Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say

Your "Proof" says no reports were filed and no names were recorded. The article is as skeptical as the rest of us. But you did manage to find something that talks about it so that's something. Thousands? LOL In any situation there are always folks who act the fool. Look at all those who voted for Trump. Anything's possible.
YOU the democrat voter could have given us a REASONABLE SANE candidate instead you have us Clinton and Sanders....I BET Sanders probably could have won but who knows....not sure what states he could have won Clinton didn't. I will vote for President Trump again in 2020 as will EVERYONE I know that voted for him the first time.
You're so funny! You really think Trump will be on the ballot in 2020?
Your 1st sentence implies that Trump was NOT a 'reasonable sane' choice. You, 'Bet' that Sanders would have won.

Careful--they might come for their MAGA card back!

I see this will keep the Great Orange Douche off the Ballot.


The Question is. Will the GOP pass a new law before this ending?
That Orange Colored Convicted Felony can run for President?
So the GOP can get the Douche Voter base out to them polls. As they will not turn out for the old GOP Swampland thangs!
The peoples’ choice was Hillary. Trump was the states’ choice. He’s president because we’re a Republic, not a democracy, and states elect the president, not the people — but make no mistake about it Hillary was still the peoples’ choice
Really? then you will be fine with her running against Trump in 2020?
The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office.
Uh...they raided his home and hotel, too...

And now everything only Trump and Cohen used to know, the feds now know to.

I would think the CIA and NSA had files on the Douche Crimes.
Obama had the information protected both here and in other nations.

Mueller needs to find the papers by means that are not linked to the CIA or NSA from 2016 and before.
(I'm not into Conspiracy BS, but they knew the Douche crimes during 2016)
I wonder if Mueller has interviewed Obama? At least some phone calls.
For all the Details on where to look. Be nice if Obama ordered a future release date for this information before he was out of office.
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say

Your "Proof" says no reports were filed and no names were recorded. The article is as skeptical as the rest of us. But you did manage to find something that talks about it so that's something. Thousands? LOL In any situation there are always folks who act the fool. Look at all those who voted for Trump. Anything's possible.
YOU the democrat voter could have given us a REASONABLE SANE candidate instead you have us Clinton and Sanders....I BET Sanders probably could have won but who knows....not sure what states he could have won Clinton didn't. I will vote for President Trump again in 2020 as will EVERYONE I know that voted for him the first time.
You're so funny! You really think Trump will be on the ballot in 2020?
Your 1st sentence implies that Trump was NOT a 'reasonable sane' choice. You, 'Bet' that Sanders would have won.

Careful--they might come for their MAGA card back!
Nope. YOU implied he wasn't. I love what Trump is and what he is doing. I think Sanders would have had enough blue collar workers in the states Trump won to possibly win the election plus there are more than enough parasites in America to believe in his free shit promises. President Trump will retire in 2024 and then we will get 8 years of President Pence. Bet on it.
Celebrity IQs That Will Shock You! | Daily-Stuff.com - Part 34

As it may be a surprise to many, the newly elected president, Donald Trump, actually isn’t lacking anything up there. Many might think he’s a fool or an idiot but he has a shocking IQ of 156, by Simonton’s estimates. We guess that explains why his net worth is way higher than most celebrities. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America in comparison Obama is at 134.

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

It’s not those of us who are following these stories in newspapers or traditional media outlets who are living in an “alternate reality”. I clicked on all the links and stories you and Mind Wars posted and they are just full of false and misleading information.

Mind Wars posts tweets about the raid being about sex between consenting adults, which if false. It’s about money laundering, campaign funding and ethics violations.

Another of the tweets he linked to called the Mueller Investigations a “witch hunt”. Again, this is false.

The Mueller Investigation has produced close to 100 indictments and five guilty pleas, so far. Mueller has determined how the Russians interfered, when they laid the foundation work and had even accessed the employment records of the troll farm.

In response, the Trump Administration has acknowledged the validity of Mueller’s work by imposing sanctions on Russia as approved by Congress.

Even Trump has admitted that the Russians interfered although he keeps repeating the false mantra of “no collusion”, even as Mueller has produced substantial evidence that there was, in fact, collusion.

Last but not least was the tweet that when the Cohen warrant was served, all of the MSM issued the exact same story within six minutes of it happening. Well since these stories were based on the same press release from the Justice Department that makes sense.

Of course when the alt-right gets a bug up their asses Breitbart, the Daily Caller and Mind Wars all publish the exact same false narrative. Often they just repost one another’s stories, with attribution.

