Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara: "The likelihood that Michael Cohen is going to be charged is high"
What will Mueller's next step be? Raid the home of Trump's kindergarten teacher? Check to see if he has a rating on Home Adviser? Special Counsels should never be given unlimited latitude because then they do nothing but search for crimes to justify their own existence.
Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.
What will Mueller's next step be? Raid the home of Trump's kindergarten teacher? Check to see if he has a rating on Home Adviser? Special Counsels should never be given unlimited latitude because then they do nothing but search for crimes to justify their own existence.
Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.
Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

3 out of 4 wrong

you're improving

Like they did to the Clintons???/ What goes around comes around
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

3 out of 4 wrong

you're improving


You're 100% wrong, as always.
When did Ken Starr raid Clinton's lawyer?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
You have no idea whether the standard was met.
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

3 out of 4 wrong

you're improving


You're 100% wrong, as always.

you sure told me


aren't you curious about the one you got right, my fine blind squirrel?
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
You have no idea whether the standard was met.

We do, dope. The judge signed off on it and it was executed.

It's up to you to prove otherwise.
What illegal activities was Clinton's lawyer engaged in?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

3 out of 4 wrong

you're improving


You're 100% wrong, as always.
so bri you're right and Mueller and all those lawyers, all those experts are wrong?
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.

marion, it was a civil suit that was asking for her server....not anything to do with Congressional investigations or the FBI investigation...... :rolleyes:


"Hillary Clinton’s email team stiff-armed Congress on Tuesday when her chief tech staffer defied a subpoena"

Bryan Pagliano defies subpoena to avoid testifying on Clinton emails

"A former State Department aide involved in maintaining Hillary Clinton’s private email server will face consequences for failing to appear before a House committee despite a subpoena,"

"noting Pagliano previously invoked his constitutional right against self-incrimination when asked about Clinton’s server"

Chaffetz threatens consequences for ex-Clinton aide who failed to appear under subpoena

Why did Clinton's IT guy invoke the 5th amendment? To avoid being Arkancided?

Folks that watch TV or read CFR reporting are watching a manufactured reality.

Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell, but none of us would truly know it, for the folks that they are having problems with are the same folks that feed us information. The corporatacracy is out of control.

We are all just arguing about a fantasy paradigm, and none of us really know what the hell is going on, b/c both sides are lying to us.

There has been a civil war raging in the shadow government and Deep State since the last presidential election.

The best sources of information are from citizen journalists, and open source investigations. We need to get beyond our partisan politics to understand this data. Thanks for the posted information.

It’s not those of us who are following these stories in newspapers or traditional media outlets who are living in an “alternate reality”. I clicked on all the links and stories you and Mind Wars posted and they are just full of false and misleading information.

Mind Wars posts tweets about the raid being about sex between consenting adults, which if false. It’s about money laundering, campaign funding and ethics violations.

Another of the tweets he linked to called the Mueller Investigations a “witch hunt”. Again, this is false.

The Mueller Investigation has produced close to 100 indictments and five guilty pleas, so far. Mueller has determined how the Russians interfered, when they laid the foundation work and had even accessed the employment records of the troll farm.

In response, the Trump Administration has acknowledged the validity of Mueller’s work by imposing sanctions on Russia as approved by Congress.

Even Trump has admitted that the Russians interfered although he keeps repeating the false mantra of “no collusion”, even as Mueller has produced substantial evidence that there was, in fact, collusion.

Last but not least was the tweet that when the Cohen warrant was served, all of the MSM issued the exact same story within six minutes of it happening. Well since these stories were based on the same press release from the Justice Department that makes sense.

Of course when the alt-right gets a bug up their asses Breitbart, the Daily Caller and Mind Wars all publish the exact same false narrative. Often they just repost one another’s stories, with attribution.

The problem with your alt right sources is that so much of what they post is out and out lies. Like your posted story about people celebrating the fall of the WTC. I have no trouble believing that some people celebrated but not one person who claims to have seen handfuls of people celebrating would go on the record about it, which puts these claims in doubt.

So basically all you have is rumours and gossip. That’s not credible reporting but because you WANT to believe it happened, you’re prepared to accept it’s true and being covered up.

I didn't write, "alternate reality," I wrote, manufactured reality; as in. . . Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia
Propaganda model - Wikipedia

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

You have no idea what I am talking about.

Your partisan blinders won't allow you to perceive the world in any way other than how you see it.

This whole investigation is built upon a lie and Trump is part of it. Yet you at once want to use his statements as bolstering your case, and in the next breath tell us everything he says are lies? WTF?

Did I not write; "Sure, Trump and Cohen might be guilty as hell?"

Of course they have moved on to, "It’s about money laundering, campaign funding and ethics violations," do you know why? Because their original story, "collusion with Russians" was all bullshit.

And there has never been a politician in Washington that hasn't been guilty of money laundering, campaign funding violations, and ethics violations. If you think there has been, you are obtuse. At this point, the establishment is FISHING. WHY? Because the current POTUS is an outsider that has not paid his dues and has not been anointed by the power establishment. Those on the left and right despise him for this. Any reason is a good reason to indict him. No matter how flimsy, when generally, these scandals are mild when the people have spoken.

The amount of crap the last POTUS did was unbelievable compared to the current one, yet we are expected to believe this investigation should continue. Hell, that last president has been a company man, this one was a high rolling, two bit con artist. Yet ignorant Americans are supposed to be convinced this one is more of a threat to American stability and world peace?

Sure. Whatevers.

This one wanted us out of the middle east. That was going swimmingly until the Deep State planted another false flag. . . .


Continue consuming these MSM soap opera stories, carry on. . . .

Conspiracy nonsense.
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
You have no idea whether the standard was met.

We do, dope. The judge signed off on it and it was executed.

It's up to you to prove otherwise.

As have seen in the case of the FISA warrant, federal judges are rubber stamps for whatever some douchebag prosecutor wants.
Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
You have no idea whether the standard was met.

We do, dope. The judge signed off on it and it was executed.

It's up to you to prove otherwise.

As have seen in the case of the FISA warrant, federal judges are rubber stamps for whatever some douchebag prosecutor wants.

Prove otherwise or shut up.
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?
What illegal activities hasTrump's lawer engaged in?

Well, duh. The suspected crimes outlined in the warrant.

Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

3 out of 4 wrong

you're improving


You're 100% wrong, as always.
so bri you're right and Mueller and all those lawyers, all those experts are wrong?
I'm not the only one who disagrees with them, idiot. Plenty of lawyers say this warrant was illegal.
Suspected. Mueller had not proof, and he violated attorney-client privilege. Any evidence obtained will be thrown out.

Probable cause, fool. The standard was met. The warrant was properly adjudicated and executed. Done.
You have no idea whether the standard was met.

We do, dope. The judge signed off on it and it was executed.

It's up to you to prove otherwise.

As have seen in the case of the FISA warrant, federal judges are rubber stamps for whatever some douchebag prosecutor wants.

Prove otherwise or shut up.
I just did, moron.

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