majority vote.

in Trumps case, all he needs is his magic wand and a ball cap to hold down his really thin shitforhair.

he didn't veto - he signed the bill. Then refused to implement it. Basically taking away Congresses ability to over-ride his veto.

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