Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Sean Hannity dismisses FBI raid of Trump attorney Michael Cohen's office: "No limit at all into the fishing expedition that Mueller is now engaged in" https://t.co/hdB1MsqPiM


If Mueller is not dead bang right on this, it is a career killer. Now that Stormy Daniels is bearing it all for Penthouse and answering questions, conveniently not under oath, she may sink his investigation right out of her box.

What all is Stormy “bearing” for Penthouse, a child. Or did you mean “baring it all”?
This time its different!!!


What do you mean “This time”? There is no “This time”. There’s only ever had been one FBI Russia Investigation and this is a part of it. Cohen had tax and other financial records on Trump. Mueller wanted them.

Stone by stone, brick by brick, Mueller is building his case. Every filing reveals more of the case. Just like he did with the Gambino Crime Family.

MmmmHmmmm. Sure he is.

No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Yep. That's because you hate everything America stands for.

I'm not the one cheering illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for votes.

No, you're the one hoping that the President kills his political opponents - including me, apparently.

Just because I disagreed with you on a message board.

I hope ya get run over by a garbage truck. Along with all you leftist trash.
"Given how sloppy Cohen is, I’d imagine he believed attorney-client privilege would keep all his documentation of Trump’s wrongdoings under wraps… I see why they’re so scared of Mueller."
Attorney-client privilege will prevent prosecutors from using those specific documents (ie., versions of them obtained from Cohen in the raid) in a case against Cohen or his client(s). It won't, however, prevent investigators from using those documents to identify other sources from which the same information can be obtained and then going to those sources to obtain it.

You have no concept of what you are talking about. That is normal.
As someone pointed out, it was likely because you attempted to post just as the threads were being merged.

But don't let that stand in the way of your paranoid victimhood.

If you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd have seen I already acknowledged that possibility.

Only after milking your of victimhood as far as you could.

Once more in english please.

You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Ya stupid fuck.
I've already acknowledged that I could be wrong.


You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.
so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
Time for the gloves to
Come Off.

Mueller is guilty of Criminal Prosecutorial Misconduct and this is the Second time he has violated Attorney Client Privilege

Fuck them and him and their False Affidavits and Phoney FISA Warrants and Illegal Search and Seizures.

So Trump didnt pay the bimbo?
If thats the case you have nothing.
Trumps lawyer refinanced his home and used the money to pay her. I seriously doubt he was honest with the bank about that. And I see no connection to Trump.

All speculation of course.

He could very well have paid stormy and asked Trump for a reimbursement and told him it was in his best interest not to question why.

Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.

Its not Mueller you need to worry about, its the people in the DC swamp pulling his puppet strings.
If you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd have seen I already acknowledged that possibility.

Only after milking your of victimhood as far as you could.

Once more in english please.

You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Ya stupid fuck.
I've already acknowledged that I could be wrong.


You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.

Go play on the freeway....

You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Yep. That's because you hate everything America stands for.

I'm not the one cheering illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for votes.

No, you're the one hoping that the President kills his political opponents - including me, apparently.

Just because I disagreed with you on a message board.

I hope ya get run over by a garbage truck. Along with all you leftist trash.
Petrified deplorable afraid Mueller is getting too close to the truth about his fuhrer.
So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.
When your wrestling in the mud..........the rules suddenly go out the door.........I agree............

So Cohen sleeps with pigs?
No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Me too. It would speed up his impeachment.
I was willing to let This Farce Fo On until it exhausted itself because 6 different investigations exonerated The President.

Now I am just straight up pissed!

Fuck These Marxist Leftist Traitors

A Civil War is coming.

Mark my words!

I am completely fed up with This Shit.

This is The 2nd time Mueller has violated Attorney Client Privilege.

I want him fired.

I want Rosenstein, Comey, Page Strozk, Baker, Robyki, Ohr and McCabe to Face a Firing Squad after a Trial by Jury, their right to Due Process and Attorney Client Privilege is preserved.
They are way out of bounds here..........claiming they uncovered a possible crime during discovery.........a PORN STAR...........and now they get everything from his office................And if they find anything.............uncovered a possible crime during discovery.

Wash, Rinse, Spin, and dry...........REPEAT.........................
I see u have no respect for the law. A judge saw the evidence and gave the ok for the raid.
Civil war?
There’s only 36% of you assholes.
We have the army Air Force and marines on our side in addition to 64% of America. Bring it on.

