Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

If I had to guess, it’s to do with the payout. Probably used improper funds .

Why would a billionaire use improper funds for a paltry 130k?

Is Michael Cohen a billionaire?

So Trump didnt pay the bimbo?
If thats the case you have nothing.
Trumps lawyer refinanced his home and used the money to pay her. I seriously doubt he was honest with the bank about that. And I see no connection to Trump.

All speculation of course.

He could very well have paid stormy and asked Trump for a reimbursement and told him it was in his best interest not to question why.

Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

Cohan is to Trump what Tom Hagen was to Don Corleone.
I've always said Trump is just a goon from Queens who got into bed with the mob so he could build a business in Manhattan.
Last edited:
The Judge determined there was PROBABLE CAUSE for the warrants! Insipidly, stupid, stupid rabbit!
yeah a New York judge has given a warrant to the NY anti Trump DOJ....Sessions or Rosenstein should have stopped this...I'm sure both men will be out of a job by the end of the week....
Right now in Mueller’s hands could be proof Trump paying off mafia heads, Russian oligarchs, more payoffs to women Trump screwed etc etc.
The dirty dirty world of Donald Trump is going to explode.

That is so fkn stupid and u r so clueless MSM tart.
Nothing they find on Trump can be used due to attorney client privilege

Not on "criminal" conduct.
Attorney-client privilege ends when the lawyer starts breaking the law.

Trump/Cohen better call Saul

John Dean @JohnWDean

Is is a VERY BIG DEAL when the FBI raids the hotel room, offices and home of the President’s personal attorney with search warrants in hand! This was the SDNY playing hardball, and they showed a federal judge they had good reason(s) to do so with Michael Cohen.

7:05 PM - Apr 9, 2018
Actually, you would turn this info and link over to the FBI. They have a place on their website for it:
Submit a Tip
Please do it. Please.

Don't like what somebody else says? Find a way to get them in trouble.

Bunch of crybabies.
Trump's rant in the wake of today's FBI raid of Cohen's offices is just Trump being a crybaby. It wasn't even his offices or home that were searched.

When one doesn't like what another says about them, the response is to sue or threaten to sue the speaker for libel (or perhaps slander).

