Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Hilarious that the butthurt, anti-Donald folks see a porn star famous for talking it up the ass as their savior! :p
Pathetic that a porn star has more credibility than the President of the United States.

Pathetic that your only defense of Trump is an ad hominem of his mistress.

He fucked her. I don't think he would like you talking about this mistress that way.

Pathetic that the Left hangs on every word of a porn star yet you people were the same ones certain, sight-unseen, each and all of the women that came forward about Bill Clinton were liars.

What law(s) did Trump break? Infidelity is not against the law. Trump did not run on family values.
Well..that's true..as far as I can tell..he runs from family values. Pathetic attempt at spin and deflection noted..and laughed at.


How many women have to come forward saying they had affairs with or were sexually assaulted with one of your guys before your side pays attention or at least refrains from smearing them or accusing all of them of being tools of a conspiracy? That was not a spin.....just pointing out yet another flaw with your side's line of thinking.
I don't have a side..or any 'guys'.

This is about a lot more than Stormy Daniels. I suggest you keep an open mind..and weigh the facts as they become available.
According to the Washington Post, it is entirely about Stormy Daniels. Mueller and Rosenstein want to know if Cohen crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's in paying Daniels or if he may have misled a bank about the purpose of the money transfers. No doubt they will be interested in whether he has paid all his parking tickets, too.
Perhaps...this is them..standing up for what they know is right. Perhaps you're on the wrong side of this one..and what is right..is what is happening.
By looking at what has been passed off as nothing on the Clinton and DNC side (remember what they did to Bernie) and watching an endless witch hunt steer form one accusation of wrong doing on Trump to another how can you say that?
You are fine with standing with the establishment as they crush the peoples choice? as they run good people through the legal mill for nothing? You have some soul searching to do...
The peoples’ choice was Hillary. Trump was the states’ choice. He’s president because we’re a Republic, not a democracy, and states elect the president, not the people — but make no mistake about it Hillary was still the peoples’ choice.

bullshit, she was California's choice. the rest of the country chose Trump.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.

Its not over, dude. Comey and Lynch are about to destroy each other and the Clintons in a failed effort to protect themselves.
Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.
Well he had Hill as SoS, which is something I never figured out why
that was the deal they made for her backing off and letting him win the primaries, she gets the Sec State job.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see what had to be fixed
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Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

Where do you get your "reliable" news?
There is no such thing as "reliable" news.

Get that out of your head right now.

There is only information. You must be the one that is discerning enough to ascertain it's quality.

Is it information, misinformation, disinformation, counter-information, propaganda, or just plain old fake news?

Very little of what corporate media or government media puts out is going to be flat out information with out an agenda tied to it. You have got to be daft to believe they don't have some agenda attached to the information they are pushing on you. More often than not, both the "liberal" and "conservative" state & corporate gatekeepers have similar agendas, so it is best to take what they are telling you with a grain of salt.

And lastly, always remember what Madison Avenue has always known, and I can never convince you otherwise;

He paid her some money so she would not blab about their one nighter
You think half of America is going to sit by and let Libbies drum him out of office over that?
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
He paid her some money so she would not blab about their one nighter
You think half of America is going to sit by and let Libbies drum him out of office over that?

Oh...this goes very deep....Cohen is toast...
To me, Mueller spending time on something outside the boundaries of a Russian/Trump link show me two things.

1. Mueller can't find a solid connection and should end his probe.
2. There better be a smoking gun and soon on the lawyer, or Mueller just stepped over a line that should put him in jail.
He paid her some money so she would not blab about their one nighter
You think half of America is going to sit by and let Libbies drum him out of office over that?

Oh...this goes very deep....Cohen is toast...

we understand that you have wet dreams thinking about that, but there is no "there" there. Just like all of Mewler's money wasting investigations.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.

You really haven't been keeping up have you? Turn off FIX News and learn some facts....
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.

You really haven't been keeping up have you? Turn off FIX News and learn some facts....

I listen to many news outlets in many venues. YOU need to turn off the Clinton news network CNN and learn some facts. Lynch and comey are about to spill the beans on the Clintons in order to save their criminal asses.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.
The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office. :lol:
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.

You really haven't been keeping up have you? Turn off FIX News and learn some facts....

I listen to many news outlets in many venues. YOU need to turn off the Clinton news network CNN and learn some facts. Lynch and comey are about to spill the beans on the Clintons in order to save their criminal asses.

You Trumpettes are Desperate....entiry understandable....

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