Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office. :lol:

They had reasonable assurance that the information was in one if the three places searched. We will find out.

The Fixer has been Neutered...
He paid her some money so she would not blab about their one nighter
You think half of America is going to sit by and let Libbies drum him out of office over that?

Remember the "hush money" ELEVEN days before the election. That's the key. Were you okay with Comey tanking Hillary right before the election?
The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office. :lol:

They had reasonable assurance that the information was in one if the three places searched. We will find out.

The Fixer has been Neutered...

The only way that happens is if the legal right to attorney client privilege is breached, the FBI plants evidence or evidence is found. Regardless, breaking legal rules will render it moot.
Here you go, dumbass. Next time, answer your own questions.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Not all attorney-client communications are privileged.

The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client’s communication to her attorney isn’t privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client’s intent determines whether the exception applies. Most courts will apply the exception even if the attorney had no knowledge of, and didn’t participate in, the actual crime or fraud.

The crime-fraud exception applies if:

  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
More here.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
are not most lawyers involved in criminal/fraud incidents ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
no no no --in a court of law, you can interpret all kinds of things many ways

We aren't in court. Probable cause has been satisfied.
What could possibly have gone more wrong with the raid on Cohen's office?

Stormy Daniels? Shut up already. Donald Trump is in the show biz. Some of his business interests run beauty pageants. Women are paid to appear on those things. End of story. The newsroom jockey boys and the FBI G-men need to zip their pants up and keep their private pornography surfing habits to themselves.

The couch potatoes watching that smut on television in their living room with their children are free to either switch the channel or better yet, turn off that stupid television entirely and cancel their $150+/month premium cable subscription.

Those Nazi Democrats are playing the old Jew trick on Trump, and trying to pick him up for the general immorality of the entire show business on some niggardly technicality about how some woman or another might have been paid for some show appearance on TV -- while they themselves are paying the money and spending the time to watch the exact same shows for which they are accusing Trump.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

It is high time to raid the offices of Mueller and Rosenstein, and bring them up on charges of criminal barratry, fraternization, robbery, and burglary at law, if not high treason. What they have done is even worse than what Nixon did in Watergate, because they are doing it under color of law; and likewise for purely political purposes.

Trump himself opened up the can of worms that is the legal ethics and money laundering investigation against Cohen when he told the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment to Daniels. A lawyer can’t bind his client in an agreement without that client’s knowledge or consent.

Trump should have kept his mouth shut. HE did this to Cohen.

For a guy who demands loyalty, he gives none to those around him.

The agreement doesn't bind Trump to anything, moron.

Where did I claim that it did? In fact, I did say that it wasn’t possible for Cohen to bind his client without Trump’s knowledge or consent.

But Trump’s statement to the press meant that Cohen was acting unethically in his dealings with Daniels and by giving her money, and Cohen could be disbarred for his part in the Daniels story.

By telling the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment, Trump gave Mueller an excuse to search Cohen’s client filed for proof that Cohen violated ethics laws.

Before you call someone a “moron”, you should look in the mirror.

He calls everyone a moron. And, the chance that he'll ever look in the mirror is remote since he won't even admit Trump is a moron. Now that's a moron for ya.

Disarmament is the LEAST of Cohen's problem.
are not most lawyers involved in criminal/fraud incidents ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
no no no --in a court of law, you can interpret all kinds of things many ways

We aren't in court. Probable cause has been satisfied.
so, Trump and Cohen are not guilty--is that what you are saying?

Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
no no no --in a court of law, you can interpret all kinds of things many ways

We aren't in court. Probable cause has been satisfied.
so, Trump and Cohen are not guilty--is that what you are saying?

That's what you're saying in a very lame attempt at deflection.

Did you actually read my post?
It outlines very clearly how the attorney would have to be involved.
you can interpret that fraud crap a million ways
it's like the Greitens case--he took a picture-!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!-
A PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
-that's what most EVERYBODY does now with their cellphones

No, you can't. The warrant required probable cause. Specific cause.
no no no --in a court of law, you can interpret all kinds of things many ways

We aren't in court. Probable cause has been satisfied.
so, Trump and Cohen are not guilty--is that what you are saying?
We certainly don't know in that neither of them have been charged with anything...................yet.
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say

Your "Proof" says no reports were filed and no names were recorded. The article is as skeptical as the rest of us. But you did manage to find something that talks about it so that's something. Thousands? LOL In any situation there are always folks who act the fool. Look at all those who voted for Trump. Anything's possible.
YOU the democrat voter could have given us a REASONABLE SANE candidate instead you have us Clinton and Sanders....I BET Sanders probably could have won but who knows....not sure what states he could have won Clinton didn't. I will vote for President Trump again in 2020 as will EVERYONE I know that voted for him the first time.
He paid her some money so she would not blab about their one nighter
You think half of America is going to sit by and let Libbies drum him out of office over that?