Who is the biggest thin-skinned crybaby I'm aware of? Donald J. Trump, Sr.
  • 01/04/2018 8:58 AM: Trump's lawyers also threaten the author and publisher of a forthcoming book and demand that he apologize to the president. (Carol Leonnig)
  • 01/03/2018 10:35 PM: Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, sends a cease and desist letterto Steve Bannon over "disparaging" comments in a forthcoming book. (ABC News)
  • 10/27/2016 8:30 PM: Trump, asked about the Billy Bush tape, says it was an "illegal act" for NBC to record it, that it was "absolutely" illegal to release the tape, and that "we're going to find out soon enough" whether he will take legal action against NBC. (The Hill)
  • 10/27/2016 11:59 AM: Trump company threat to people, apparently including a 92-year-old widow, responsible for statements made in documentary criticizing a golf course. (The Scotsman)
  • 10/22/2016 12:15 PM: Trump: The media "is trying to poison the minds" of the voters. "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over." (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 1:24 PM: Trump is "preparing a lawsuit" against the New York Times for "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 12:25 AM: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times over an article entitled, "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (McKay Coppins)
  • 10/12/2016: Trump campaign official says the New York Times and "politically-motivated accusers better lawyer up." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 10/2/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times for publishing copies of some of his tax returns. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 9/17/2016: Trump suggests he might sue the New York Times for "irresponsible intent." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 7/18/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens Tony Schwartz, co-author of "The Art of the Deal," over statements he made in an interview with the New Yorker. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (New Yorker)
  • 5/18/2016: Trump says he "will be bringing more libel suits" against unidentified critics, perhaps even "you folks," the Washington Post reporters interviewing him. Trump hasn't filed any lawsuits. (Washington Post)
  • 5/13/2016: Trump threatens Amazon.com and Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, with tax audits if he becomes president, over Washington Post stories critical of Trump. Trump hasn't been elected and can't direct tax audits -- yet. (Vox)
  • 4/27/2016: Trump threatens Daily Beast columnist and author of "The Making of Donald Trump" David Cay Johnston for unknown reasons. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 4/20/2016: Unidentified person, believed to be involved with Trump, threatens an artist over a nude and unflattering painting of Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Hyperallergetic)
  • 4/12/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the Associated Press, for reporting on a business dispute involving Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 3/27/2016: Trump threatens to sue over getting fewer delegates than Ted Cruz in the Louisiana primary: "Lawsuit coming." A lawsuit was never filed. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 2/26/2016: Trump vows to "open up the libel laws" in order to sue the New York Times and Washington Post. (Politico)
  • 2/16/2016: Trump's lawyers send a letter to Ted Cruz's campaign demanding that they cease airing a television ad quoting Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 2/12/2016: Trump threatens to sue Ted Cruz for "negative ads" and not being a "natural born citizen." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 1/18/2016: Trump threatens the Washington Post for covering Trump's failed Taj Majal casino. "If you write this one, I’m suing you." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 12/4/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a Jeb Bush donor who paid for ads calling Trump a "narcissistic BULLYionaire." Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Miami Herald)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump tweets that if John Kasich "is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!" Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens John Kasich for advertisements run by a pro-Kasich super PAC. Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Politico)
  • 10/29/2015: Trump's companies sue a union over flyers claiming that Trump slept in a union-affiliated hotel during a campaign stop. (Las Vegas Sun)
  • 9/22/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a website selling anti-Trump shirts, StopTrump.us, demanding that its owners confirm that they had "ceased all uses of Mr. Trump's name". Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 9/21/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens Club for Growth for a political ad Trump didn't like. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (NJ.com)
  • 7/27/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the Daily Beast for reporting that Trump's ex-wife once used the word "rape" to describe an incident with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Daily Beast)
  • 7/2/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the National Hispanic Media Coalition for criticizing Trump's "bigoted, racist, anti-Latino rant." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Wrap)
  • 6/30/2015: Trump sues Univision's president for defamation over an Instagram postcomparing Trump's appearance to Dylann Roof. The case was settled. (Deadline.com)
  • 2/29/2014: Trump suggests he'll sue a Twitter user who tricked him into retweeting a photo of two serial killers. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2013: Trump's lawyer threatens satirical newspaper The Onion over article entitled, "When You're Feeling Low, Just Remember I'll Be Dead In About 15 Or 20 Years." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (TODAY)
  • 2/19/2013: Trump threatens an internet campaigner who started an online petition calling on Macy's to part ways with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Business Insider)
  • 2/4/2013: Trump sues Bill Maher over a joke offer to "donate $5 million to charity if Trump provided a copy of his birth certificate proving that he’s not “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.” (Trump dismissed the lawsuit.) (The Hollywood Reporter)
  • 1/31/2013: Trump threatens to teach a rapper "a big boy lesson about lawsuits" over a song called "Donald Trump." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 11/9/2012: Trump suggests "somebody" (apparently David Letterman or the Golf Channel) would sue documentary filmmaker Anthony Baxter over a documentary critical of Trump's golf courses. No lawsuit was filed. (International Business Times)
  • 2012: Trump's lawyers threaten to sue USA Today because columnist Al Neuharth called him a "clown." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 2012: Trump wins an arbitration award against a Miss USA contestant who posted on Facebook that the pageant was "fraudulent," "trashy," and "rigged." The contestant's father says she later settled the case and never paid "a penny," but Trump's lawyer says they "recovered funds." Trump's lawyer later bragged that he had "destroy[ed]" her life. (The Atlantic)
  • 10/26/2011: Trump suggests he might sue MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell after he questioned Trump's net worth. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Atlantic)
  • 2010: Trump University files a counterclaim against a woman who filed a class action lawsuit against Trump University, alleging that the woman libeled Trump University by posting comments about it online. After an appeal over an anti-SLAPP motion, Trump University lost and may owe the woman $800,000 in attorneys' fees. (Media Law Resource Center)
  • 12/16/2007: Trump threatens the Los Angeles Times over an article about Trump University. When asked what was "inaccurate and libelous," Trump replied, "You'll find out in court." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Los Angeles Times)
  • 12/21/2006: Trump threatens Rosie O'Donnell for saying he went bankrupt: "I never went bankrupt, but she said I went bankrupt. So probably I'll sue her because it would be fun. I'd like to take some money out of her fat-ass pockets." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2006: Trump sues author Timothy O'Brien for raising questions about Trump's worth. Trump lost, but later said "I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about." (Washington Post)
  • 1991: Trump's team issues threats over documentary, "Trump: What's the Deal?", deterring broadcasters from airing it. The documentary was later independently released on iTunes. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 1990: Trump uses threat of a defamation lawsuit to demand the termination of an analyst who predicted that Trump's Taj Majal casino would fail. He was fired. The Taj Majal failed. (Sun Sentinel)
  • 1985: Trump sues the Chicago Tribune and architecture critic Paul Gapp over an illustration of a proposed Trump building Gapp described as "an atrocious, ugly monstrosity." Trump lost. (Trump v. Chicago Tribune)
  • 1979: Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett, for reporting on his relationship with city officials. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Village Voice)
  • 12/12/1973: Trump sues the Justice Department for $100,000,000 because the New York Times had reported on the Justice Department's lawsuit alleging that Trump's properties had racially discriminated against black people. Trump lost.
I'm not reading all that. You have a point?
I’ll sum it up for you: Trump is fucked

