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Michael Schiavo contradicts himself in King Interview

Bonnie said:
Schiavo, they assert, was denied rehabilitation even though there was evidence that at times she could swallow on her own. "I personally saw her swallow the ice water and never saw her gag," said Law. "On three or four occasions I personally fed Terri mouthfuls of Jello, which she was able to swallow and enjoyed immensely. I did not do it more often only because I was afraid of being caught by Michael."


There are tons more from various sources im sure you wil say this one is somehow biased, all you have to do is look, there are three nurses specifically that make these sworn statements, all of whom cared for her for at least a year each.

I'll concede those affidavits may exist. Show me a link that Judge Greer denied these nurses an opportunity to testify.
Bonnie said:
"I personally saw her swallow the ice water and never saw her gag," said Law. "On three or four occasions I personally fed Terri mouthfuls of Jello, which she was able to swallow and enjoyed immensely.
im sure you wil say this one is somehow biased,

Biased? Not at all. It's total b.s.!

"She enjoyed the mouthfuls of Jello immensely" Sure she did. And as the jello slid down her face and onto her lap she smiled and began singing: "J E L L O! Gimmy da Jello!"

Some people will believe any b.s. spread by right-wing outfits and their paid propagandists.

Put your blinders and tin-foil hats on!
gop_jeff said:
Possibly, that's because it has nothing to do with Terry Schaivo. And if you commented on that law in a Terry Schaivo thread, it likely got ignored. Now if you want to start a thread about that law, you are more than welcome.

I would like to start a thread about that law but I and others are not permitted to start new threads relating to the Schaivo case under board rules. Rules are rules!
Itsthetruth said:
I would like to start a thread about that law but I and others are not permitted to start new threads relating to the Schaivo case under board rules. Rules are rules!

So numbnuts, start a right to life thread, just not Schaivo...
Avatar4321 said:
Or maybe because its in another thread and discussed in detail and your just and ass who cant read.

You're not familiar with that law? I assumed that all "right to lifers" knew about it since George W. Bush acting on behalf of Right To Life outfits endorsed and sign the legislation into law.

Well, for those few who aren't familiar with it I'll just say it permits hospitals to "pull the plug" on people who don't have enough cash or insurance to pay their medical bill.

That's fair, isn't it? So any "right to lifers" organizing a party to celebrate the next time a Texas hospital pulls the plug on someone who can't pay the medical bill? If Texas has an execution the same day "right to lifers" can celebrate both deaths. Whhooooppppppeeeeee!
Itsthetruth said:
You're not familiar with that law? I assumed that all "right to lifers" knew about it since George W. Bush acting on behalf of Right To Life outfits endorsed and sign the legislation into law.

Well, for those few who aren't familiar with it I'll just say it permits hospitals to "pull the plug" on people who don't have enough cash or insurance to pay their medical bill.

That's fair, isn't it? So any "right to lifers" organizing a party to celebrate the next time a Texas hospital pulls the plug on someone who can't pay the medical bill? If Texas has an execution the same day "right to lifers" can celebrate both deaths. Whhooooppppppeeeeee!

they get transferred to another facility if a board deems the patient beyond hope
dilloduck said:
they get transferred to another facility if a board deems the patient beyond hope

Wonderful. They still pull the plug, they cut off life support. Period.

Rack up another one for the "right to lifers"!

Law Enforcement Officers Tell Bush to Open Criminal Investigation In Schiavo Case


Officer Jack McLamb (ret), the highest decorated police officer in the history of Phoenix, AZ, has joined with active and retired law enforcement officers asking Florida’s Gov. Jeb Bush to open a criminal investigation in the case of Terri Schindler-Schiavo, the disabled Florida woman who probate judge George W. Greer has sentenced to death by starvation and dehydration because she uses a feeding tube.

McLamb is founder of the American Citizens and Lawmen’s Association (ACLA), publisher of Aid and Abet Police and Military Newsletter. He is a former hostage negotiator for the FBI.
His letter to Gov. Bush follows:
Dear Governor Bush,

We active and retired, law enforcement police investigators, after reviewing the facts, evidence, witness statements, and investigative leads, in the Terri Schiavo case have come to the determination that there must be a criminal investigation into the Schiavo case.

Our examination have caused we professional police investigators, to determine that there is evidence, witness statements (medical professionals and others) that point to the strong probability that the victim/witness Terri Schiavo was violently attacked on the day of her injuries and this is likely what caused her disability. There are medical professionals who substantiate that Mrs. Schiavo was strangled and the blood was cut off to her brain for at least 4 to 5 minutes causing her brain damage. X-rays show that she received broken bones and other injuries on or around the same time as her alleged health problem on the day in question.

