Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

He could very well have paid stormy and asked Trump for a reimbursement and told him it was in his best interest not to question why.

Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.
When your wrestling in the mud..........the rules suddenly go out the door.........I agree............

So Cohen sleeps with pigs?
No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.
Patriotic Republicans should join Democrats in protecting Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein from being diminished or fired.
Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.
When your wrestling in the mud..........the rules suddenly go out the door.........I agree............

So Cohen sleeps with pigs?
No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.
Sure...............you have selective memory.............

especially on the LAW...................

Because you believe.................

Your whole Russia deal........is now a PORN STAR MIGHT HAVE BEEN THREATENED.................

That's why I'm making fun of you...............Quite frankly......I wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire now.
you realize documents pertaining to Cohn's position with the RNC isn't protected by privilege, right? neither is the commission of an ongoing criminal act.... which are explicitly excluded from attorney-client privilege.
Do you believe that the FBI should have obtained these privileged communications if there is no evidence of any ongoing criminal acts?
They aren't privileged if that canon of law is being used to shield criminal acts, hotshot! Stupid, stupid rabbit!

The Judge determined there was PROBABLE CAUSE for the warrants! Insipidly, stupid, stupid rabbit!

we don't know what they are yet. I'm sure they will assert privilege as to some of it. and other aspects won't be subject to privilege whether for ongoing criminal activity, breaking of privilege by other people being privy to the information, etc.

CNN reported that a "clean team" will review all the information to determine what is and is not privileged.
Actually, the final decision of what is and is not privileged rests with a judge, not a "clean team."

As noted before, attorney-client privilege when one is the attorney isn't relevant when one's own actions are the one's considered to be criminal. It also isn't enforceable when the communications/actions of the client makes them pursuant to committing a crime.
Insofar as it appears that Cohen, not Trump, is the subject of the search, whatever attorney-client privilege that would be applicable would be content held at Cohen's lawyers' offices.

Paul Manafort is an attorney. Attorney-client privilege played no role in limiting what the FBI could use to build a case against him because he, not his client(s), was the target of the search of his home. The raid of Cohen's offices is much the same.
Funny...my reply was blocked.

I have no idea what in the name of fuck you're trying to say.

How was your reply "blocked"?

It said I didnt have the authority to respond.
Funny that.


And yet, you appear to be responding just fine...

Now I do.
I'll be sure and get a screen shot next time.
It's happened multiple times.

As someone pointed out, it was likely because you attempted to post just as the threads were being merged.

But don't let that stand in the way of your paranoid victimhood.

If you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd have seen I already acknowledged that possibility.
The ACLU should be blowing up right now.


Fuck Trump. I don't give a fuck about Trump.

My issue is that the attorney-client privilege apparently is no longer applicable.

My issue is that the attorney-client privilege apparently is no longer applicable.

Your issue is you talk without thinking.

Perhaps you should find out under what circumstances federal prosecutors take actions like this.

Your own link alluded to the extraordinary circumstances in which a warrant is applied.

"The search is an aggressive move for the Justice Department, which normally relies on grand jury subpoenas to obtain records from people who are represented by lawyers and are cooperating with authorities. Search warrants are more often used in cases in which prosecutors do not trust people to preserve or turn over the records themselves. Justice Department rules require prosecutors to first consider less intrusive alternatives before seeking records from lawyers."
you realize documents pertaining to Cohn's position with the RNC isn't protected by privilege, right? neither is the commission of an ongoing criminal act.... which are explicitly excluded from attorney-client privilege.
Do you believe that the FBI should have obtained these privileged communications if there is no evidence of any ongoing criminal acts?
They aren't privileged if that canon of law is being used to shield criminal acts, hotshot! Stupid, stupid rabbit!

The Judge determined there was PROBABLE CAUSE for the warrants! Insipidly, stupid, stupid rabbit!

we don't know what they are yet. I'm sure they will assert privilege as to some of it. and other aspects won't be subject to privilege whether for ongoing criminal activity, breaking of privilege by other people being privy to the information, etc.

CNN reported that a "clean team" will review all the information to determine what is and is not privileged.
Actually, the final decision of what is and is not privileged rests with a judge, not a "clean team."

As noted before, attorney-client privilege when one is the attorney isn't relevant when one's own actions are the one's considered to be criminal. It also isn't enforceable when the communications/actions of the client makes them pursuant to committing a crime.
Insofar as it appears that Cohen, not Trump, is the subject of the search, whatever attorney-client privilege that would be applicable would be content held at Cohen's lawyers' offices.