Funny...my reply was blocked.

I have no idea what in the name of fuck you're trying to say.

How was your reply "blocked"?

It said I didnt have the authority to respond.
Funny that.


And yet, you appear to be responding just fine...

Now I do.
I'll be sure and get a screen shot next time.
It's happened multiple times.
Actually, you would turn this info and link over to the FBI. They have a place on their website for it:
Submit a Tip
Please do it. Please.

Don't like what somebody else says? Find a way to get them in trouble.

Bunch of crybabies.
Trump's rant in the wake of today's FBI raid of Cohen's offices is just Trump being a crybaby. It wasn't even his offices or home that were searched.

When one doesn't like what another says about them, the response is to sue or threaten to sue the speaker for libel (or perhaps slander).

Who is the biggest thin-skinned crybaby I'm aware of? Donald J. Trump, Sr.
  • 01/04/2018 8:58 AM: Trump's lawyers also threaten the author and publisher of a forthcoming book and demand that he apologize to the president. (Carol Leonnig)
  • 01/03/2018 10:35 PM: Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, sends a cease and desist letterto Steve Bannon over "disparaging" comments in a forthcoming book. (ABC News)
  • 10/27/2016 8:30 PM: Trump, asked about the Billy Bush tape, says it was an "illegal act" for NBC to record it, that it was "absolutely" illegal to release the tape, and that "we're going to find out soon enough" whether he will take legal action against NBC. (The Hill)
  • 10/27/2016 11:59 AM: Trump company threat to people, apparently including a 92-year-old widow, responsible for statements made in documentary criticizing a golf course. (The Scotsman)
  • 10/22/2016 12:15 PM: Trump: The media "is trying to poison the minds" of the voters. "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over." (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 1:24 PM: Trump is "preparing a lawsuit" against the New York Times for "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 12:25 AM: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times over an article entitled, "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (McKay Coppins)
  • 10/12/2016: Trump campaign official says the New York Times and "politically-motivated accusers better lawyer up." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 10/2/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times for publishing copies of some of his tax returns. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 9/17/2016: Trump suggests he might sue the New York Times for "irresponsible intent." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 7/18/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens Tony Schwartz, co-author of "The Art of the Deal," over statements he made in an interview with the New Yorker. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (New Yorker)
  • 5/18/2016: Trump says he "will be bringing more libel suits" against unidentified critics, perhaps even "you folks," the Washington Post reporters interviewing him. Trump hasn't filed any lawsuits. (Washington Post)
  • 5/13/2016: Trump threatens Amazon.com and Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, with tax audits if he becomes president, over Washington Post stories critical of Trump. Trump hasn't been elected and can't direct tax audits -- yet. (Vox)
  • 4/27/2016: Trump threatens Daily Beast columnist and author of "The Making of Donald Trump" David Cay Johnston for unknown reasons. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 4/20/2016: Unidentified person, believed to be involved with Trump, threatens an artist over a nude and unflattering painting of Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Hyperallergetic)
  • 4/12/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the Associated Press, for reporting on a business dispute involving Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 3/27/2016: Trump threatens to sue over getting fewer delegates than Ted Cruz in the Louisiana primary: "Lawsuit coming." A lawsuit was never filed. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 2/26/2016: Trump vows to "open up the libel laws" in order to sue the New York Times and Washington Post. (Politico)
  • 2/16/2016: Trump's lawyers send a letter to Ted Cruz's campaign demanding that they cease airing a television ad quoting Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 2/12/2016: Trump threatens to sue Ted Cruz for "negative ads" and not being a "natural born citizen." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 1/18/2016: Trump threatens the Washington Post for covering Trump's failed Taj Majal casino. "If you write this one, I’m suing you." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 12/4/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a Jeb Bush donor who paid for ads calling Trump a "narcissistic BULLYionaire." Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Miami Herald)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump tweets that if John Kasich "is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!" Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens John Kasich for advertisements run by a pro-Kasich super PAC. Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Politico)
  • 10/29/2015: Trump's companies sue a union over flyers claiming that Trump slept in a union-affiliated hotel during a campaign stop. (Las Vegas Sun)