Remember the "hush money" ELEVEN days before the election. That's the key. Were you okay with Comey tanking Hillary right before the election?
Makes no difference if it was 5 years ir 5 days before the election. He paid her to not blab. How that mutates into "Russians altering the election" should be beyond any thinking person
But see Libs are Feelings driven and Hilary lost and they feel bad about it so Trump must have done something nefarious like-Russians-Stormy-Be quiet payments-unpaid parking tickets
Anything, absolutely anything to muddy and soil Trumps ability to govern
The lib mantra is -Election outcomes are optional
MSNBC is reporting that Stormy Daniels is cooperating with federal investigators. Go Stormy!

Dang. Go Stormy!




Reporter asks Sarah Sanders if Trump has "thought about stepping down" April Ryan to Sarah Sanders: Has Trump 'thought about stepping down?'
"Question: With all of this turmoil, particularly last week, has the president at any time thought about stepping down before or now?” Ryan asked during Tuesday's press briefing.

“No, and I think that’s an absolutely ridiculous question,” Sanders shot back before calling on another reporter.

"It's not a ridiculous question," Ryan said without prompting an additional response from Sanders.
Last edited:
The warrant was a Hail Mary. No good lawyer in their right mind would leave damning evidence in their office. :lol:

They had reasonable assurance that the information was in one if the three places searched. We will find out.

The Fixer has been Neutered...

The only way that happens is if the legal right to attorney client privilege is breached, the FBI plants evidence or evidence is found. Regardless, breaking legal rules will render it moot.
Well...I guess you're entitled to your opinion..but...you're wrong. First you assume the Cohen isn't guilty of anything...a pretty large assumption, second, you assume that the judges who signed off on the warrants were ignorant of law. Third, there may well be conditions that nullify the Attorney/Client privilege..and render THAT moot.

I'm amazed that so many seem to think that lawyers have an absolute immunity to warrants and the like. Judges are very reluctant to issue warrant on lawyers just because of the Lawyer/Clint privilege. So...if one does issue one...he's usually quite sure that probable cause is met..and due process served.
So Stormy got the Russians to alter Americans vote?
You appear to be stuck. Let me assist you. Crimes may have been committed. As a nation of law..and of laws...we must find those bad actors. Only few fools think that the vote was materially altered. As this thing with the lawyer did not involve the Russians...Mueller handed it off to the appropriate authorities..so he has no legal standing in the case.
Of course, if in the handling of the case, the authorities find something that does have bearing on Muellar's investigation..he'll receive it. That is how it works..in our nation of law..and of laws.
Wrong. Mueller is charged with Russians and Russians only. He does not have the prerogative to venture down other avenues to dig and dig and dig to see if he can root out some minor, or major, league infraction and then dig and dig some more
Time to end this undermining charade
Hello? Calling Ken Starr.....calling Ken Starr.....

And his investigation took five years...and they nailed Clinton on a totally unrelated issue. So...don't talk about limited scope with Mueller.
It would be funny if not so corrupt and agenda based
In many places it's illegal to pay someone for sex
In No Place it it illegal to pay someone for not talking about the sex
Yet, the POTUS who survived the Russian baloney is under high level scrutiny over the latter
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say

Your "Proof" says no reports were filed and no names were recorded. The article is as skeptical as the rest of us. But you did manage to find something that talks about it so that's something. Thousands? LOL In any situation there are always folks who act the fool. Look at all those who voted for Trump. Anything's possible.
YOU the democrat voter could have given us a REASONABLE SANE candidate instead you have us Clinton and Sanders....I BET Sanders probably could have won but who knows....not sure what states he could have won Clinton didn't. I will vote for President Trump again in 2020 as will EVERYONE I know that voted for him the first time.
You're so funny! You really think Trump will be on the ballot in 2020?
Your 1st sentence implies that Trump was NOT a 'reasonable sane' choice. You, 'Bet' that Sanders would have won.

Careful--they might come for their MAGA card back!
In No Place it it illegal to pay someone for not talking about the sex

I would think it would be standard for women agreeing to appear on a beauty pageant or fashion show to agree not to talk indecently and in public about sex, or to drag the hosts of the show into a sex-for-money scandal.

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