Testimony of witnesses state her husband Mr. Schiavo, even though being a trained nurse and did not start CPR at the scene of his wife's collapse. The emergency personal started CPR after they arrived which was some time after the "injuries" occurred.

We have assessed the person of Mr. Schiavo thought the witness statements of professional medical personal who have come in contact with him. Most of these witnesses have had contact with him in the medical or Hospice environment where his wife has been warehoused over the last decade. We say "warehoused" after much research into the total lack of rehab and medical treatment for health problems such as infections, which he had demanded of the medical staff in each of these facilities.

Additionally, a true detriment to any criminal investigation conducted after Mrs. Schiavo dies, is that Mr. Schiavo has scheduled a cremation of her body immediately after her death.

Governor Bush, we are concerned that the best evidence, witness statements, in any criminal investigation into alleged criminal attempted murder, capital assault and continued abuse, will die with Mrs. Schiavo. We also believe this is why Mr. Schiavo has had to turn down millions of dollars from donors, if he would but place Mrs. Schiavo's care into the hands of her family because of his concern that she may live and tell what happened to her on that fateful day. According to witnesses who spent months with Mrs. Schiavo, she could and did communicate with them during their duty hours at the Hospice centers.

Mr. Schiavo told these medical professionals he was wanting her to die. He also would cuss and say "Isn't that Bitch dead yet" and other words of disdain for his wife.

As you have heard, several professional medical nurses state that Mrs. Schiavo also ate and drank liquids during their tour of duty.

Governor Bush, this means that Mrs. Schiavo could be a witness to any possible crimes committed against her. Of course this will not be an option if she dies in the next hours. Our police investigators have read the witness statement of another professional medical staff member who said that on at least two occasions she and others believes that Mr. Schiavo tried to kill his wife while he was in her room with the doors closed. These witnesses and investigative leads must be interviewed.

Governor Bush, we do not know what a full investigation into this case will determine, except we can be certain that more facts and evidence, will be discovered. But, one thing we are certain of, we police investigators need a hero at this time to save the life of the prime witness and possible victim in this case. We are asking you to be that hero.

You do have the jurisdiction and power to start a criminal investigation into this case and suspend the death sentence of the prime witness.

Governor Bush, this is off subject, but it is a subject we lawmen know something about and we wish to share this with you. In the life of a man there are a few times when he is called on by the people to do something heroic. As you know, because of fear, most people pass up those very few opportunities to do what is right and be a hero of the people. This is why we see so few Americans in the history books.

We don't have to tell you historically (even recent history) of men in high office who have answered the call to be a hero of the people. Yes, very few. But, some were governors who went on to gain higher office because of the people's love and support for that heroic figure.

Governor Bush, do you know that the Pope and the Vatican have mentioned Mrs.Schiavo's terrible crucifixion here in this Easter week with her mother Mary nearby, and some Priests have now begun to reference it to the crucifixion of a innocent man Jesus Christ, while His mother (Mary) stood nearby in anguish. Remember, Terri is a catholic and so is her family. You can be assured that most Catholics are going to side with the Pope.

Governor, very large Protestant organizations are on the side of saving Mrs. Schiavo's life until further tests can be accomplished and she can have real rehab to see if she can improve.

We have a letter of a very large national Jewish organization that wants Mrs. Schiavo saved. We can make all this available to you and your staff. But, Mrs. Shiavo's website has most of this material on it at www.terrisfight.org.

What we law enforcement officers wish to point out to you is that we professional investigators have our reasons to save this woman's life, i.e. we because she is a very important witness and the possible victim of a capitol crime, but the world has heard of this case at this time. We even have a news article from a big Russia publication about American politicians letting a innocent women starve to death.

Governor Bush, the world and certainly most Americans want a hero today....this hour. The person who saves Mrs. Schiavo's life and gives her due process and a chance to tell her story of what actually happened to her will go down in history books. It is also true that after the books come out, and this story gets out about the facts, evidence of the conspiracy of government against this innocent young women.... the people who allow her to die will also go down in history. It will mean the downfall of some in high places for their not wanting to step up and do their duty to protect the people and bring to justice those who were the possible suspects in her demise.

Sir, I know that we are only law enforcement officers, but doubt us not, collectively we have been around a long time and know what we are talking about. There are already those in Hollywood who we know that are interested in the evidence and witness's into Terri Schiavo's side of this story.