  • 9/22/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a website selling anti-Trump shirts, StopTrump.us, demanding that its owners confirm that they had "ceased all uses of Mr. Trump's name". Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 9/21/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens Club for Growth for a political ad Trump didn't like. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (NJ.com)
  • 7/27/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the Daily Beast for reporting that Trump's ex-wife once used the word "rape" to describe an incident with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Daily Beast)
  • 7/2/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the National Hispanic Media Coalition for criticizing Trump's "bigoted, racist, anti-Latino rant." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Wrap)
  • 6/30/2015: Trump sues Univision's president for defamation over an Instagram postcomparing Trump's appearance to Dylann Roof. The case was settled. (Deadline.com)
  • 2/29/2014: Trump suggests he'll sue a Twitter user who tricked him into retweeting a photo of two serial killers. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2013: Trump's lawyer threatens satirical newspaper The Onion over article entitled, "When You're Feeling Low, Just Remember I'll Be Dead In About 15 Or 20 Years." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (TODAY)
  • 2/19/2013: Trump threatens an internet campaigner who started an online petition calling on Macy's to part ways with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Business Insider)
  • 2/4/2013: Trump sues Bill Maher over a joke offer to "donate $5 million to charity if Trump provided a copy of his birth certificate proving that he’s not “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.” (Trump dismissed the lawsuit.) (The Hollywood Reporter)
  • 1/31/2013: Trump threatens to teach a rapper "a big boy lesson about lawsuits" over a song called "Donald Trump." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 11/9/2012: Trump suggests "somebody" (apparently David Letterman or the Golf Channel) would sue documentary filmmaker Anthony Baxter over a documentary critical of Trump's golf courses. No lawsuit was filed. (International Business Times)
  • 2012: Trump's lawyers threaten to sue USA Today because columnist Al Neuharth called him a "clown." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 2012: Trump wins an arbitration award against a Miss USA contestant who posted on Facebook that the pageant was "fraudulent," "trashy," and "rigged." The contestant's father says she later settled the case and never paid "a penny," but Trump's lawyer says they "recovered funds." Trump's lawyer later bragged that he had "destroy[ed]" her life. (The Atlantic)
  • 10/26/2011: Trump suggests he might sue MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell after he questioned Trump's net worth. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Atlantic)
  • 2010: Trump University files a counterclaim against a woman who filed a class action lawsuit against Trump University, alleging that the woman libeled Trump University by posting comments about it online. After an appeal over an anti-SLAPP motion, Trump University lost and may owe the woman $800,000 in attorneys' fees. (Media Law Resource Center)
  • 12/16/2007: Trump threatens the Los Angeles Times over an article about Trump University. When asked what was "inaccurate and libelous," Trump replied, "You'll find out in court." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Los Angeles Times)
  • 12/21/2006: Trump threatens Rosie O'Donnell for saying he went bankrupt: "I never went bankrupt, but she said I went bankrupt. So probably I'll sue her because it would be fun. I'd like to take some money out of her fat-ass pockets." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2006: Trump sues author Timothy O'Brien for raising questions about Trump's worth. Trump lost, but later said "I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about." (Washington Post)
  • 1991: Trump's team issues threats over documentary, "Trump: What's the Deal?", deterring broadcasters from airing it. The documentary was later independently released on iTunes. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 1990: Trump uses threat of a defamation lawsuit to demand the termination of an analyst who predicted that Trump's Taj Majal casino would fail. He was fired. The Taj Majal failed. (Sun Sentinel)
  • 1985: Trump sues the Chicago Tribune and architecture critic Paul Gapp over an illustration of a proposed Trump building Gapp described as "an atrocious, ugly monstrosity." Trump lost. (Trump v. Chicago Tribune)
  • 1979: Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett, for reporting on his relationship with city officials. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Village Voice)
  • 12/12/1973: Trump sues the Justice Department for $100,000,000 because the New York Times had reported on the Justice Department's lawsuit alleging that Trump's properties had racially discriminated against black people. Trump lost.
I'm not reading all that. You have a point?
It's okay that you don't "read all that." I did't post it for your consumption, for it seems to me you don't make becoming well informed before commenting a habit, so I hardly think you'll start now.
you realize documents pertaining to Cohn's position with the RNC isn't protected by privilege, right? neither is the commission of an ongoing criminal act.... which are explicitly excluded from attorney-client privilege.
Do you believe that the FBI should have obtained these privileged communications if there is no evidence of any ongoing criminal acts?
They aren't privileged if that canon of law is being used to shield criminal acts, hotshot! Stupid, stupid rabbit!

