Michele Bachmann Criticizes George W. Bush For Embracing 'Socialism'

Well, she's said about all the crazy shit she could think of about Obama, so now I guess it's Bush's turn.

Will this women ever realize just how stupid she is? Why does Minnesota put up with her?
Michele Bachmann Criticizes George W. Bush For Embracing 'Socialism'

Hypcritical, if Bush was embracing 'socialism' what about her dumb ass when she and her family accepted farm subsidies?

Michele Bachmann disclosure includes farm receiving government subsidies - Los Angeles Times

Miss batshit crazy needs to shut the fuck up and learn what socialism, the TARP bailout was not socialism.

She's going after everyone!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIiBPTBO-2M&feature=player_embedded]Bachmann ad[/ame]
Her own website touts her support of SS and Medicare.

Why hasn't she dropped out of the race yet?

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