Mel Gibson has issued a public letter on his own stationary to have our government leaders save her life. Some of our police association members are in contact with him and his family.

Governor, you are a good man. You could be a great man. There is no question this is a international situation and a heart warmer for any hero who steps forward to save this innocent, who "Pontious Pilate" (government leaders) has washed his hands of....here in this Easter week.

We police investigators look at all criminal cases as ...."does this case have jury appeal". Dear Governor, if any case has it.... this case has jury (massive public appeal).

Not only do you have the law on your side (one example - Judge Greer violated three state of Florida statutes in not defending Mrs. Schiavo as a disabled person when he pulled the tube of Mrs. Schiavo) ...we have the State Statutes, ....but you have Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson and other great leaders on your side. These great men and others, on numerous occasions, have stated that the three areas of government, Executive, Judicial and Legislative, are to be separate and equal. You have publicly taken a lower and subordinate position to the judiciary - when this is not the case.

We criminal police investigators (and your Florida State Police) offer you a sound reason to be the people's hero and stop this young woman's horrible death thought dehydration, i.e.... THERE MUST BE A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INTO THIS CASE BEFORE THE PRIME WITNESS DIES! There are too many unanswered questions! Some of them may be criminal!

Governor Bush, you have your future before you, however some of that future may be linked to a young innocent who will die on your watch in the next few hours or days.

We believe in you, and we, along with millions of Americans, pray you will do the right thing, save a life, secure your witness... and be the people's hero. We need a hero today.

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all the people, even the weak and disabled.

Very sincerely,

Law officer Jack McLamb, Ret.
President of the American Citizens & Lawmen Association.
What gets me in this (well, one of the things), is how they keep saying the parents don't want to allow Terri to die. She was not dying! She was not even close before they removed her tube! She was severely mentally handicapped, but how can anyone who has seen the video footage of her say that she was dying or even unconscious? Amazing.
I don't suppose Mikey will be allowing an autopsy or maybe he doesn't have a choice maybe it's up to the doctors and medical examiners?
Bonnie said:
I don't suppose Mikey will be allowing an autopsy or maybe he doesn't have a choice maybe it's up to the doctors and medical examiners?

They (the court) has already said that he does not have to allow an autopsy. What's he hiding?

I heard on the radio today some jerk saying how all the claims against Michael are just "heresay" and not admissable in her case. Yet, she is being killed because of "heresay". They want to have it both ways.
Actually, I guess he has changed his mind.....


Family Members Say Schiavo Is Fighting To Live

Terri Schiavo, the badly brain damaged woman at the center of a national right to die debate, was near death and resting peacefully late Monday afternoon, her husband’s attorney said.

Attorney George Felos told reporters late Monday afternoon in Florida that Michael Schiavo has requested that Pinellas County’s chief medical examiner perform on autopsy on his wife once she dies in order to answer questions about the severity of brain damage and to put to rest rumors about her physical condition.

Meanwhile members of Schiavo’s family say the 41-year-old woman is still fighting to live, almost 11 days after the feeding tube that kept her alive for 15 years was removed.

“The look on her face is ‘please help me,’” said Schiavo’s sister, Suzanne Vitadamo.

Terri Schiavo is emaciated, but responsive, said her father Bob Schindler in a brief statement to reporters late Monday morning outside the Florida hospice where Schiavo has survived for almost 11 days without water or nutrition.

“She’s alive, she’s fighting like hell to live and she’s begging for help, ”Schindler told reporters.

“We haven’t given up on her and she hasn’t given up on us,” he said.

“She’s failing, but she’s still with us and she’s showing such a determination to live that its incredible”

Schindler likened his 41-year-old daughter’s appearance to that of a concentration camp inmate with sunken face and hollow eyes, and expressed fears that her death could come sooner because of the morphine she’s receiving to ease pain as her body fails.

“I have a grave concern that they’ll expedite the process to kill her with an overdose of morphine,” he said.

Felos countered the suggestion that Schiavo was receiving high doses of painkillers.

He cited records that indicated that Schiavo has received only two “minimal” 5 mg. doses of morphine over the weekend and said the woman is not on a morphine drip as had been reported earlier.

Fewer than ten protesters stayed through the night as rain and wind lashed the hospice in Pinellas Park.

One man was arrested before dawn trying to take a jug of water to Schiavo.

Doctors say a patient such as Schiavo could survive for as long as two weeks without water or nutrition, but 11 days after the removal of the tube, little time likely remains.

