Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: ‘You’re Being Silly’

I reality, the only actual control of Congress is the Republicans in the house, the Democrats don't have 60 votes in the Senate.

Tough shit.

For the middle class.

And the far left Obama drone propaganda comes out again.

Obama with his far left buddies has done more to damage the middle class than any other time in history.

Yet the far left continues pushing that higher gas prices helps the poor.

There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders.
Tough shit.

For the middle class.

And the far left Obama drone propaganda comes out again.

Obama with his far left buddies has done more to damage the middle class than any other time in history.

Yet the far left continues pushing that higher gas prices helps the poor.

There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders.

Care to explain?
For the middle class.

And the far left Obama drone propaganda comes out again.

Obama with his far left buddies has done more to damage the middle class than any other time in history.

Yet the far left continues pushing that higher gas prices helps the poor.

There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders.

Care to explain?

If it has to be explained then you live on another planet or you are a white rich far left male and can not understand the plight of the "middle class". You know like Hilary..

However it means very little to the thread as this is not about the "middle class" it is about the abuse of power by Obama.

Or does your far left programming not allow you to acknowledge that?
Why do the people keep electing her? Can't they find another republican that isn't that far out there? She is about as anti middle class as it gets.

You are right. See my links below...

lol, she's far out there

evidently the people in her state doesn't see what you people, who elected a nobody, no experienced, lowly state Senator and Junior 144 days (when he decided he was the one) in Congress before you all creamed over the community agitator for President ...AND we've had to put with just cry us all river

None of you have room to point your bony fingers at anyone or call anyone FAR OUT THERE


She BARELY squeaked by a win last time.
She's already said she won't be running again.

Michele Bachmann in slim win over Democrat Jim Graves - NY Daily News
Michele Bachmann Election Results - Business Insider
2012 Election: Michele Bachmann struggles to victory |
Michele Bachmann Won't Run for Re-Election: Minnesota Rep., Tea Party Star Announces in Video | Video - ABC News

It's crystal clear to anyone with 2 brain-cells to rub together that you're not paying attention. Either that or worse...willfully ignorant.

Staff, in all sincerity, I think you're one of the DUMBEST posters on here. You don't contribute anything to anything.
Neil Cavuto needs to stick to counting his monopoly money and leave the politics to the grown ups. I don't watch Fox.. or any of the flaky news channels.. They're all shills for establishment politicians in both parties.
[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] , sounds like you're defending her. Are you?

If so, why? What has Michelle Bachmann done that warrants defending?

Has anyone but liberals???
I'm just guessing here.....but....maybe.....Neil Cavuto has.
Wow.. you're so incredibly intuitive.. Who cares what Neil Cavuto does or doesn't do?? He's not the base.
Who cares what the Republican base does or doesn't do? They're just a fraction of the American people.
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You partisan hacks need to put country first. Fuck the partisan politics. I don't care who is in the White House.

Obama is abusing executive orders and adding signing statements to the laws he signs. Bush started this practice, and Obama, despite campaigning against both, is expanding their use. It needs to be challenged. It's a usurpation of Congress. The executive does not write law.

There's nothing "wacky" about suing.
[MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] , no one is more of a hack than you if you're spewing the BS that Obama's "abusing executive orders."

Especially considering the FACT that he's used LESS Executive Orders than ANY President in modern history. Namely George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan

Five Myths About Obama's Executive Orders

I know all about executive orders. It's their ABUSE that I am concerned with. Read what I wrote.
What determines which ones are abusive and which ones aren't?
That is the million $ question. The Speaker of the House believes that Obama is legislating via executive orders.....I believe it's an argument worth hearing.....from both sides. then let the judges decide.

So basically, you really DON'T have anything legitimate that's wrong, you just want to complain, batch and moan based on the zombie-like obsession with the idea that "OBAMA BAAAAADDD!!!"

I mean, don't you have the LEAST bit of a care of your own credibility? C'mon....!!!

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Usually Neil Cavuto is a buffoon, but he was right about teabagger Bachmann.
I agree, the man is a complete buffoon. Being the utter partisan RW hack and tool that he is.

However, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I know all about executive orders. It's their ABUSE that I am concerned with. Read what I wrote.
What determines which ones are abusive and which ones aren't?