The Judge determined there was PROBABLE CAUSE for the warrants! Insipidly, stupid, stupid rabbit!

we don't know what they are yet. I'm sure they will assert privilege as to some of it. and other aspects won't be subject to privilege whether for ongoing criminal activity, breaking of privilege by other people being privy to the information, etc.

CNN reported that a "clean team" will review all the information to determine what is and is not privileged.
The FBI has to use a PORN STAR to try and find something on Trump........................

You just can't make this shit up...................LOL

Yeah............It's about Russia and the Elections.............


poor nutcase
And the 1st.

How so ? When are they EVER for 1st amendment protection.

The left? Never.
If I had to guess, it’s to do with the payout. Probably used improper funds .

Why would a billionaire use improper funds for a paltry 130k?

because he's a) cheap and b) almost as stupid as his rumpswabs


It’s to hide the paper trail so he can pretend he didn’t know about it. Which is exactly what he is doing .

Money laundering .

Prove it.

I'm pretty sure that's at least part of what they're investigating. why do you think the allegations have to be proven in the middle of the investigation? that said, given the previous indictments, and the things we know they're looking at, it is likely that is exactly what they're closing in on. (along with Cohn's actions with the RNC). Or did you think that they went after manafort for their health?

That's how they got the warrant...............So much for your collusion......

This is them looking at Trump since birth to charge him with a POSSIBLE SHOP LIFTING INCIDENT when he was 9.

Sell your BS to someone else.....................The American people will see it for what it is...............no matter how you try to slice it.........

Again ...........even this guy can see it......
Actually, you would turn this info and link over to the FBI. They have a place on their website for it:
Submit a Tip
Please do it. Please.

Don't like what somebody else says? Find a way to get them in trouble.

