Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Not only is The Swamp attacking our democracy, they now have attacked Attorney Client Privilege, the basis of the right of citizens to address state prosecution. VERY SAD!

It is ironic that Swamp Rat Rosenstine signed off on this unconstitutional act, yet hides documents from Congressional oversight committees to protect the conspiracy he is part off to attack our democracy!

The privilege doesn't apply when your lawyer was an accomplice to a crime.

An illegal payment was made to Daniels for her silence. Cohen facilitated that payment.
The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Highlighted in yellow below ...M Cohen

Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
Not only is The Swamp attacking our democracy, they now have attacked Attorney Client Privilege, the basis of the right of citizens to address state prosecution. VERY SAD!

It is ironic that Swamp Rat Rosenstine signed off on this unconstitutional act, yet hides documents from Congressional oversight committees to protect the conspiracy he is part off to attack our democracy!

The privilege doesn't apply when your lawyer was an accomplice to a crime.

An illegal payment was made to Daniels for her silence. Cohen facilitated that payment.
How was it illegal?
Bank fraud. Cohen lied to the bank at least 3 times, according to Attorneys.

When he borrowed the money on his house, when he set up a company, then what he did with the money.
The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Michael "Coffee tea or me " Cohen

If it wasn't for photoshop, what would you have to post?

If it wasn't for "the Stupid" what would you be posting GIMP... I know I got your attention Zombie shuffler

Cohen is a member of the #RNC hierarchy. Presumably his office would contain records/materials related to RNC business, funny or otherwise.
wait this just in

Not anymore LOL Cohen has been ERASED

Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.
They didn't need proof of a crime to create the special council.
What makes you think a simple thing like not having probable-cause is going to stop these criminals from abusing the president's constitutional rights?

Hillary knowingly destroyed evidence and obstructed justice, but Trump has been fully cooperating with this investigation, and yet you feel he's guilty because nothing has been found yet and he says that it's a witch hunt.
Obviously you don't know or care what is real and what is imaginary.
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Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.

Fucking moron, federal judges don’t just casually grant search warrants on personal attorneys to the President of the United States. Your hollow dismissal doesn’t alter that.

Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.

Especially when you consider

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Berman to the job in January. Berman has a reputation among his friends and co-workers as a sharp, hard-working lawyer. And he’s certainly not part of any Democratic cabal out to get Trump: He donated $5,400 to Trump’s presidential campaign.

Berman also met personally with Trump when he was up for the job, according to CNN.
This is what I was saying earlier — the left is just along for the ride; it’s the right who’s driving the bus. They have all the power and virtually every name involved is the name of a Republican.

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