Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Though Mueller was empowered to investigate Russians? Did not know he was charged with investigating possible sexual peccadillos from over 10 years ago? Next up I guess is looking into how Trump pays his credit card bills?
Cohen was his lawyer during the treason, dummy. I doubt Mueller will care at all about the Stormy business
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

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Thrown out of court? You wouldn't want to bet on that would you? Because Cohen is toast as is your liar-in-chief. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple of assholes. Cohen with his threatening letters to anyone who dares stand up to the yellow scourge. He's a disgrace to the legal profession and that's a pretty high bar considering how many scumbags practice law in DC. He should have held onto that 130K because he's gonna need it for his scumbag lawyer to try to defend the indefensible.

Attorneys who know Cohen call him,” A-fixer, not an Attorney.” A bully who never appears in Court, like a pit bull.
We are also a nation of elections
Trying to ferret out if this law....no that law....no this one...no that one... might have been broken with the expressed intent to overturn an election, is not what the USA is about

That is very authoritarian of you....
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors.
I am with you. Enforce the laws, dammit.

Same goes for illegal aliens. Kick those fuckers out.
I agree..and that too..is in Trump's power. The laws are on the books..but Trump would rather natter on about some useless wall--instead of enforcing them.

Full court press....use the National Guard to catch and hold them...force Mexico to accept them all back.

Of course, that would be political suicide..not that Trump has a lot of political life left--his own party would revolt...to salvage their re-election chances.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
I guess those same laws do not apply to hillary, or obama? If it did they would both be in prison.
If there was evidence against them they would be in prison. How ever after crazy amounts of money being spent on trying to find this evidence none was found that allowed charges. It may or may not be the case with Trump at the end of all of this. Based on history it is unlikely that a sitting president actually gets charged with any thing. Onley time will tell! If you want to try and purport a double standard it is a bit laughable as the democrats currently do not havee power institute such athing. Nor have they had the power for quite a while You may want to look around and notice how many offices are currently filled by dems, to save you the time the answer is not many!
We are also a nation of elections
Trying to ferret out if this law....no that law....no this one...no that one... might have been broken with the expressed intent to overturn an election, is not what the USA is about

That is very authoritarian of you....
The results of the election melted the snowflakes
Now they try to soothe and refreeze themselves with the never ending journey, no specific topic, witch hunt
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
You seem to be stuck on the Stormy thing. There is absolutely no reason this has to be about her. Mueller found some info..about 'something', and dished it off to another office. It might be about something entirely different. Yes, there has to be reasonable cause..and in this case..i imagine there had to be more than the bare legal minimum...given the high profile.
According to the NYT the FBI specifically demanded all records about the Stormy Daniels issue, unless they are alleging a specific crime was committed with respect to this issue, there would be no legitimate reason for demanding those records.
Ahhh...you read the NYT piece..good..you seemed a bit..uninformed..for a moment. Yup..that is one of the things they requested..there were, of course, other things as well.
In fact there were so many other things demanded that it gives credence to the charge this is only a fishing expedition and that there was no legitimate reason for the search. However, the fact that other things were also demanded does not legitimize the demand for records of the Stormy Daniels issue unless they believe a particular crime was committed involving this issue.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
I guess those same laws do not apply to hillary, or obama? If it did they would both be in prison.
Tissue Gimp ?
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
You seem to be stuck on the Stormy thing. There is absolutely no reason this has to be about her. Mueller found some info..about 'something', and dished it off to another office. It might be about something entirely different. Yes, there has to be reasonable cause..and in this case..i imagine there had to be more than the bare legal minimum...given the high profile.
According to the NYT the FBI specifically demanded all records about the Stormy Daniels issue, unless they are alleging a specific crime was committed with respect to this issue, there would be no legitimate reason for demanding those records.
Ahhh...you read the NYT piece..good..you seemed a bit..uninformed..for a moment. Yup..that is one of the things they requested..there were, of course, other things as well.
In fact there were so many other things demanded that it gives credence to the charge this is only a fishing expedition and that there was no legitimate reason for the search. However, the fact that other things were also demanded does not legitimize the demand for records of the Stormy Daniels issue unless they believe a particular crime was committed involving this issue.
Indeed..a very important word there..."Unless..."
Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.

And if Mueller released the evidence he has, you'd be saying he's a leaker. Don't worry, he's got more than enough to bring all actors to justice. That includes Trump. He'll find state banking crimes that he can't wriggle out of. Be patient. It's coming soon.
No, dope.

Money. Try reading the post I responded to that you conveniently omitted.
Then, why are they going after all the client files? You know. The stuff that is privileged and confidential?

Here you go, dumbass. Next time, answer your own questions.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Not all attorney-client communications are privileged.

The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client’s communication to her attorney isn’t privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client’s intent determines whether the exception applies. Most courts will apply the exception even if the attorney had no knowledge of, and didn’t participate in, the actual crime or fraud.

The crime-fraud exception applies if:

  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
More here.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
are not most lawyers involved in criminal/fraud incidents ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
Michael Cohen has screwed himself. He has been Trump's lawyer, his bagman, facilitator, buddy, and his hangaround.

