Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: ‘You’re Being Silly’

I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good

Maybe bachmann can become the new orly taitz. You remember her, the queen of the birthers!!!! It will be fun watching bachmann's case being thrown out of court for lack of merit.
Say stephanie, here is a thought for you. There is still time to leave the "stupid party." Remember that was what bobby jindal called the republican party. It is not too late.
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good

Maybe bachmann can become the new orly taitz. You remember her, the queen of the birthers!!!! It will be fun watching bachmann's case being thrown out of court for lack of merit.
Say stephanie, here is a thought for you. There is still time to leave the "stupid party." Remember that was what bobby jindal called the republican party. It is not too late.

Was not Taitz deported?
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


I get thrills watching the teabaggers and republican party with all their infighting headed to oblivion.

Is that the only word in your vocabulary??

He has wet dreams regarding "teabaggers"...true story.

Having said that, let 'em have it out in the courts, not like stupid stuff like this doesn't happen all the time. Problem being that the repubs will probably get a federal judge that was appointed by Obama.
You partisan hacks need to put country first. Fuck the partisan politics. I don't care who is in the White House.

Obama is abusing executive orders and adding signing statements to the laws he signs. Bush started this practice, and Obama, despite campaigning against both, is expanding their use. It needs to be challenged. It's a usurpation of Congress. The executive does not write law.

There's nothing "wacky" about suing.

You're wasting your breath Zander.. Liberalism invites Socialism , welcomes it.. A big centralized all powerful intrusive government is what the left wants.. then they can shut down opposition speech, regulate everything to death..
First of all Zander, you should know what you are taking about before opening your mouth. Executive Orders date back to the birth of the nation. It is not something new. George Washington signed 8 Executive Orders.
And lady gunslinger, lets get something straight. Are you telling me that if conservatives come to power they WON'T want to take the vote away from people who would vote Democratic, they WON'T push for two sets of rights in this country (straight rights and gay rights), and they WON'T try to take away a women's right to control her own body? Seems to me that if it is anyone who is trying to "regulate everything to death" it is the current republicans. The only places the conservatives are trying to deregulate are rules protecting the environment and rules stopping Wall Street from finishing the job they started 11 years ago.
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good

Maybe bachmann can become the new orly taitz. You remember her, the queen of the birthers!!!! It will be fun watching bachmann's case being thrown out of court for lack of merit.
Say stephanie, here is a thought for you. There is still time to leave the "stupid party." Remember that was what bobby jindal called the republican party. It is not too late.

Was not Taitz deported?
I don't believe she was. But if I am wrong, it only means bachmann will have less competition for QUEEN OF THE DUMMIES.
You partisan hacks need to put country first. Fuck the partisan politics. I don't care who is in the White House.

Obama is abusing executive orders and adding signing statements to the laws he signs. Bush started this practice, and Obama, despite campaigning against both, is expanding their use. It needs to be challenged. It's a usurpation of Congress. The executive does not write law.

There's nothing "wacky" about suing.

You're wasting your breath Zander.. Liberalism invites Socialism , welcomes it.. A big centralized all powerful intrusive government is what the left wants.. then they can shut down opposition speech, regulate everything to death..
First of all Zander, you should know what you are taking about before opening your mouth. Executive Orders date back to the birth of the nation. It is not something new. George Washington signed 8 Executive Orders.
And lady gunslinger, lets get something straight. Are you telling me that if conservatives come to power they WON'T want to take the vote away from people who would vote Democratic, they WON'T push for two sets of rights in this country (straight rights and gay rights), and they WON'T try to take away a women's right to control her own body? Seems to me that if it is anyone who is trying to "regulate everything to death" it is the current republicans. The only places the conservatives are trying to deregulate are rules protecting the environment and rules stopping Wall Street from finishing the job they started 11 years ago.

Executive orders are common, no doubt about that. I'm not so sure that most in the past have risen to the level of bypassing legislation on major issues as Obama's in numbers.

Congress does work on legislating only to have Reid not bring them to a vote in the Senate, and then Obama uses his pen to bypass Congress and the Senate on those very Bills.....Not sure that that was the way executive orders were to be used.
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You right wingers are screaming about Executive Orders like it was something that is brand new. Get a grip on yourselves. Have you ever considered doing some research before you start screaming like idiots or are your brains so warped that you only believe right wing rumor mongers. Executive Orders date back to the beginning of this county. In fact, George Washington issued 8 Executive Orders.
Check the link at the bottom for a complete list of all the presidents and how many each on issued.

Executive Orders
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


from you, steffie?

