Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Trump hired Wilbur Ross as his Commerce Sec. who has a previous job as running the Bank in Cyprus.. which just happens to be where Putin launders his money.
Just another coinky dinky right?
All roads lead to Russia in this administration.
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
too late for that evil soul ....it's just too late for Killary
It's paytime for her..... It's Karma knocking at her door....

CNN Politics @CNNPolitics

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara says the FBI raids of Michael Cohen's office and hotel room were done by officials who were all "handpicked" by President Trump https://cnn.it/2qm4JiD

9:47 PM - Apr 9, 2018
Indeed. All the people nitwits like Brit- fart rails against were handpicked by Trump. Ha
No they weren't, dumbfuck.
Mueller went a Bridge Too Far.......no doubt there will be repercussions from the innocents whose rights he violated. Beginning of the end
Surely, this is the move that will end the Trump presidency.

Please, God!!! Let this FINALLY be the straw that broke the billion dollar camel's back. Please.
they will only be allowed to get Trump and cohen communications that involve the crime the search warrant covers, all else stays confidential....this is why there is what they call a ''clean team'' that weeds out what is confidential and what involves a crime....
It's all confidential, you fucking moron.

It's about privilege.., they have taken privileged information.
And there is a PROCEDURE for it.....whatever is seized is done so through a team that is NOT involved in any way with the prosecution, a "clean team", and the "clean team" filters out only what the search warrant is looking for that involves the crime they got the raid search warrant for....all other privileged information will be sorted out, and no one from the prosecuting team will ever see it through this very strict process with a multitude of checks and balances.
If it's communication between Trump and his lawer, it doesn't matter whether it's listed in the search warrant, you fucking dumbass. That information is privileged.
Moron still doesn’t understand no man is above the law.
Cept Trump, right?

The law doesn't allow law enforcement to obtain privilege attorney-client communications, you fucking dumbass.
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of President Trump, is under federal investigation for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case.

FBI agents on Monday raided Cohen’s Manhattan office, home and hotel room as part of the investigation, seizing records about Cohen’s clients and personal finances. Among the records taken were those related to a 2016 payment Cohen made to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a fourth person familiar with the investigation.

Investigators took Cohen’s computer, phone and personal financial records, including tax returns, as part of the search of his office at Rockefeller Center, that person said.

In a dramatic and broad seizure, federal prosecutors collected communications between Cohen and his clients — including those between the lawyer and Trump, according to both people.

The raids — part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York — point to escalating legal jeopardy for a longtime Trump confidant who is deeply intertwined in the president’s business and personal matters.
Though Mueller was empowered to investigate Russians? Did not know he was charged with investigating possible sexual peccadillos from over 10 years ago? Next up I guess is looking into how Trump pays his credit card bills?
Cohen was his lawyer during the treason, dummy. I doubt Mueller will care at all about the Stormy business
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
^ says the guy who has endorsed what is basically Nazi ideology

When did I do that?
If it's communication between Trump and his lawer, it doesn't matter whether it's listed in the search warrant, you fucking dumbass. That information is privileged.

1. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York secured the search warrants for the FBI, based on a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office and likely approved by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. That means that U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman in New York — who was appointed by President Trump and personally interviewed by him — considered the case serious enough to issue a search warrant.

2. A search warrant of an attorney’s office for personal communications with his clients is extremely rare. The U.S. Attorney’s Manual says prosecutors “are expected to take the least intrusive approach consistent with vigorous and effective law enforcement when evidence is sought from an attorney actively engaged in the practice of law.” If a FBI raid is the “least intrusive,” one can only imagine the seriousness of the crimes.

3. A federal magistrate judge had to review the request for a search warrant and apparently also found probable cause that Cohen’s office contained evidence of a specified federal crime.

All of this adds considerable legitimacy of the law enforcement action today against Cohen.
All of this adds considerable legitimacy of the law enforcement action today against Cohen.
In other words, Trump is going to jail for 900 years. Am I right?
Though Mueller was empowered to investigate Russians? Did not know he was charged with investigating possible sexual peccadillos from over 10 years ago? Next up I guess is looking into how Trump pays his credit card bills?
Cohen was his lawyer during the treason, dummy. I doubt Mueller will care at all about the Stormy business
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
^ says the guy who has endorsed what is basically Nazi ideology
Dipshit also has said,” Fact checks are fake news”
Pure Nazi Gobbels stuff.
ROFL! That is "Nazi Gobbels stuff?" You are such a preposterous dumbass.
It's about privilege.., they have taken privileged information.
You mean evidence of crimes. Funny you want your criminal president to walk.
Why is that?

What crime has been committed, Oh delusional one?

Lemme guess, you didn't realize when the last president committed treason for real, or anything like that, amirite?
Obama’s biggest scandal was chewing gum in public. You righties went crazy over that one.
Mueller had to offer evidence of crimes committed in order to get that warrant for the raid. I know you’re fact challenged but try to keep up.

Obama should swing from a rope for being a traitor.
Only in your KKK world, punk.
We all know this administration is knee deep in corruption from Scott Pruit to Trump.
Everything you and your ilk "know" is wrong.
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of President Trump, is under federal investigation for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case.