Bunch of crybabies.
Trump's rant in the wake of today's FBI raid of Cohen's offices is just Trump being a crybaby. It wasn't even his offices or home that were searched.

When one doesn't like what another says about them, the response is to sue or threaten to sue the speaker for libel (or perhaps slander).

Who is the biggest thin-skinned crybaby I'm aware of? Donald J. Trump, Sr.
  • 01/04/2018 8:58 AM: Trump's lawyers also threaten the author and publisher of a forthcoming book and demand that he apologize to the president. (Carol Leonnig)
  • 01/03/2018 10:35 PM: Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, sends a cease and desist letterto Steve Bannon over "disparaging" comments in a forthcoming book. (ABC News)
  • 10/27/2016 8:30 PM: Trump, asked about the Billy Bush tape, says it was an "illegal act" for NBC to record it, that it was "absolutely" illegal to release the tape, and that "we're going to find out soon enough" whether he will take legal action against NBC. (The Hill)
  • 10/27/2016 11:59 AM: Trump company threat to people, apparently including a 92-year-old widow, responsible for statements made in documentary criticizing a golf course. (The Scotsman)
  • 10/22/2016 12:15 PM: Trump: The media "is trying to poison the minds" of the voters. "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over." (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 1:24 PM: Trump is "preparing a lawsuit" against the New York Times for "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 10/13/2016 12:25 AM: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times over an article entitled, "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (McKay Coppins)
  • 10/12/2016: Trump campaign official says the New York Times and "politically-motivated accusers better lawyer up." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 10/2/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the New York Times for publishing copies of some of his tax returns. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 9/17/2016: Trump suggests he might sue the New York Times for "irresponsible intent." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 7/18/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens Tony Schwartz, co-author of "The Art of the Deal," over statements he made in an interview with the New Yorker. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (New Yorker)
  • 5/18/2016: Trump says he "will be bringing more libel suits" against unidentified critics, perhaps even "you folks," the Washington Post reporters interviewing him. Trump hasn't filed any lawsuits. (Washington Post)
  • 5/13/2016: Trump threatens Amazon.com and Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, with tax audits if he becomes president, over Washington Post stories critical of Trump. Trump hasn't been elected and can't direct tax audits -- yet. (Vox)
  • 4/27/2016: Trump threatens Daily Beast columnist and author of "The Making of Donald Trump" David Cay Johnston for unknown reasons. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Trevor Timm)
  • 4/20/2016: Unidentified person, believed to be involved with Trump, threatens an artist over a nude and unflattering painting of Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Hyperallergetic)
  • 4/12/2016: Trump's lawyer threatens the Associated Press, for reporting on a business dispute involving Trump. Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 3/27/2016: Trump threatens to sue over getting fewer delegates than Ted Cruz in the Louisiana primary: "Lawsuit coming." A lawsuit was never filed. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 2/26/2016: Trump vows to "open up the libel laws" in order to sue the New York Times and Washington Post. (Politico)
  • 2/16/2016: Trump's lawyers send a letter to Ted Cruz's campaign demanding that they cease airing a television ad quoting Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (CNN)
  • 2/12/2016: Trump threatens to sue Ted Cruz for "negative ads" and not being a "natural born citizen." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 1/18/2016: Trump threatens the Washington Post for covering Trump's failed Taj Majal casino. "If you write this one, I’m suing you." Trump hasn't filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 12/4/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a Jeb Bush donor who paid for ads calling Trump a "narcissistic BULLYionaire." Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Miami Herald)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump tweets that if John Kasich "is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!" Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Donald J. Trump)
  • 11/19/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens John Kasich for advertisements run by a pro-Kasich super PAC. Trump didn't file a lawsuit. (Politico)
  • 10/29/2015: Trump's companies sue a union over flyers claiming that Trump slept in a union-affiliated hotel during a campaign stop. (Las Vegas Sun)
