Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

"After Cohen raid, prosecutors ask Trump Org to turn over records related to Stormy Daniels payments"



"If the Trump Organization is not forthcoming with those same documents, prosecutors will be able to argue to a judge that the company is intentionally withholding information related to the investigation—potentially setting up a warrant, and a raid, on the Trump offices themselves."
The Orange Son of a Bitch is on a sharp hook Hanging...Fuck you Orange Moron

Most Voters Would Reject Attempt to Fire Mueller

April 10, 2018
A new Quinnipiac poll finds that American voters say by 69% to 13% that President Trump should not fire special counsel Robert Mueller.
Even Republicans say by 55% to 22% that he shouldn’t move to dismiss Mueller.
43% Of Americans Believe In Santa Claus And 7 Other Things Americans Think About The Holidays
So, I guess you mean this to be dismissive about the poll..OK. It does not change the fact that most are against firing Mueller..unlike myself..who hopes with all his little heart that Trump fires Mueller!

I'm with you, fire the SOB. My post would be directed as pretty much any poll.
Does this mean we won’t be getting any threads today about how rhe Russia investigation is long over and that it’s actually Obama and Hillary that have been under investigation? :laugh:

What does Stormy Daniels have to do with Putin making you flip your vote?
I don’t know. Is that a riddle? Has something warped your mind to think this was about Stormy Daniels? Has the Ebola reached your brain?
What I have noticed about prosecuters is they like to bring as many charges as possible to the table when they come after you! Our legal system is a war of attrition. Make you spend your resources in as many places as possible. That prosecuter would add jay walker to a long list of other crimes if they can! Do not think this is descrimination they would do it to any body it is what they do!
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
No, dope.

Money. Try reading the post I responded to that you conveniently omitted.
Then, why are they going after all the client files? You know. The stuff that is privileged and confidential?

Here you go, dumbass. Next time, answer your own questions.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Not all attorney-client communications are privileged.

The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client’s communication to her attorney isn’t privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client’s intent determines whether the exception applies. Most courts will apply the exception even if the attorney had no knowledge of, and didn’t participate in, the actual crime or fraud.

The crime-fraud exception applies if:

  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
More here.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
are not most lawyers involved in criminal incidents ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
Not as actors...telling your lawyer about a crime is one thing..the lawyer acting as a willing participant in a crime quite another..if that is what happened.
lol So what is the crime being investigated? Adultery?
Russians agents paid hookers and porn stars to "screw the vote away" and vote for Trump instead of Hillary. It's the only possible way Mueller is still running this dog and pony show witch hunt
What does Stormy Daniels have to do with Putin making you flip your vote?
I don’t know. Is that a riddle? Has something warped your mind to think this was about Stormy Daniels? Has the Ebola reached your brain?
What I have noticed about prosecuters is they like to bring as many charges as possible to the table when they come after you! Our legal system is a war of attrition. Make you spend your resources in as many places as possible. That prosecuter would add jay walker to a long list of other crimes if they can! Do not think this is descrimination they would do it to any body it is what they do!
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
You seem to be stuck on the Stormy thing. There is absolutely no reason this has to be about her. Mueller found some info..about 'something', and dished it off to another office. It might be about something entirely different. Yes, there has to be reasonable cause..and in this case..i imagine there had to be more than the bare legal minimum...given the high profile.
What does Stormy Daniels have to do with Putin making you flip your vote?
I don’t know. Is that a riddle? Has something warped your mind to think this was about Stormy Daniels? Has the Ebola reached your brain?
What I have noticed about prosecuters is they like to bring as many charges as possible to the table when they come after you! Our legal system is a war of attrition. Make you spend your resources in as many places as possible. That prosecuter would add jay walker to a long list of other crimes if they can! Do not think this is descrimination they would do it to any body it is what they do!
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Ya, they are not big on tipping thier hand either!! They do shit like give you your discovery at the latest date allowed by law and some times past the only real penalty they pay is having to face a peice of paper from the judge that sais do your job! Only after that peice of paper is there real penalty. The American justice system is slanted toward the prosecuter whether some belive other wise or not. Again no different for any body else dealing with it!
I used to work for lawyers. They're big procrastinators, as a rule.
They drive me insane. I look forward to the day that I deal with them less. The only thing I like about them is they write big checks for expert testimoney. It boils down to this the more they make you wait the less time you have to respond. They are greatly skilled in creating paper work for you also!
"After Cohen raid, prosecutors ask Trump Org to turn over records related to Stormy Daniels payments"



"If the Trump Organization is not forthcoming with those same documents, prosecutors will be able to argue to a judge that the company is intentionally withholding information related to the investigation—potentially setting up a warrant, and a raid, on the Trump offices themselves."