That crosses way too many boundaries. If he was just Trump's personal lawyer, he would be largely protected from investigation, but he's totally vulnerable in all those other roles he's played with Trump, and as such, cannot use client/lawyer privilege to protect himself or his client.

It all depends on what he did for Trump, and when he did it. Who he talked to, or who was there in a meeting.

Since Trump dealt with the Russians for over 10 years attempting to build resorts, hotels, casinos etc. in Russia, and most likely laundering money for the Russian oligarchs, Cohen may have been in many of those meetings. He may have been there by himself, representing Trump, or may have acted as a mule, carrying cash around for his boss.
And there's Stormy Daniels, which opens up another entire can of worms for both Cohen and Trump.

Stormy wants to tell her full story now. Was she hired to entertain some Russians? Who knows?

For sure, bringing in a famous porn star as a deal-sealing perk is not beyond possibility when it comes to a bunch of 30-year old fantastically wealthy Russian guys who suddenly have more dollars than they can launder into rubles to spend.

So Trump has a lot to worry about. Cohen will cut a deal instead of doing a decade in prison, especially considering how well he knows his boss. Trump would cut Cohen's family loose while Cohen rotted in prison, and they both know it.

If Trump fires Mueller, he will be in even deeper trouble, as Mueller would just be replaced, and the firing would cause the investigators to double down and go after Trump specifically, something they are not doing now.

Right now, Mueller and his team are hunting Russians. That's the entire focus and thrust of their investigation. If Donald Trump is as free from collusion as he says he is, then he has nothing to worry about.

But if he is guilty of collusion, then he will be impeached and could face felony criminal charges after impeachment.

That's only if he stays on as President. If he resigns, he could flee to one of his resorts in a country that has no extradition treaty with the U.S. and be safe there.

A resignation might also stop the special investigation cold, though that's doubtful to me, given the continued Russian hacking that has continued throughout 2017 and into this year.
The investigation may stop once some Russians here are arrested and convicted and the hacking stops, but Mueller will persist and go as far as he can, no matter what happens.

This guy didn't serve as FBI Director for nothing. He's one of the very best we have for going down the badger holes and killing the badgers where they live.
He's fought the Russians, for over 50 years, first in the military and then in the FBI. It is his lifetime's work and his life's legacy

Credit to BanjoMike
Hilarious that the butthurt, anti-Donald folks see a porn star famous for talking it up the ass as their savior! :p
Pathetic that a porn star has more credibility than the President of the United States.

Pathetic that your only defense of Trump is an ad hominem of his mistress.

He fucked her. I don't think he would like you talking about this mistress that way.

Pathetic that the Left hangs on every word of a porn star yet you people were the same ones certain, sight-unseen, each and all of the women that came forward about Bill Clinton were liars.

What law(s) did Trump break? Infidelity is not against the law. Trump did not run on family values.
Well..that's true..as far as I can tell..he runs from family values. Pathetic attempt at spin and deflection noted..and laughed at.


How many women have to come forward saying they had affairs with or were sexually assaulted with one of your guys before your side pays attention or at least refrains from smearing them or accusing all of them of being tools of a conspiracy? That was not a spin.....just pointing out yet another flaw with your side's line of thinking.
Then, why are they going after all the client files? You know. The stuff that is privileged and confidential?

Here you go, dumbass. Next time, answer your own questions.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Not all attorney-client communications are privileged.

The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client’s communication to her attorney isn’t privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client’s intent determines whether the exception applies. Most courts will apply the exception even if the attorney had no knowledge of, and didn’t participate in, the actual crime or fraud.

The crime-fraud exception applies if:

  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
More here.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
are not most lawyers involved in criminal/fraud incidents ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
no no no --in a court of law, you can interpret all kinds of things many ways
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say

Your "Proof" says no reports were filed and no names were recorded. The article is as skeptical as the rest of us. But you did manage to find something that talks about it so that's something. Thousands? LOL In any situation there are always folks who act the fool. Look at all those who voted for Trump. Anything's possible.
Hilarious that the butthurt, anti-Donald folks see a porn star famous for talking it up the ass as their savior! :p
Pathetic that a porn star has more credibility than the President of the United States.

Pathetic that your only defense of Trump is an ad hominem of his mistress.

He fucked her. I don't think he would like you talking about this mistress that way.

Pathetic that the Left hangs on every word of a porn star yet you people were the same ones certain, sight-unseen, each and all of the women that came forward about Bill Clinton were liars.

What law(s) did Trump break? Infidelity is not against the law. Trump did not run on family values.
Well..that's true..as far as I can tell..he runs from family values. Pathetic attempt at spin and deflection noted..and laughed at.


How many women have to come forward saying they had affairs with or were sexually assaulted with one of your guys before your side pays attention or at least refrains from smearing them or accusing all of them of being tools of a conspiracy? That was not a spin.....just pointing out yet another flaw with your side's line of thinking.
I don't have a side..or any 'guys'.

This is about a lot more than Stormy Daniels. I suggest you keep an open mind..and weigh the facts as they become available.
Latest breaking updates are that raid is regarding Trumps payments to women Before he was a candidate for President
Personification of a witch hunt

No that would be a bitch hunt. But there will be a multitude of charges that have nothing to do with Stormy. Cohen is cooked.

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

Where do you get your "reliable" news?

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