You're wasting your breath Zander.. Liberalism invites Socialism , welcomes it.. A big centralized all powerful intrusive government is what the left wants.. then they can shut down opposition speech, regulate everything to death..
First of all Zander, you should know what you are taking about before opening your mouth. Executive Orders date back to the birth of the nation. It is not something new. George Washington signed 8 Executive Orders.
And lady gunslinger, lets get something straight. Are you telling me that if conservatives come to power they WON'T want to take the vote away from people who would vote Democratic, they WON'T push for two sets of rights in this country (straight rights and gay rights), and they WON'T try to take away a women's right to control her own body? Seems to me that if it is anyone who is trying to "regulate everything to death" it is the current republicans. The only places the conservatives are trying to deregulate are rules protecting the environment and rules stopping Wall Street from finishing the job they started 11 years ago.

Executive orders are common, no doubt about that. I'm not so sure that most in the past have risen to the level of bypassing legislation on major issues as Obama's in numbers.

Congress does work on legislating only to have Reid not bring them to a vote in the Senate, and then Obama uses his pen to bypass Congress and the Senate on those very Bills.....Not sure that that was the way executive orders were to be used.
You may be right Meister but even you have to admit no president has ever had to deal with a Congress like we currently have. And while Reid has sat on some legislation I suspect if you check you would find that the real blockage of Congress is coming from the House and Boehner.
This country has real problems and the two Houses in Congress are behaving like small children fighting over a toy. Ever since the republican party openly stated they want Obama to fail they have done everything in their power to make that happen. What they are to stupid to understand is that if a president fails, and that means any president Democrat or republican, THE COUNTRY FAILS. Didn't they learn anything from the bush years?
I get thrills watching the teabaggers and republican party with all their infighting headed to oblivion.

Is that the only word in your vocabulary??

He has wet dreams regarding "teabaggers"...true story.

Having said that, let 'em have it out in the courts, not like stupid stuff like this doesn't happen all the time. Problem being that the repubs will probably get a federal judge that was appointed by Obama.

Have it out in court?

You know how ridiculous that sounds?

The Congress suing the President?

Over what?

Who was hurt?

What was the extent of the damage?

Seriously..this is amazingly stupid.
Is that the only word in your vocabulary??

He has wet dreams regarding "teabaggers"...true story.

Having said that, let 'em have it out in the courts, not like stupid stuff like this doesn't happen all the time. Problem being that the repubs will probably get a federal judge that was appointed by Obama.

Have it out in court?

You know how ridiculous that sounds?

The Congress suing the President?

Over what?

Who was hurt?

What was the extent of the damage?

Seriously..this is amazingly stupid.

and their level of stupid surprises you?
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


I'm absolutely ecstatic that the host called these ass-hats out on this foolishness.

He's 100% correct - It's a silly waste of time and money, you don't agree? Why not?

I was beginning to the think that the republicans had lost all of their marbles, It's nice to see someone stand up to the larceny for once!
Wow! That FOX is so fair and balanced! Especially Cavuto!
Cavuto is a bit of a weasel.

Everyone knows that he's a Wall Street establishment Republican but he has faked being a teabagger since 2009. He's more comfortable with the likes of Maria Bartiromo than Matt Kibbe.

He didn't want Megyn getting all the maverick rep.
There was an article written this week by George Will about reigning in this President and his tyrannical pen by doing just this.. The Legislative Branch suing the Executive.. The Courts need to reaffirm Separation of Powers for this nitwit President who thinks He's King George.

Freudian slip? :lol:
You partisan hacks need to put country first. Fuck the partisan politics. I don't care who is in the White House.

Obama is abusing executive orders and adding signing statements to the laws he signs. Bush started this practice, and Obama, despite campaigning against both, is expanding their use. It needs to be challenged. It's a usurpation of Congress. The executive does not write law.

There's nothing "wacky" about suing.

You're wasting your breath Zander.. Liberalism invites Socialism , welcomes it.. A big centralized all powerful intrusive government is what the left wants.. then they can shut down opposition speech, regulate everything to death..
First of all Zander, you should know what you are taking about before opening your mouth. Executive Orders date back to the birth of the nation. It is not something new. George Washington signed 8 Executive Orders.
And lady gunslinger, lets get something straight. Are you telling me that if conservatives come to power they WON'T want to take the vote away from people who would vote Democratic, they WON'T push for two sets of rights in this country (straight rights and gay rights), and they WON'T try to take away a women's right to control her own body? Seems to me that if it is anyone who is trying to "regulate everything to death" it is the current republicans. The only places the conservatives are trying to deregulate are rules protecting the environment and rules stopping Wall Street from finishing the job they started 11 years ago.

I know all about executive orders. It's their ABUSE that I am concerned with. Read what I wrote.

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