  • 9/22/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens a website selling anti-Trump shirts, StopTrump.us, demanding that its owners confirm that they had "ceased all uses of Mr. Trump's name". Trump never filed a lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 9/21/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens Club for Growth for a political ad Trump didn't like. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (NJ.com)
  • 7/27/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the Daily Beast for reporting that Trump's ex-wife once used the word "rape" to describe an incident with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Daily Beast)
  • 7/2/2015: Trump's lawyer threatens the National Hispanic Media Coalition for criticizing Trump's "bigoted, racist, anti-Latino rant." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Wrap)
  • 6/30/2015: Trump sues Univision's president for defamation over an Instagram postcomparing Trump's appearance to Dylann Roof. The case was settled. (Deadline.com)
  • 2/29/2014: Trump suggests he'll sue a Twitter user who tricked him into retweeting a photo of two serial killers. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2013: Trump's lawyer threatens satirical newspaper The Onion over article entitled, "When You're Feeling Low, Just Remember I'll Be Dead In About 15 Or 20 Years." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (TODAY)
  • 2/19/2013: Trump threatens an internet campaigner who started an online petition calling on Macy's to part ways with Trump. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Business Insider)
  • 2/4/2013: Trump sues Bill Maher over a joke offer to "donate $5 million to charity if Trump provided a copy of his birth certificate proving that he’s not “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.” (Trump dismissed the lawsuit.) (The Hollywood Reporter)
  • 1/31/2013: Trump threatens to teach a rapper "a big boy lesson about lawsuits" over a song called "Donald Trump." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Donald Trump)
  • 11/9/2012: Trump suggests "somebody" (apparently David Letterman or the Golf Channel) would sue documentary filmmaker Anthony Baxter over a documentary critical of Trump's golf courses. No lawsuit was filed. (International Business Times)
  • 2012: Trump's lawyers threaten to sue USA Today because columnist Al Neuharth called him a "clown." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 2012: Trump wins an arbitration award against a Miss USA contestant who posted on Facebook that the pageant was "fraudulent," "trashy," and "rigged." The contestant's father says she later settled the case and never paid "a penny," but Trump's lawyer says they "recovered funds." Trump's lawyer later bragged that he had "destroy[ed]" her life. (The Atlantic)
  • 10/26/2011: Trump suggests he might sue MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell after he questioned Trump's net worth. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (The Atlantic)
  • 2010: Trump University files a counterclaim against a woman who filed a class action lawsuit against Trump University, alleging that the woman libeled Trump University by posting comments about it online. After an appeal over an anti-SLAPP motion, Trump University lost and may owe the woman $800,000 in attorneys' fees. (Media Law Resource Center)
  • 12/16/2007: Trump threatens the Los Angeles Times over an article about Trump University. When asked what was "inaccurate and libelous," Trump replied, "You'll find out in court." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Los Angeles Times)
  • 12/21/2006: Trump threatens Rosie O'Donnell for saying he went bankrupt: "I never went bankrupt, but she said I went bankrupt. So probably I'll sue her because it would be fun. I'd like to take some money out of her fat-ass pockets." Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Washington Post)
  • 2006: Trump sues author Timothy O'Brien for raising questions about Trump's worth. Trump lost, but later said "I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I'm happy about." (Washington Post)
  • 1991: Trump's team issues threats over documentary, "Trump: What's the Deal?", deterring broadcasters from airing it. The documentary was later independently released on iTunes. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (USA Today)
  • 1990: Trump uses threat of a defamation lawsuit to demand the termination of an analyst who predicted that Trump's Taj Majal casino would fail. He was fired. The Taj Majal failed. (Sun Sentinel)
  • 1985: Trump sues the Chicago Tribune and architecture critic Paul Gapp over an illustration of a proposed Trump building Gapp described as "an atrocious, ugly monstrosity." Trump lost. (Trump v. Chicago Tribune)
  • 1979: Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett, for reporting on his relationship with city officials. Trump never filed the lawsuit. (Village Voice)
  • 12/12/1973: Trump sues the Justice Department for $100,000,000 because the New York Times had reported on the Justice Department's lawsuit alleging that Trump's properties had racially discriminated against black people. Trump lost.
I'm not reading all that. You have a point?
I’ll sum it up for you: Trump is fucked
One can only hope....
I am completely fed up with This Shit.

