Michele Bachmann Granted Swiss Citizenship

In other news, wah-wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah-wah-wah.

Michele Bachmann Calls Obama 'Out Of Touch' For Backing Gay Marriage

In a statement released Wednesday, Bachmann joined former rivals for the GOP presidential nomination Rick Santorum and Rick Perry in condemning Obama's announcement.
“The President's announcement today shows how out of touch he is [with] the values of American families,” said Bachmann. “The President continues to practice the politics of division and diversion. He's tried to divide the country over gender, education, class, and now he's attempting to divide families as a diversion to his failed economic policies that have affected all Americans.”
She said that “Americans know better and support traditional marriage” and “Marriage between one man and one woman is the foundation of our society.”
“I will continue to protect traditional marriage, despite our president's decision to thumb his nose at the traditional institution of marriage,” she added.
As a Minnesota state senator, Bachmann sponsored a resolution which sought to constitutionally ban gay marriage in the state. Minnesota voters will decide the fate of a ballot initiative on the matter in November.

Poor Marcus. The closet it is.
From America's Comic Book....

Rep. Michele Bachmann says she's withdrawing from dual citizenship with Switzerland.

"I took this action because I want to make it perfectly clear: I was born in America and I am a proud American citizen," the former GOP presidential candidate said in a statement. "I am, and always have been, 100% committed to our United States Constitution and the United States of America."

Bachmann asks for end to Swiss citizenship


so she got caught basically. You go to the Swiss if you don't want people seeing who you get money from. Since they have some of the strictest laws in the world. Whats funny is the fact she went to one of the most socialist nations on earth to open an account and ask for citizenship.
She didn't get caught at anything....If you had read the original L.A. Times piece, which you obviously didn't, spouses of Swiss immigrants to the US automatically have Swiss citizenship extended to them.
so she got caught basically. You go to the Swiss if you don't want people seeing who you get money from. Since they have some of the strictest laws in the world.

The welfare/warfare state won't let Switzerland open accounts for Americans. The Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the US Government controls our money.

Whats funny is the fact she went to one of the most socialist nations on earth to open an account and ask for citizenship.

Why Switzerland Is Still Free and America Is Not
so she got caught basically. You go to the Swiss if you don't want people seeing who you get money from. Since they have some of the strictest laws in the world. Whats funny is the fact she went to one of the most socialist nations on earth to open an account and ask for citizenship.
She didn't get caught at anything....If you had read the original L.A. Times piece, which you obviously didn't, spouses of Swiss immigrants to the US automatically have Swiss citizenship extended to them.

ugh, no she got "caught" going to a socialist country to open up a bank account and citizenship. She didnt want people seeing where she got money from in my opinion. She did nothing illegal.

Switzerland a "socialist" country? What kind of drugs are you on?
From America's Comic Book....

Bachmann asks for end to Swiss citizenship


so she got caught basically. You go to the Swiss if you don't want people seeing who you get money from. Since they have some of the strictest laws in the world. Whats funny is the fact she went to one of the most socialist nations on earth to open an account and ask for citizenship.
She didn't get caught at anything....If you had read the original L.A. Times piece, which you obviously didn't, spouses of Swiss immigrants to the US automatically have Swiss citizenship extended to them.
Here's Oddball again defending establishment Republican Neo-Cons who voted for everything that Bush wanted.

A true Libertarian would never stick up for Bachmann. A true Libertarian would want every entrenched politician from both Parties to be replaced, especially one as hypocritical as her.
so she got caught basically. You go to the Swiss if you don't want people seeing who you get money from. Since they have some of the strictest laws in the world. Whats funny is the fact she went to one of the most socialist nations on earth to open an account and ask for citizenship.
She didn't get caught at anything....If you had read the original L.A. Times piece, which you obviously didn't, spouses of Swiss immigrants to the US automatically have Swiss citizenship extended to them.
Here's Oddball again defending establishment Republican Neo-Cons who voted for everything that Bush wanted.

A true Libertarian would never stick up for Bachmann. A true Libertarian would want every entrenched politician from both Parties to be replaced, especially one as hypocritical as her.

Seems disloyal & from a former Republican candidate for president, very strange.
The US government is using the new Fatca laws to stop Americans from opening bank accounts anywhere in the world.

Watch for a lot of Americans renouncing their citizenship.
She didn't get caught at anything....If you had read the original L.A. Times piece, which you obviously didn't, spouses of Swiss immigrants to the US automatically have Swiss citizenship extended to them.
Here's Oddball again defending establishment Republican Neo-Cons who voted for everything that Bush wanted.

A true Libertarian would never stick up for Bachmann. A true Libertarian would want every entrenched politician from both Parties to be replaced, especially one as hypocritical as her.

Seems disloyal & from a former Republican candidate for president, very strange.
The modern GOP establishment is populated by globalists who just give lip service to American values. For them, the pursuit of personal wealth trumps patriotism every time.
The US government is using the new Fatca laws to stop Americans from opening bank accounts anywhere in the world.

Watch for a lot of Americans renouncing their citizenship.

Money trumps patriotism every time.
ugh, no she got "caught" going to a socialist country to open up a bank account and citizenship. She didnt want people seeing where she got money from in my opinion. She did nothing illegal.

Switzerland a "socialist" country? What kind of drugs are you on?

well besides them having some of the most heavy banking regulations in the world?

They have extremely tough environmental regulations, since they are a small country and don't have millions of acres to bury/dispose of their toxic waste.

But they are also a people who don't necessarily need their government to force them to do the right thing, as they truly love and are proud of their country. They take care of their entire population. But, of course, they do that in part by controlling their immigration - they are not diverse and don't wish to be.
I didn't see this thread, so I also started one in the Congress Forum. There is something about this that everyone is missing. Going back a very long time ago, my father applied for jobs with the CIA and FBI. My mother is a Swiss citizen. Because of her Swiss citizenship, my father was denied employment with both agencies because he could not make security clearance. To be in the CIA, your spouse must be American born. To be in the FBI, your spouse can have citizenship from another country, but it must be an ally of the US. At least those were the guidelines back in the 60's.

My point is, since Switzerland is not even one of our allies, should Michelle Bachmann now lose her security clearances? She is on the House Intelligence Committee. Even if I am not concerned about her loyalties, rules are rules, and she should be held to the same rules as everyone else.

What part of "American born" don't you understand?

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