Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.

Wow, that is great information! Thank you!
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Cohen was dirty even back then
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Cohen was dirty even back then



  • 1348488761322-smiley_rofl.gif
    578.1 KB · Views: 15
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.

worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.
DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation'
Source: CNN

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is "under criminal investigation," the Justice Department said Friday.

In response to Cohen's motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."

Read more: DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation' - CNNPolitics

It's official!

New Attorney hired Wed.? Must be getting desperate.
DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation'
Source: CNN

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is "under criminal investigation," the Justice Department said Friday.

In response to Cohen's motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."

Read more: DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation' - CNNPolitics

It's official!

New Attorney hired Wed.? Must be getting desperate.
soon they'll need court appointed attorneys
yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.

worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.

worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Cohen was dirty even back then

VOX???????????View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867
worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?

It may save him a few dollars, but he has lost millions by becoming president.

did you get a tax cut? Oh, I forgot welfare recipients don't pay taxes.
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Cohen was dirty even back then

VOX???????????View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867
Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?

It may save him a few dollars, but he has lost millions by becoming president.

did you get a tax cut? Oh, I forgot welfare recipients don't pay taxes.
He lost millions??? lol And btw just paid close to 6 figures in taxes ,,,
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Cohen was dirty even back then

VOX???????????View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867
Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?

It may save him a few dollars, but he has lost millions by becoming president.

did you get a tax cut? Oh, I forgot welfare recipients don't pay taxes.
Here red ,just for you
Donald Trump Reports He's Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic
Jun 16, 2017 - President Trump says he's received tens of millions of dollars in income from the golf courses and resorts whose profile he boosted during frequent visits since taking office, according to filings released Friday by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. The 98 pages of financial disclosures offer a partial ...
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
Cohen was dirty even back then

VOX???????????View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867
nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?

It may save him a few dollars, but he has lost millions by becoming president.

did you get a tax cut? Oh, I forgot welfare recipients don't pay taxes.
He lost millions??? lol And btw just paid close to 6 figures in taxes ,,,

yes, the very rich pay most of the federal tax bill. and yes, because he stepped out of his businesses to be president he has missed a lot of financial opportunities, I guess fixing the country is more important to him.
here's an article that explains more....go to the link to read it all....but if this does turn out to be true, then we have to consider what the Steele dossier's informants said the meeting was about....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in??
Cohen was dirty even back then

VOX???????????View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867 View attachment 187867
nothing in my post is untrue. you are delusional. The worst president in history was Obama, Trump may go down in history as one of the best. He has accomplished more in one year than Obama or Bush did in 8 years.

Boy, has Trump accomplished a lot! You are right on that.a tax cut for the wealthy. You may get a few dollars for a few years, then you lose that while the wealthy cut never goes away.

A ballooning debt of a trillion dollars a year your kids will have to pay.

Ignorant, impulsive decisions he has had to rescind. A reputation for lying, exaggerating his own importance.

Now,we are dealing with Porn Star payoffs, watching many of his confidants be indicted, pleading guilty and now watching his Attorney being raided.

Oh, did I mention Trump’s weekly vacations costing $3 Million a piece?
The crooks like Pruitt and Price being exposed.

You can fill in the rest in your fantasy world.

if you pay taxes you got a tax cut, when corporations pay less taxes they have more money to hire people and expand (that is good for America)

the spending bill was passed by both parties in congress, if you don't like our debt, look there.

what politician in world history is not a egotist ? Trump is no different .

Was Stormy Daniels a Russian spy that manipulated voting machines in 2016? Mueller was tasked to look for Russian collusion, not every thing Trump did for the last 50 years.

When Trump goes to Mara Lago, its his place, we do not pay the rent like we did when obozo went to Hawaii or Mrs obozo when to Europe with her entourage of hundreds.
and I suppose you still believe him that he would gain nothing from this tax cut?? Really?

It may save him a few dollars, but he has lost millions by becoming president.

did you get a tax cut? Oh, I forgot welfare recipients don't pay taxes.
Here red ,just for you
Donald Trump Reports He's Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic
Jun 16, 2017 - President Trump says he's received tens of millions of dollars in income from the golf courses and resorts whose profile he boosted during frequent visits since taking office, according to filings released Friday by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. The 98 pages of financial disclosures offer a partial ...

OK, do you see something wrong with that? if so, are you pissed that the Clintons and Obama's are now multi millionaires due to their time in the whitehouse?

There is no way for us to know if Trump is financially better off as a direct result of being president, but every other president has been-----------so he may be too, but its also true that he has missed many financial opportunities by putting his companies in a blind trust while president.
points to ponder :eusa_think:

State and federal law are different — and that might matter for Trump’s personal attorney.

Trump could pardon Michael Cohen — but it might not save him

Cohen has thus far been unfailingly loyal to Donald Trump and the Trump family, reportedly telling a radio host Wednesday, “I’d rather jump out of a building than turn on Donald Trump.”

So there’s also another possibility: Trump could try to grant Cohen a presidential pardon before Cohen even considers a plea deal with Mueller. But that would only get Cohen out of jeopardy in federal court. He could still end up in prison if he’s tried or convicted on state charges.

Pardons only work for federal crimes, not state crimes
In the Cohen case, it appears that he’s currently under investigation for violations of federal law — specifically, bank fraud, wire fraud, and campaign finance violations. But bank fraud is also a state crime, meaning that Cohen could be prosecuted on that charge by a New York district attorney, though it’s not currently clear what the theory behind the bank fraud allegations is.

(While the Constitution prohibits double jeopardy, or prosecuting someone twice for the same crime, there is nothing stopping state and federal agencies from bringing similar criminal charges against someone based on the same criminal act — the “separate sovereigns” doctrine.)

Trump could pardon Michael Cohen — but it might not save him

Why Robert Mueller Handed Off the Michael Cohen Raid
Pardons only work for federal crimes, not state crimes

First, a quick primer on presidential pardons. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution reads in part: “[The president] shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” That gives the president of the United States the power to pardon people convicted of federal crimes through “executive clemency.” So Trump absolutely could pardon any of his associates accused, charged, or convicted of a federal crime, including Cohen.

State and federal crimes are different. A state crime, which might include robbery, burglary, or aggravated assault, breaks state law (most crimes committed are state crimes). Federal crimes, in comparison, are ones that violate US federal legislation, and are prosecuted by a US attorney. Examples of federal crimes include mail fraud or organized crime. But some crimes violate state and federal lawfor example, someone can commit a murder (state crime) that also violates federal hate crimes law (federal crime).

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