FBI agents on Monday raided Cohen’s Manhattan office, home and hotel room as part of the investigation, seizing records about Cohen’s clients and personal finances. Among the records taken were those related to a 2016 payment Cohen made to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a fourth person familiar with the investigation.

Investigators took Cohen’s computer, phone and personal financial records, including tax returns, as part of the search of his office at Rockefeller Center, that person said.

In a dramatic and broad seizure, federal prosecutors collected communications between Cohen and his clients — including those between the lawyer and Trump, according to both people.

The raids — part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York — point to escalating legal jeopardy for a longtime Trump confidant who is deeply intertwined in the president’s business and personal matters.
Obviously an illegal search and siezure.
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of President Trump, is under federal investigation for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case.

FBI agents on Monday raided Cohen’s Manhattan office, home and hotel room as part of the investigation, seizing records about Cohen’s clients and personal finances. Among the records taken were those related to a 2016 payment Cohen made to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a fourth person familiar with the investigation.

Investigators took Cohen’s computer, phone and personal financial records, including tax returns, as part of the search of his office at Rockefeller Center, that person said.

In a dramatic and broad seizure, federal prosecutors collected communications between Cohen and his clients — including those between the lawyer and Trump, according to both people.

The raids — part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York — point to escalating legal jeopardy for a longtime Trump confidant who is deeply intertwined in the president’s business and personal matters.
Obviously an illegal search and siezure.
Moron thinks he knows more than the judge.
This must be the RW media’s talking point.
And you come spreading it here.
Go play on the freeway....


I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.

My bank stocks have more than tripled and my 401k is going sky high.
We havent seen this level of American exceptionalism in decades.

And as you can see my life sucks....
Retired at 46 seven years ago and still have shitloads of disposable income.

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Nothing you morons can do to make me suffer in anyway.
Although I can get pissed at your attacks on my Country.

Dels laughing to keep from crying....

no, i'm laughing because you're clearly a fuckwit.

post some more photos

they're especially hilarious :thup:

This idiot hack got so mentally abused by today's news, that the fool started posting personal pics displaying his "wealth". For what purpose? I dunno.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

I'm just showing how much smarter I am than you rubes.
Keep preaching your bullshit,the rest of us know better.
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
^ says the guy who has endorsed what is basically Nazi ideology
Dipshit also has said,” Fact checks are fake news”
Pure Nazi Gobbels stuff.
ROFL! That is "Nazi Gobbels stuff?" You are such a preposterous dumbass.
Says naziboi who thinks factxchecks are fake news and believes trump’s lies. All of them.
I don't think it. I know it. Factcheck sites owned my communist foundations are fake news.
You see communists under your bed in your trailer park.
Fact check .org was founded by Walter Annerberg, R. Reagan’s best friend.
Caught in another lie. Ha!
It's all confidential, you fucking moron.

It's about privilege.., they have taken privileged information.
You mean evidence of crimes. Funny you want your criminal president to walk.
Why is that?

What crime has been committed, Oh delusional one?

Lemme guess, you didn't realize when the last president committed treason for real, or anything like that, amirite?
Obama’s biggest scandal was chewing gum in public. You righties went crazy over that one.
Mueller had to offer evidence of crimes committed in order to get that warrant for the raid. I know you’re fact challenged but try to keep up.

Obama should swing from a rope for being a traitor.
Right Obama is a traitor and Trump has done nothing corrupt whatsoever. How dumb are you?
Mean while National Guards are headed to the border.............and U.S. military bases are setting up tent cities.........to detain illegals until trial.

Catch and Release program is over.
Border crossings have dwindled to a minuscule level, yet your fuhrer is wasting money sending the Guard to the border.
Because of pleasing Ann Coulter who said she’s done with Trump if he doesn’t build a wall.
Ha ha ha
Under the last 2 Presidents they used catch and release protocol..............then used those caught as data of how strong they are on securing our borders........

But they just kept letting them.go...............border security has been a joke............and we'll get to see how many the catch now as tent cities fill up.
Hey dumbshit: border crossings went down the last 4 years of Obama’s presidency.
More people were leaving than coming in.
Trump lied to you.
Fox lies to you.
And you bent over and took it.
He's still taking it up the behind from the Russian-bitch-in-Chief, and liking it.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
^ says the guy who has endorsed what is basically Nazi ideology
Dipshit also has said,” Fact checks are fake news”
Pure Nazi Gobbels stuff.
ROFL! That is "Nazi Gobbels stuff?" You are such a preposterous dumbass.
Says naziboi who thinks factxchecks are fake news and believes trump’s lies. All of them.
I don't think it. I know it. Factcheck sites owned my communist foundations are fake news.
You see communists under your bed in your trailer park.
Fact check .org was founded by Walter Annerberg, R. Reagan’s best friend.
Caught in another lie. Ha!
Walter is dead. His family runs it now, and they are a bunch of fucking commies. They hired the terrorist Bill Ayers and Obama. That alone is proof that they are a bunch of commies.

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