Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Hilarious that the butthurt, anti-Donald folks see a porn star famous for talking it up the ass as their savior! :p
Pathetic that a porn star has more credibility than the President of the United States.

Pathetic that your only defense of Trump is an ad hominem of his mistress.

He fucked her. I don't think he would like you talking about this mistress that way.

Pathetic that the Left hangs on every word of a porn star yet you people were the same ones certain, sight-unseen, each and all of the women that came forward about Bill Clinton were liars.

What law(s) did Trump break? Infidelity is not against the law. Trump did not run on family values.
Well..that's true..as far as I can tell..he runs from family values. Pathetic attempt at spin and deflection noted..and laughed at.


How many women have to come forward saying they had affairs with or were sexually assaulted with one of your guys before your side pays attention or at least refrains from smearing them or accusing all of them of being tools of a conspiracy? That was not a spin.....just pointing out yet another flaw with your side's line of thinking.
I don't have a side..or any 'guys'.

This is about a lot more than Stormy Daniels. I suggest you keep an open mind..and weigh the facts as they become available.

What is your definition of facts? We have been so divided for so long, there is no consensus in facts..... but continue to go with what lies between your ears.
Trump continues to call the Mueller investigation a "WITCH HUNT," even as more and more "witches" get indicted.
Mueller got permission to raid Trump's lawyer from a Trump appointee.

U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who happens to be a Trump appointee.
Why is it you always spew lies?
Everything he said was accurate.
That’s because I cut and pasted from a real news source.

Fox doesn’t report counter information disputing my information they just don’t comment so this is news to him. First he’s learning this.
Trump continues to call the Mueller investigation a "WITCH HUNT," even as more and more "witches" get indicted.
Mueller got permission to raid Trump's lawyer from a Trump appointee.

U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who happens to be a Trump appointee.
Why is it you always spew lies?
Everything he said was accurate.
That’s because I cut and pasted from a real news source.

Fox doesn’t report counter information disputing my information they just don’t comment so this is news to him. First he’s learning this.
Yep. And that is the only REAL change that Trump has made to this country: Any fuckstick thinks he can just wish away facts by whining the loudest.
Trump continues to call the Mueller investigation a "WITCH HUNT," even as more and more "witches" get indicted.
Mueller got permission to raid Trump's lawyer from a Trump appointee.

U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who happens to be a Trump appointee.
Why is it you always spew lies?
You joined in December 2017 and you have 16 pages of threads that you’ve started that would all register as pants on fire, half truths, fibs and lies. Who are you kidding?
Michael Cohen is also the RNC Deputy Finance Chairman.
Trump Said to Be Near ‘Meltdown’

Trump Said to Be Near ‘Meltdown’
New York Times: “Inside the White House, Mr. Trump — furious after the FBI raided his longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen — spent much of the day brooding and fearful and near what two people close to the West Wing described as a ‘meltdown.'”
Last edited:
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.
It seems "Stormy" is a Russian agent or is she?
Now I do.
I'll be sure and get a screen shot next time.
It's happened multiple times.

As someone pointed out, it was likely because you attempted to post just as the threads were being merged.

But don't let that stand in the way of your paranoid victimhood.

If you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd have seen I already acknowledged that possibility.

Only after milking your of victimhood as far as you could.

Once more in english please.

You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Oppression Mentality ... Victim mentality.

"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken

Oppression Mentality
As someone pointed out, it was likely because you attempted to post just as the threads were being merged.

But don't let that stand in the way of your paranoid victimhood.

If you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd have seen I already acknowledged that possibility.

Only after milking your of victimhood as far as you could.

Once more in english please.

You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Oppression Mentality ... Victim mentality.

"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken

Oppression Mentality

That's a good quote.

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

It’s not those of us who are following these stories in newspapers or traditional media outlets who are living in an “alternate reality”. I clicked on all the links and stories you and Mind Wars posted and they are just full of false and misleading information.

Mind Wars posts tweets about the raid being about sex between consenting adults, which if false. It’s about money laundering, campaign funding and ethics violations.

Another of the tweets he linked to called the Mueller Investigations a “witch hunt”. Again, this is false.

The Mueller Investigation has produced close to 100 indictments and five guilty pleas, so far. Mueller has determined how the Russians interfered, when they laid the foundation work and had even accessed the employment records of the troll farm.

In response, the Trump Administration has acknowledged the validity of Mueller’s work by imposing sanctions on Russia as approved by Congress.

Even Trump has admitted that the Russians interfered although he keeps repeating the false mantra of “no collusion”, even as Mueller has produced substantial evidence that there was, in fact, collusion.