Schiavo's death is unlikely to end the feuding between the brain-damaged woman's family and her husband.

Both sides have battled for years over whether Schiavo lives or dies and now the two sides can't agree on what should happen to her body after death.

Schiavo’s parents had asked a court to allow Terri to be buried in Florida with her body intact, but the judge refused to intervene in Michael Schiavo's plans to have Terri cremated and interred in their native Pennsylvania.

The Schindlers also wanted to take photographs and video of their daughter before she dies, but Michael Schiavo opposed it and a judge has agreed with him.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush says his "heart is broken" about Terri Schiavo's plight, but Bush said he has to respect federal court rulings against reinserting the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube.

Bush said he hasn't seen "any means by which the executive branch can get involved."

Activists who want Schiavo’s feeding tube restored carried their fight Monday to the nation's capital.

Reverend Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition hoped to persuade congressional leaders to enforce a subpoena Congress issued earlier this month.

Congress won’t do that, but some members want to take a closer look at the rights of the disabled in wake of the case.

A Senate panel has changed the focus of a hearing scheduled for next month to include neurological and long-term care of disabled patients.

That hearing was originally scheduled to include appearances by Schiavo and her husband.

A House panel is also expected to hold hearings on long-term options for the disabled.

Democratic Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa is working on a bill that would allow federal court review in cases in which a disabled patient's wishes are unknown and family members can't agree.

The House has already passed similar legislation.

A Southern Baptist leader says the Florida judge who ordered the removal Schiavo's feeding tube has resigned his membership in a Southern Baptist church.

The Reverend Richard Land told NBC's "Meet the Press" that Judge George Greer and the Baptist church he attended in Clearwater came "to a mutual agreement that he resigned his membership."

The St. Petersburg Times says the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church wrote Greer a letter warning that, quote: "In all likelihood it is this case which will define your career and this case that you will remember in the waning days of life."
theres alot of ridiculous talk about somebody trying to hide something by denying an autopsy. Do you think that when terri collapsed 15 years ago, that they didn't run every damn test known to medicine to figure out why? and in all of those tests, anything that was substantive to her condition would have glaringly stood out.
SmarterThanYou said:
theres alot of ridiculous talk about somebody trying to hide something by denying an autopsy. Do you think that when terri collapsed 15 years ago, that they didn't run every damn test known to medicine to figure out why? and in all of those tests, anything that was substantive to her condition would have glaringly stood out.

Have you heard about all the medical evidence of fractures they discovered that was never allowed into any of the court proceedings? Are you implying that in 15 years, nothing else could have been done to her to worsen her condition? Are you really that stupid to think that tests conducted 15 years ago would give any indication of her medical condition today? Or even 2 days after those tests were completed? Why are you so scared?

Folks like you are a sad lot.
freeandfun1 said:
Have you heard about all the medical evidence of fractures they discovered that was never allowed into any of the court proceedings? Are you implying that in 15 years, nothing else could have been done to her to worsen her condition? Are you really that stupid to think that tests conducted 15 years ago would give any indication of her medical condition today? Or even 2 days after those tests were completed? Why are you so scared?

Folks like you are a sad lot.

Some are trying to chalk those fractures up to bulemia - which I think is a crock of shit.
Shattered said:
Some are trying to chalk those fractures up to bulemia - which I think is a crock of shit.

I was reading that she had a fractured femur, fractured vertebrae and several others. I, like you, think it is a crock of shit. That woman was obviously abused by somebody.
come on....her husband beat the crap out of her and the only witness is starving to death....

god will sort him out
From what I saw on Fox News last night,if Schiavo wants a cremation,he HAS to get an autopsy done according to state law in Florida. Yet,his attorney is putting on a little show that it is Michael's choice-nice try. One has to wonder if Schiavo will suddenly change his mind and want a regular burial.
freeandfun1 said:
Have you heard about all the medical evidence of fractures they discovered that was never allowed into any of the court proceedings? Are you implying that in 15 years, nothing else could have been done to her to worsen her condition? Are you really that stupid to think that tests conducted 15 years ago would give any indication of her medical condition today? Or even 2 days after those tests were completed? Why are you so scared?

Folks like you are a sad lot.
fractures are just not 'tucked away' like a dirtly little secret. they get noticed by doctors and nurses who have a strange tendency to call law enforcement. My god, you people have given michael schiavo so much frickin power, jeb might need to watch his back, lest michael (the black wind) schiavo decides to make him vanish. :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil:

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