The problem with your alt right sources is that so much of what they post is out and out lies. Like your posted story about people celebrating the fall of the WTC. I have no trouble believing that some people celebrated but not one person who claims to have seen handfuls of people celebrating would go on the record about it, which puts these claims in doubt.

So basically all you have is rumours and gossip. That’s not credible reporting but because you WANT to believe it happened, you’re prepared to accept it’s true and being covered up.
Well...I guess you're entitled to your opinion..but...you're wrong. First you assume the Cohen isn't guilty of anything...a pretty large assumption, second, you assume that the judges who signed off on the warrants were ignorant of law. Third, there may well be conditions that nullify the Attorney/Client privilege..and render THAT moot.

I'm amazed that so many seem to think that lawyers have an absolute immunity to warrants and the like. Judges are very reluctant to issue warrant on lawyers just because of the Lawyer/Clint privilege. So...if one does issue one...he's usually quite sure that probable cause is met..and due process served.

You assume guilt without evidence, clearly one of the most unamerican of views. Judges have become political animals, you just have to find the right one to side with you.

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.
now the ah says he can fire Mueller.....his own people told him his ass would be in a fire if he did that
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
Wrong. Mueller is charged with Russians and Russians only. He does not have the prerogative to venture down other avenues to dig and dig and dig to see if he can root out some minor, or major, league infraction and then dig and dig some more
Time to end this undermining charade
Who will be raided next?

Celebrity IQs That Will Shock You! | Daily-Stuff.com - Part 34

As it may be a surprise to many, the newly elected president, Donald Trump, actually isn’t lacking anything up there. Many might think he’s a fool or an idiot but he has a shocking IQ of 156, by Simonton’s estimates. We guess that explains why his net worth is way higher than most celebrities. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America in comparison Obama is at 134.
Damn son, you will believe ANYTHING!:

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient
It would be funny if not so corrupt and agenda based
In many places it's illegal to pay someone for sex
In No Place it it illegal to pay someone for not talking about the sex
Yet, the POTUS who survived the Russian baloney is under high level scrutiny over the latter

He really hasn't survived either, as of now. But you keep the Faith!
In No Place it it illegal to pay someone for not talking about the sex

I would think it would be standard for women agreeing to appear on a beauty pageant or fashion show to agree not to talk indecently and in public about sex, or to drag the hosts of the show into a sex-for-money scandal.

And it is totally okay for that host to walk around and stare at naked women preparing for the show....and then boast to his perverted buddies about his abilities as a "celebrity."
The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office. :lol:

They had reasonable assurance that the information was in one if the three places searched. We will find out.

The Fixer has been Neutered...

The only way that happens is if the legal right to attorney client privilege is breached, the FBI plants evidence or evidence is found. Regardless, breaking legal rules will render it moot.
I think you are misinformed. There are 4 pages in the Justice department manual that covers what is needed in order to legally obtain records from a lawyer claiming attorney client privilege, and you can bet your bottom dollar that manual and instructions was covered to a T. In addition to this, you can bet your other bottom dollar that the Judge in this case, made certain, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the no knock warrant went even beyond the measures required to meet legal standards because it involved the President as the Client!!!!

No one in this world at this point, would not be following the book, to the last letter of the law....

None wants to be pointed out later as a person who made a mistake! :eek:
I think you are misinformed. There are 4 pages in the Justice department manual that covers what is needed in order to legally obtain records from a lawyer claiming attorney client privilege, and you can bet your bottom dollar that manual and instructions was covered to a T. In addition to this, you can bet your other bottom dollar that the Judge in this case, made certain, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the no knock warrant went even beyond the measures required to meet legal standards because it involved the President as the Client!!!!

No one in this world at this point, would not be following the book, to the last letter of the law....

None wants to be pointed out later as a person who made a mistake! :eek:

They have made errors all along the way in this one, why stop now?
I think you are misinformed. There are 4 pages in the Justice department manual that covers what is needed in order to legally obtain records from a lawyer claiming attorney client privilege, and you can bet your bottom dollar that manual and instructions was covered to a T. In addition to this, you can bet your other bottom dollar that the Judge in this case, made certain, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the no knock warrant went even beyond the measures required to meet legal standards because it involved the President as the Client!!!!

No one in this world at this point, would not be following the book, to the last letter of the law....

None wants to be pointed out later as a person who made a mistake! :eek:

They have made errors all along the way in this one, why stop now?
like what?
Yeah, I just heard that too.... not that I think it matters though.... he can still do that job, if they want him to, imo.

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