Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: ‘You’re Being Silly’

lol, she's far out there

evidently the people in her state doesn't see what you people, who elected a nobody, no experienced, lowly state Senator and Junior 144 days in Congress before you all creamed over him community agitator for President ...AND we've had to put with just cry us all river

None of you have room to point your bony fingers at anyone



Junior Senator

The subject is Bachmann. Please discuss Bachmann.
Why do the people keep electing her? Can't they find another republican that isn't that far out there? She is about as anti middle class as it gets.

The same reason lefties elected that crook Charlie Wrangle-

Who's Charlie Wrangle?


It's just another play on words..and a display of how much you hate American Veterans who are HEROES.

Charlie Rangel is a true American Hero.

Unlike Ronald Reagan, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney; Charlie Rangel put his life on the line in Korea to save a band of brothers.

And America recognized his service and honored him with a boatload of medals.
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


She is bible thumping mutant
There was an article written this week by George Will about reigning in this President and his tyrannical pen by doing just this.. The Legislative Branch suing the Executive.. The Courts need to reaffirm Separation of Powers for this nitwit President who thinks He's King George.
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


I don't think that he lost it, in my opinion he called her out on her crazy shit, and when she tried to move the "goal posts" onto another subject , he told her to get back to the issue at hand. Kudos for Cavuto for not being part of the propaganda machine. He made a LOT of valid points.

Cavuto just usually lets that slide..or nods in agreement.

In any case, FOX is signaling, I think, an end to putting up with Tea Party nonsense.
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


She is bible thumping mutant

Stick to the topic.


Thanks! :D
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


I don't think that he lost it, in my opinion he called her out on her crazy shit, and when she tried to move the "goal posts" onto another subject , he told her to get back to the issue at hand. Kudos for Cavuto for not being part of the propaganda machine. He made a LOT of valid points.

Cavuto just usually lets that slide..or nods in agreement.

In any case, FOX is signaling, I think, an end to putting up with Tea Party nonsense.

Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


I don't think that he lost it, in my opinion he called her out on her crazy shit, and when she tried to move the "goal posts" onto another subject , he told her to get back to the issue at hand. Kudos for Cavuto for not being part of the propaganda machine. He made a LOT of valid points.

Cavuto just usually lets that slide..or nods in agreement.

In any case, FOX is signaling, I think, an end to putting up with Tea Party nonsense.

Boehner is Tea Party?
You know it's bad when FOX NEWS thinks you've gone too far off the deep end.

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I don't think that he lost it, in my opinion he called her out on her crazy shit, and when she tried to move the "goal posts" onto another subject , he told her to get back to the issue at hand. Kudos for Cavuto for not being part of the propaganda machine. He made a LOT of valid points.

Cavuto just usually lets that slide..or nods in agreement.

In any case, FOX is signaling, I think, an end to putting up with Tea Party nonsense.

Boehner is Tea Party?

Well he pretty much caters to them.

He's almost in a black suit holding a menu.

Sorry. I was being completely sarcastic.

Chris Wallace is pretty good.

Being serious.

If we watched him together! I could demonstrate how that is not the case. He's good at his job...and he plays his role very well...but his job is to shill for the FOX agenda.

Sure he is.

But he's a good interviewer, lets people talk and follows up well.

He's got a conservative agenda, but, what he does? He does well.
The irony of this, of course, is that there was no greater advocate and promoter of unitary executive doctrine than George W. Bush:

When President Bush signed the new law, sponsored by Senator McCain, restricting the use of torture when interrogating detainees, he also issued a Presidential signing statement. That statement asserted that his power as Commander-in-Chief gives him the authority to bypass the very law he had just signed.
This news came fast on the heels of Bush's shocking admission that, since 2002, he has repeatedly authorized the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance without a warrant, in flagrant violation of applicable federal law.
And before that, Bush declared he had the unilateral authority to ignore the Geneva Conventions and to indefinitely detain without due process both immigrants and citizens as enemy combatants.
All these declarations echo the refrain Bush has been asserting from the outset of his presidency. That refrain is simple: Presidential power must be unilateral, and unchecked.
But the most recent and blatant presidential intrusions on the law and Constitution supply the verse to that refrain. They not only claim unilateral executive power, but also supply the train of the President's thinking, the texture of his motivations, and the root of his intentions.
They make clear, for instance, that the phrase "unitary executive" is a code word for a doctrine that favors nearly unlimited executive power. Bush has used the doctrine in his signing statements to quietly expand presidential authority.
FindLaw's Writ - Van Bergen: The Unitary Executive: Is The Doctrine Behind the Bush Presidency Consistent with a Democratic State?
So the question to the partisan right is very much on point: why 'sue' now, why wasn't suit brought against Bush?

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