That is the million $ question. The Speaker of the House believes that Obama is legislating via executive orders.....I believe it's an argument worth hearing.....from both sides. then let the judges decide.


There is something inherently dishonest about non-stop, partisan attacks on the president.

No, it's NOT worth hearing - it's garbage like Benghazi, fast and furious, the stupid birther crap and EVERY OTHER STUPID scandal the right has thrown up against the wall, hoping that something would stick, but did not.

At some point, you just have to accept the fact the a Lib won the WH and MOVE ON.
Usually Neil Cavuto is a buffoon, but he was right about teabagger Bachmann.
I agree, the man is a complete buffoon. Being the utter partisan RW hack and tool that he is.

However, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

No, you're wrong - it was pretty stand-up of the guy to not toe the company line.

He deserves a little more props than that.

Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.


And it would be an “an enormous waste of effort” given the fact Congress has no standing to sue.

Can't be any more of a wasted effort than the last 6 years under an Obama's regime

I think I would have to explode too if I had to ask serious questions of such a dimbulb and sit there and pretend to take seriously their inane drivel in response. Everyone on Fox who once considered themselves a real journalist must really wonder where the hell they went wrong to end up in a propaganda outlet.
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


You know what...Fox created this monster. I'm not going to feel sorry for them because now they can't control it.
holy smokes, Fox's created a monster

seriously, you ever hear them complain about Msnbc which is nothing more but a DNC mouthpiece?

this stuff is petty but since you all hate Bachmann you lap this stuff up

and notice they like Fox news for this kind of stuff..tomorrow they'll be posting how Fox news lies lies lies

you can't keep up with the two faces of a leftie/progressive
What determines which ones are abusive and which ones aren't?

That is the million $ question. The Speaker of the House believes that Obama is legislating via executive orders.....I believe it's an argument worth hearing.....from both sides. then let the judges decide.

Isn't it already spelled out in the Constitution?

No not's a practice that Congress tends to turn the other way and not say anything.
That is the million $ question. The Speaker of the House believes that Obama is legislating via executive orders.....I believe it's an argument worth hearing.....from both sides. then let the judges decide.

Isn't it already spelled out in the Constitution?

It depends on who's reading it. :lol:

Obama has been stymied by a divided Congress. He sees executive orders as a tool to work around Congress. He's said as much too. So, fuck it, let the judges hear the evidence and settle the issue.

Wrong answer. If a suit like this is allowed to go to court, that's the end of our government. Going forward, opposition members of the president's party (regardless of party), will simply sue the president anytime they don't like something he, or she, is doing. Rightards in Congress are the one's here overreaching their power as they violate the separation of powers built into our system of government, designed to ensure our government doesn't eat it's own by inept members.

And the reason Cavuto was pissed was because he recognizes how damaging this suit is to the GOP. Something the right can't afford in an election year like this one where the power in t he Senate is teetering in either direction. This lawsuit reveals how inept Republicans are and how dangerous they are to the country.
And thanks to the far left once again showing that FOX is fair and balanced and not the mouth piece they claim it to be.

Gotta love how every time the far left makes a post like this they destroy their talking points and propaganda about FOX News.


Can you see Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Lawrence O'Donnell, Alex Wagner, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarboro, etc. etc. on MSNBC come down as hard as Cavuto did on Bachmann, on some Democrat Obama bootlicker Democrat???
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.

I don't blame him one bit either! KUDOS TO CAVUTO!! This insanity on the part of Conservatives to dare threaten to defund the Executive Branch and file a lawsuit against the president is being done for only one reason. And that is to deflect from their own shortcomings in Congress as they have not been able to accomplish one thing of significance so they throw a red herring into matters by wanting to sue the president, defund the Executive Branch, etc. to at least try to make gullible Americans believe that they are actually working on something important to them when nothing could be further from the truth. And I think most everyone surely realizes by now that these people are pitifully inadequate and need to start working For the people who sent them to Washington by trying to actually fix the real things that matter to this nation and its people or else they need to get out of office and let someone else in who is set upon going to work hard and not fool around with rubbish that won't go anywhere in the long run. But you know what else? The Republicans are also giving a black eye to this nation by admitting they want to do the aforementioned things that can only cause other nations to see just how unstable this country is due to Conservatives.

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