Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Highlighted in yellow below ...M Cohen

Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
Moire stupid eh Zombie Gimp
The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Michael "Coffee tea or me " Cohen

Miss Piggy Huckleberry Sanders must think liars can get into heaven.

Well, you know Southern Baptist Evangelicals know they just have to be saved and Healed, no matter what they do!

Haven’t you heard, Trump was converted? All them Preachers prayed over him in the Oval Office!

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

This could be his "Nixon" moment....

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

4 year old temper tantrum? Why am I not impressed?
Highlighted in yellow below ...M Cohen

Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
Moire stupid eh Zombie Gimp
The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Michael "Coffee tea or me " Cohen

Miss Piggy Huckleberry Sanders must think liars can get into heaven.

Well, you know Southern Baptist Evangelicals know they just have to be saved and Healed, no matter what they do!

Haven’t you heard, Trump was converted? All them Preachers prayed over him in the Oval Office!

Trump has "binders full" of Mulligans to forgive the "binders full of women" he has sexually assaulted over the years.... me I can't get a Mulligan for leaving the toilet seat up ...you kidding me....

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

4 year old temper tantrum? Why am I not impressed?
observe his body language...definitely a defensive position . His arms around himself circling the wagons...realizing that "things got real" on him dramatically...he not only surrounds himself with his own arms . he brings Mike Pence and Generals and National Security advisors to surround him and project solidarity with him rather than the System of Law which he proceeded to attack as they sat stunned and ashen ...

Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.
They didn't need proof of a crime to create the special council.
What makes you think a simple thing like not having probable-cause is going to stop these criminals from abusing the president's constitutional rights?

Hillary knowingly destroyed evidence and obstructed justice, but Trump has been fully cooperating with this investigation, and yet you feel he's guilty because nothing has been found yet and he says that it's a witch hunt.
Obviously you don't know or care what is real and what is imaginary.
Trump ranting that AG Sessions should not have recused himself is proof Sessions has more integrity than Trump. And I do not admire Sessions.

He knew he was involved so if Trump fires him, Sessions will have a shred of integrity left for following the law.

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

This could be his "Nixon" moment....
I love it that trump has had such a shitty time being president

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

4 year old temper tantrum? Why am I not impressed?
observe his body language...definitely a defensive position . His arms around himself circling the wagons...realizing that "things got real" on him dramatically...he not only surrounds himself with his own arms . he brings Mike Pence and Generals and National Security advisors to surround him and project solidarity with him rather than the System of Law which he proceeded to attack as they sat stunned and ashen ...

Defensive posture. Arms crossed to protect.

Peggy Noonan just said,” Trump was spinning out of control and would have to be talked down in a few days with his attack on the Country remark!” Too funny.

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

This could be his "Nixon" moment....
I love it that trump has had such a shitty time being president
Appropriate given he’s a shit stain of a president.
Trump ranting that AG Sessions should not have recused himself is proof Sessions has more integrity than Trump. And I do not admire Sessions.

He knew he was involved so if Trump fires him, Sessions will have a shred of integrity left for following the law.
Nope.....everyone in the WH feels Sessions fucked Trump.
Sessions never should have accepted the appointment, and thus none of this would even be happening in the first place.
Now Russian Collusion isn't even part of the investigation.
Now they're trying to prove bank fraud over a payment to a porn star.

Never mind all of the evidence that keeps slapping everyone in the face over Obama's crimes and Hillary's clear obstruction.
The DoJ refuses to turn over documents to Congress.
Obviously they are obstructing an investigation.

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.

This could be his "Nixon" moment....
I love it that trump has had such a shitty time being president
Appropriate given he’s a shit stain of a president.
Yet Hillary is worse.
Bet you're glad she didn't get elected.
What a nasty woman.
Shit, even Bernie turned out to be a crook.
The Deep State has been trying to overturn the 2016 election results since the results came in on November 8th....
This is just one more attempt.
Oh, that’s the best part of this — when the Republicans are done eating their own, all that will remain standing are Democrats.

The Deep State has been trying to overturn the 2016 election results since the results came in on November 8th....
This is just one more attempt.
Nah. You guys kept trying to catch obama in a lie or breaking the law but you never did.

We’re trying and we’re just a little more successful because trumps an actual criminal.

Remember going after Clinton over a lousy blowjob? Yea? Well then fuck you winery baby
Trump ranting that AG Sessions should not have recused himself is proof Sessions has more integrity than Trump. And I do not admire Sessions.

He knew he was involved so if Trump fires him, Sessions will have a shred of integrity left for following the law.
Nope.....everyone in the WH feels Sessions fucked Trump.
Sessions never should have accepted the appointment, and thus none of this would even be happening in the first place.
Now Russian Collusion isn't even part of the investigation.
Now they're trying to prove bank fraud over a payment to a porn star.

Never mind all of the evidence that keeps slapping everyone in the face over Obama's crimes and Hillary's clear obstruction.
The DoJ refuses to turn over documents to Congress.
Obviously they are obstructing an investigation.

Old news, nothing there, just the desperate last gasps of a few Republicans.

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