Dang! You say?

Dear CIC Doooosh: Federal prosecutors request Trump Org records related to Stormy Daniels. FFS!
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
I don’t know. Is that a riddle? Has something warped your mind to think this was about Stormy Daniels? Has the Ebola reached your brain?
What I have noticed about prosecuters is they like to bring as many charges as possible to the table when they come after you! Our legal system is a war of attrition. Make you spend your resources in as many places as possible. That prosecuter would add jay walker to a long list of other crimes if they can! Do not think this is descrimination they would do it to any body it is what they do!
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
You seem to be stuck on the Stormy thing. There is absolutely no reason this has to be about her. Mueller found some info..about 'something', and dished it off to another office. It might be about something entirely different. Yes, there has to be reasonable cause..and in this case..i imagine there had to be more than the bare legal minimum...given the high profile.
According to the NYT the FBI specifically demanded all records about the Stormy Daniels issue, unless they are alleging a specific crime was committed with respect to this issue, there would be no legitimate reason for demanding those records.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
Wrong. Mueller is charged with Russians and Russians only. He does not have the prerogative to venture down other avenues to dig and dig and dig to see if he can root out some minor, or major, league infraction and then dig and dig some more
Time to end this undermining charade
What I have noticed about prosecuters is they like to bring as many charges as possible to the table when they come after you! Our legal system is a war of attrition. Make you spend your resources in as many places as possible. That prosecuter would add jay walker to a long list of other crimes if they can! Do not think this is descrimination they would do it to any body it is what they do!
And yet no one has mentioned a single crime in connection with this search.
Actually, several crimes have been 'mentioned'. Among those are Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud and violations of the Campaign finance laws.
No, I mean crimes named by sane people in connection with the Stormy Daniels issue. There has to be reasonable cause to believe a crime was committed to justify a search warrant.
You seem to be stuck on the Stormy thing. There is absolutely no reason this has to be about her. Mueller found some info..about 'something', and dished it off to another office. It might be about something entirely different. Yes, there has to be reasonable cause..and in this case..i imagine there had to be more than the bare legal minimum...given the high profile.
According to the NYT the FBI specifically demanded all records about the Stormy Daniels issue, unless they are alleging a specific crime was committed with respect to this issue, there would be no legitimate reason for demanding those records.
Ahhh...you read the NYT piece..good..you seemed a bit..uninformed..for a moment. Yup..that is one of the things they requested..there were, of course, other things as well.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
I guess those same laws do not apply to hillary, or obama? If it did they would both be in prison.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
Wrong. Mueller is charged with Russians and Russians only. He does not have the prerogative to venture down other avenues to dig and dig and dig to see if he can root out some minor, or major, league infraction and then dig and dig some more
Time to end this undermining charade
One more time....this is not Mueller's investigation--once he handed it off..it became the property of the Southern District of New York.

Do you advocate that he should ignore any other crimes that he may find...in the course of his investigation....that do not have a bearing on his brief?

Because that's illegal, you know.

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.
We have a child throwing a temper tantrum as president.

A nine year old in a seventy one year old orange body...

With wide pant legs.:)

What Is Going on with Trump’s Pant Legs? One Humble Theory
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

Glad you got your Thread back! Reason and Logic prevail!
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
I guess those same laws do not apply to hillary, or obama? If it did they would both be in prison.
Deflection noted..and ignored.
We are also a nation of elections
Trying to ferret out if this law....no that law....no this one...no that one... might have been broken with the expressed intent to overturn an election, is not what the USA is about

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