This is The 2nd time Mueller has violated Attorney Client Privilege.

I want him fired.

I want Rosenstein, Comey, Page Strozk, Baker, Robyki, Ohr and McCabe to Face a Firing Squad after a Trial by Jury, their right to Due Process and Attorney Client Privilege is preserved.

The FBI has to use a PORN STAR to try and find something on Trump........................

You just can't make this shit up...................LOL

Yeah............It's about Russia and the Elections.............

Per Wiki:

Attorney–client privilege or lawyer–client privilege is a "client's right privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent any other person from disclosing confidential communications between the client and the attorney."[1]

The attorney–client privilege is one of the oldest recognized privileges for confidential communications.[2] The United States Supreme Court has stated that by assuring confidentiality, the privilege encourages clients to make "full and frank" disclosures to their attorneys, who are then better able to provide candid advice and effective representation.[3]

Attorney–client privilege - Wikipedia

They said if I voted for Trump our Constitutional Rights would be violated. And they were right!

Scroll a little farther down in your wikipedia article.

Attorney–client privilege - Wikipedia

Please see post # 414....
If there really is dirt on Trump showing criminal activity that was properly obtain, I don't give a fuck about him. Hang his ass.

(Note to our resident threat monitors, "hang his ass" means prosecute and sentence him. It's not a threat against a public official, you asshurt little twats.).
If Trump fires Mueller he’s admiting he’s guilty of so many things.
Even if he fires Mueller, personal info of Trump’s personal affairs will be in the hands of the FBI and Mueller.
Note to deplorables: You knew you voted for a career criminal. You knew Trump had something to hide when he refused to release his tax returns.
Now EVENTUALLY, the whole world will know of all of Trump’s illegal and obscene business.
I am completely fed up with This Shit.

This is The 2nd time Mueller has violated Attorney Client Privilege.

I want him fired.

I want Rosenstein, Comey, Page Strozk, Baker, Robyki, Ohr and McCabe to Face a Firing Squad after a Trial by Jury, their right to Due Process and Attorney Client Privilege is preserved.

The FBI has to use a PORN STAR to try and find something on Trump........................

You just can't make this shit up...................LOL

Yeah............It's about Russia and the Elections.............


Gee, what happened to you righties being all pro law enforcement all the time ?

I am completely fed up with This Shit.

This is The 2nd time Mueller has violated Attorney Client Privilege.

I want him fired.

I want Rosenstein, Comey, Page Strozk, Baker, Robyki, Ohr and McCabe to Face a Firing Squad after a Trial by Jury, their right to Due Process and Attorney Client Privilege is preserved.

The FBI has to use a PORN STAR to try and find something on Trump........................

You just can't make this shit up...................LOL

Yeah............It's about Russia and the Elections.............

They are way out of bounds here..........claiming they uncovered a possible crime during discovery.........a PORN STAR...........and now they get everything from his office................And if they find anything.............uncovered a possible crime during discovery.

Wash, Rinse, Spin, and dry...........REPEAT.........................
Why would a billionaire use improper funds for a paltry 130k?

Is Michael Cohen a billionaire?

So Trump didnt pay the bimbo?
If thats the case you have nothing.
Trumps lawyer refinanced his home and used the money to pay her. I seriously doubt he was honest with the bank about that. And I see no connection to Trump.

All speculation of course.

He could very well have paid stormy and asked Trump for a reimbursement and told him it was in his best interest not to question why.

Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.
The exception to the rule is communications in furtherance of a crime. Again, the privilege belongs to the client, not the lawyer.

Where is the ACLU??? They should be blowing up right now.

The raids were conducted with court approval. Why would the ACLU go after a lawful act?

Also, trump said he heard about it like we did, on cable news. That is a lie......ANYONE SHOCKED?

Then he goes off on Hillary....WHAT A FRIGIN DUNCE!

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