Last but not least was the tweet that when the Cohen warrant was served, all of the MSM issued the exact same story within six minutes of it happening. Well since these stories were based on the same press release from the Justice Department that makes sense.

Of course when the alt-right gets a bug up their asses Breitbart, the Daily Caller and Mind Wars all publish the exact same false narrative. Often they just repost one another’s stories, with attribution.

The problem with your alt right sources is that so much of what they post is out and out lies. Like your posted story about people celebrating the fall of the WTC. I have no trouble believing that some people celebrated but not one person who claims to have seen handfuls of people celebrating would go on the record about it, which puts these claims in doubt.

So basically all you have is rumours and gossip. That’s not credible reporting but because you WANT to believe it happened, you’re prepared to accept it’s true and being covered up.

I didn't write, "alternate reality," I wrote, manufactured reality; as in. . . Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia
Propaganda model - Wikipedia

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

You have no idea what I am talking about.

Your partisan blinders won't allow you to perceive the world in any way other than how you see it.

This whole investigation is built upon a lie and Trump is part of it. Yet you at once want to use his statements as bolstering your case, and in the next breath tell us everything he says are lies? WTF?

Did I not write; "Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell?"

Of course they have moved on to, "It’s about money laundering, campaign funding and ethics violations," do you know why? Because their original story, "collusion with Russians" was all bullshit.

And there has never been a politician in Washington that hasn't been guilty of money laundering, campaign funding violations, and ethics violations. If you think there has been, you are obtuse. At this point, the establishment is FISHING. WHY? Because the current POTUS is an outsider that has not paid his dues and has not been anointed by the power establishment. Those on the left and right despise him for this. Any reason is a good reason to indict him. No matter how flimsy, when generally, these scandals are mild when the people have spoken.

The amount of crap the last POTUS did was unbelievable compared to the current one, yet we are expected to believe this investigation should continue. Hell, that last president has been a company man, this one was a high rolling, two bit con artist. Yet ignorant Americans are supposed to be convinced this one is more of a threat to American stability and world peace?

Sure. Whatevers.

This one wanted us out of the middle east. That was going swimmingly until the Deep State planted another false flag. . . .


Continue consuming these MSM soap opera stories, carry on. . . .
Rosenstein ( a Trump appointee)

Actually Rosenstine was an Obama holdover that Sessions attempted to fire but The Donald gave Swamp Rat Rosenstine a pass (maybe to not be accused of anti-semitism?). BIG MISTAKE.

Actually, Trump had to appoint him, and he did.
Meet the Deputy Attorney General | DAG | Department of Justice
President Donald J. Trump announced his intention to nominate Mr. Rosenstein on January 31, 2017. The Senate confirmed his nomination on April 25, 2017.
What will Mueller's next step be? Raid the home of Trump's kindergarten teacher? Check to see if he has a rating on Home Adviser? Special Counsels should never be given unlimited latitude because then they do nothing but search for crimes to justify their own existence.
Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.

Why don’t we let Mueller tell us
What will Mueller's next step be? Raid the home of Trump's kindergarten teacher? Check to see if he has a rating on Home Adviser? Special Counsels should never be given unlimited latitude because then they do nothing but search for crimes to justify their own existence.
Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.

Why don’t we let Mueller tell us

Because he's a corrupt deepstate partisan douchebag.
It seems like every two to three weeks something new comes out of this witch hunt. then the lefties here and in the media say; "That's it! We got trump now! He's going down! The dominoes are falling! He won't last after this! It's the end of the Trump presidency!" and then nothing happens. Two to three weeks later, the dupes hear about some other thing and they rejoice again. "We got him now!" and it's wash, rinse, repeat.

This is what happens when you start with a group of people who aren't very smart or mentally stable to begun with and force them to face reality. All that denial, hatred, and continual defeat sends then right over the edge. It's a quite amazing thing to watch.
You have to know ,if you have a brain in your head Mueller is no AH yokel like the guys Trump picks out He and his group are experts in digging up the dirt but just because they don't reveal it yet you shouldn't feel good about it

Can you read past a third grade level? If not, then I cannot argue with you as you will never understand my replies. If so please actually read the posts you respond to and/ stay on the subject.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.

Irrelevant dodge noted loser.
Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.
Hey look! An Obama deflection--how...predictable?
Just inserting logic and reality into this debate.
I'm afraid you're ill-equipped for the task you've set yourself. Logic would say..that person A's actions cannot excuse person B's.

Reality..is that the Trump house of cards is falling....simple as that.

Actually, the reality is that's what you WISH was happening. It's not.

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