Michael Moore: "Disarm The Police... & Release Black Inmates Jailed For Drug Offenses"...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I know he's a Communist Propaganda Charlatan, but doesn't he make some good points on this one?

Michael Moore took to Twitter this week to outline his list of demands following the riots in Baltimore: Disarm the police and open prisons.

"Imprison u, shoot u, sever your spine, crush your larynx, send u to war, keep u poor, call u a thug, not let u vote. But u can sing for us,” the liberal film director tweeted to his 1.83 million followers.

His comments comes amid violent unrest in Baltimore since the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died after suffering a severe spinal injury while in police custody. More than 200 people were arrested in clashes with police Monday and Tuesday and more than a dozen officers injured.

“Here’s my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug ‘crimes’ or nonviolent offenses released from prison today,” Mr. Moore continued. “And the rest who r imprisoned- I don’t believe 50% of them did what they’re accused of. Lies. Greed. A modern day slave system. Poor whites 2.”

“Next demand: Disarm the police,” he wrote. “We have a 1/4 billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We’ll survive til the right cops r hired.”

“Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right - the Enemy: The Black Man,” Mr. Moore concluded.

* * *
On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.
The release part is not going to happen, unless the govt shut down the private prisons, and put an end to the war on drugs.
The release part is not going to happen, unless the govt shut down the private prisons, and put an end to the war on drugs.
Both should happen. Legalize all drugs and end law enforcement activity for drug use.

people still going to be selling crack on street corners and in parks to minors. community that will be hurt the worst will still be the black community. even more black kids will end up high instead of being in school. maybe neighbor hoods will have to go back to the vigilante system. problem is youll end up with even more shooting between neighbors. It would be much worse than the cop violence now
On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.

If you actually believe "drugs" work that way, they'd have a legitimate reason to be banned. Depending of coarse on what you mean by "drugs".

What in the fuck is "flakka"? "Shatter"? "Krokodil"? "Spice"? Should I hide my cardamom?
I know he's a Communist Propaganda Charlatan, but doesn't he make some good points on this one?

Michael Moore took to Twitter this week to outline his list of demands following the riots in Baltimore: Disarm the police and open prisons.

"Imprison u, shoot u, sever your spine, crush your larynx, send u to war, keep u poor, call u a thug, not let u vote. But u can sing for us,” the liberal film director tweeted to his 1.83 million followers.

His comments comes amid violent unrest in Baltimore since the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died after suffering a severe spinal injury while in police custody. More than 200 people were arrested in clashes with police Monday and Tuesday and more than a dozen officers injured.

“Here’s my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug ‘crimes’ or nonviolent offenses released from prison today,” Mr. Moore continued. “And the rest who r imprisoned- I don’t believe 50% of them did what they’re accused of. Lies. Greed. A modern day slave system. Poor whites 2.”

“Next demand: Disarm the police,” he wrote. “We have a 1/4 billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We’ll survive til the right cops r hired.”

“Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right - the Enemy: The Black Man,” Mr. Moore concluded.

* * *

On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.

If you actually believe "drugs" work that way, they'd have a legitimate reason to be banned. Depending of coarse on what you mean by "drugs".

What in the fuck is "flakka"? "Shatter"? "Krokodil"? "Spice"? Should I hide my cardamom?
Google is your friend since you are unfamiliar with the drugs now being used by your children. You really should look these up and become familiar with the symptoms. It might save your life.
The release part is not going to happen, unless the govt shut down the private prisons, and put an end to the war on drugs.
Both should happen. Legalize all drugs and end law enforcement activity for drug use.

people still going to be selling crack on street corners and in parks to minors. community that will be hurt the worst will still be the black community. even more black kids will end up high instead of being in school. maybe neighbor hoods will have to go back to the vigilante system. problem is youll end up with even more shooting between neighbors. It would be much worse than the cop violence now
Yes. It will.
On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.

If you actually believe "drugs" work that way, they'd have a legitimate reason to be banned. Depending of coarse on what you mean by "drugs".

What in the fuck is "flakka"? "Shatter"? "Krokodil"? "Spice"? Should I hide my cardamom?
Google is your friend since you are unfamiliar with the drugs now being used by your children. You really should look these up and become familiar with the symptoms. It might save your life.

I'm sure I would know these terms if I watched Fox
Noise, the National Enquirer of cableistic propaganda...
Michael Moore is a complete dipshit.

It is good to know where he stands on the issues because if you even slightly agree with any aspect of what he says, you know it is time for a reality check.
On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.

If you actually believe "drugs" work that way, they'd have a legitimate reason to be banned. Depending of coarse on what you mean by "drugs".

What in the fuck is "flakka"? "Shatter"? "Krokodil"? "Spice"? Should I hide my cardamom?
Google is your friend since you are unfamiliar with the drugs now being used by your children. You really should look these up and become familiar with the symptoms. It might save your life.

I'm sure I would know these terms if I watched Fox
Noise, the National Enquirer of cableistic propaganda...

I've heard of a couple of those names and I don't watch Fox.

Of course, katzndogs/tipsycatlover is a lunatic when it comes to drugs, but that doesn't mean one needs to be a Fox News viewer to have heard the names of recent drugs.
On some levels I agree with him. The police don't need to be disarmed. Drug offenses just need to be depoliced. Some of those guys in prison would have been dead long ago if their lifestyles weren't interrupted by incarceration.

Drugs have now become so lethal that nothing need be done except let them go.

Legalize all drugs, including flakka, shatter, krokodil, spice, bath salts and heroin. A police call over some naked guy running around on the freeway should get a one line police report "subject appears to be under the influence of a legal substance." In many cases the drug will just cause the subject's heart to stop. Legal drugs, no police. Win win all the way around.

If you actually believe "drugs" work that way, they'd have a legitimate reason to be banned. Depending of coarse on what you mean by "drugs".

What in the fuck is "flakka"? "Shatter"? "Krokodil"? "Spice"? Should I hide my cardamom?
Google is your friend since you are unfamiliar with the drugs now being used by your children. You really should look these up and become familiar with the symptoms. It might save your life.

I'm sure I would know these terms if I watched Fox
Noise, the National Enquirer of cableistic propaganda...

I've heard of a couple of those names and I don't watch Fox.

Of course, katzndogs/tipsycatlover is a lunatic when it comes to drugs, but that doesn't mean one needs to be a Fox News viewer to have heard the names of recent drugs.

Tipsy is Katzendogs? The one who says pot smokers should be shot in the face?
Doesn't that explain a lot....

Anyway, I figure if I need Google to find out what "flakka" is -- it's not an issue. Google's for finding out obscure shit like "what is the second line in the middle part of the Flintstones TV theme song?", not for digging up goofy shit nobody's ever heard of.

Btw the answer to that is:
"through the courtesy of Fred's two feet".

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