Paul Manafort is an attorney. Attorney-client privilege played no role in limiting what the FBI could use to build a case against him because he, not his client(s), was the target of the search of his home. The raid of Cohen's offices is much the same.
Manafort communications with his attorneys would if appropriate be covered by attorney/client privilege. I don’t believe he’s asserted any such privilege though
Cohen broke several laws on campaign financing, and ethics rules for lawyer/clients...

But the judge approving the search warrant had to have something in hand that made him believe a crime was committed, and the search warrant would bring solid evidence to prove such and it was necessary, for him to approve a search warrant on the president's lawyer....

Mueller passed it on to New York's southern district because it is not related to the Russia investigation or the president, as far as I can tell....

I believe it is also related to Trump.

The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, from the OP I'm sorry if that disappoints you. :itsok:
Last edited:
Get your Great Douche wets ITS pants doll here.

Just buy them to give to friends. The Douche Golden Shower in his PANTS!


The Douche really rage today on national Tee Vee. LOL! What a Stupid LOSER the Orange Clown is.

The THREE Raids at this level means there is REAL evidence of crimes here DOPers!
Former Assistant FBI Director for Counter Intelligence on Chris Hayes right now: This was weeks in the making. There’s an incredible amount evidence they must have by now. Michael Cohen and Donald Trump are in big trouble.
Trump is in full meltdown, responding with ridiculous lies:

‘Trump slammed the FBI raid on his personal attorney Michael Cohen's office and hotel room as a "disgraceful situation" and "an attack on our country."

"I just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys. Good man. And it's a disgraceful situation. It's a total witch hunt," Trump said Monday, referring to a lawful FBI raid.

"It's an attack on our country," Trump said. "It's an attack on what we all stand for."

The President also criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the special counsel investigation, saying, "the attorney general made a terrible mistake."’

Trump slams FBI for raid of his personal attorney's office - CNNPolitics

No one ‘broke into’ anything – the search was authorized by a warrant; that’s also why it’s a lie to claim the investigation is a ‘witch hunt.’

And the search is not "an attack on our country." Neither Trump nor his personal lawyer constitutes ‘the country.’

Trump needs to stop whining about a perfectly appropriate and legal investigation, he has only himself to blame.
I am completely fed up with This Shit.

This is The 2nd time Mueller has violated Attorney Client Privilege.

I want him fired.

I want Rosenstein, Comey, Page Strozk, Baker, Robyki, Ohr and McCabe to Face a Firing Squad after a Trial by Jury, their right to Due Process and Attorney Client Privilege is preserved.

The FBI has to use a PORN STAR to try and find something on Trump........................

You just can't make this shit up...................LOL

Yeah............It's about Russia and the Elections.............


Funny. Trump's Republican U.S. Attorney nominee for SDNY signed off on the raids.

Yes - true - when you're a Republican there are much higher standards. Illegal activity by Democrats is to be expected but not Republicans - they are of much higher caliber and are expected to remain as such.

Now, THAT'S hilarious. A higher standard for the GOP is when they don't lie us into a war so I guess you're right. Selling out to the enemy is also a higher standard? What I find most amusing is that the raid was signed off on by one of the few US Attorney's that Trump interviewed personally. I guess not everybody who speaks to Trump is automatically corrupted. That's a positive. And, in the complete absence of checks on power by congress, we must rely on institutions like the fourth estate and the parts of the Justice dept which have not yet been fired or pledged loyalty to the Don (pun Intended). This is further evidence that those two entities have been hard at work and that absolute power failed in the absolute corruption of our system. Thank goodness.
Cohen broke several laws on campaign financing, and ethics rules for lawyer/clients...

But the judge approving the search warrant had to have something in hand that made him believe a crime was committed, and the search warrant would bring solid evidence to prove such and it was necessary, for him to approve a search warrant on the president's lawyer....

Mueller passed it on to New York's southern district because it is not related to the Russia investigation or the president, as far as I can tell....

I believe it is also related to Trump.

The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, from your own OP I'm sorry if that disappoints you. :itsok:
You don’t know shit. You’re just pissing in the wind.
Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.
When your wrestling in the mud..........the rules suddenly go out the door.........I agree............

So Cohen sleeps with pigs?
No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

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