You had better be careful Reasonable, the rotting root once claimed to have done wet work for the USA on another board a few years ago. This is a warning be careful if could be dangerous for you! Just sayin!
The Rotting Tree is a deplorable thus a bald faced liar. But thanks for the tip.

Oh don't I know, but it is what makes it so fun!

You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Yep. That's because you hate everything America stands for.

I'm not the one cheering illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for votes.

No, you're the one hoping that the President kills his political opponents - including me, apparently.

Just because I disagreed with you on a message board.

I hope ya get run over by a garbage truck. Along with all you leftist trash.

Exactly. You hate me so much for daring to disagree with you, that you want me to die.

That's a perfect example of why you're an anti-American.
At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Yep. That's because you hate everything America stands for.

I'm not the one cheering illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for votes.

No, you're the one hoping that the President kills his political opponents - including me, apparently.

Just because I disagreed with you on a message board.

I hope ya get run over by a garbage truck. Along with all you leftist trash.
Petrified deplorable afraid Mueller is getting too close to the truth about his fuhrer.

Not at all.
This is going to bite you morons in the ass just like all your other attempts at a coup.
Time for the gloves to
Come Off.

Mueller is guilty of Criminal Prosecutorial Misconduct and this is the Second time he has violated Attorney Client Privilege

Fuck them and him and their False Affidavits and Phoney FISA Warrants and Illegal Search and Seizures.

Trumps lawyer refinanced his home and used the money to pay her. I seriously doubt he was honest with the bank about that. And I see no connection to Trump.

All speculation of course.

He could very well have paid stormy and asked Trump for a reimbursement and told him it was in his best interest not to question why.

Here's how Trump works:
He's like any mob boss. He has his made guys do things for him so his name doesn't appear on a document, or a bank transfer, or a check, or a newly formed LLC. He has his goons do things in THEIR names, so his name isn't found anywhere on anything. But Mueller has connected the dots, just like he's done with the mob bosses he's busted in the past.
This is one of Mueller's big busts:
Big Mob Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy

So now you're against political chicanery?
As far as I'm concerned Trump can use every dirty trick in the book to fuck over the establishment.
It's not like they havent done the same to him.

Its not Mueller you need to worry about, its the people in the DC swamp pulling his puppet strings.
Trump has expanded and stocked the swamp with alligators while you’ve been kissing his ass.
Only after milking your of victimhood as far as you could.

Once more in english please.

You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Ya stupid fuck.
I've already acknowledged that I could be wrong.


You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.

Go play on the freeway....


I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.
Trump is in full meltdown, responding with ridiculous lies:

‘Trump slammed the FBI raid on his personal attorney Michael Cohen's office and hotel room as a "disgraceful situation" and "an attack on our country."

"I just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys. Good man. And it's a disgraceful situation. It's a total witch hunt," Trump said Monday, referring to a lawful FBI raid.

"It's an attack on our country," Trump said. "It's an attack on what we all stand for."

The President also criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the special counsel investigation, saying, "the attorney general made a terrible mistake."’

Trump slams FBI for raid of his personal attorney's office - CNNPolitics

No one ‘broke into’ anything – the search was authorized by a warrant; that’s also why it’s a lie to claim the investigation is a ‘witch hunt.’

And the search is not "an attack on our country." Neither Trump nor his personal lawyer constitutes ‘the country.’

Trump needs to stop whining about a perfectly appropriate and legal investigation, he has only himself to blame.
Trump needs to stop whining about a perfectly appropriate and legal investigation, he has only himself to blame.
His response is typical. Trump views criminal investigations as political tools not as part of the politically impartial laying of the law. And he thinks that in spite of the fact that everyone at the top of the DoJ and FBI was appointed by him and are Republicans.
When your wrestling in the mud..........the rules suddenly go out the door.........I agree............

So Cohen sleeps with pigs?
No...............your people are digging in a mud pit and slinging shit.........

You have no ethics...........You have no morals.........you are pigs..........yeah......I like that.......oink oink.


You guys really aren't in a position to talk about ethics and morals.

But carry on.

At this point I hope Trump goes flat out taliban on your ass.

Me too. It would speed up his impeachment.

Hold on to your dream girl!
so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.

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