'We Will Not Engage': Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

Sure, I would like it if the feds stuck to what their job was originally intended to be, which was VERY limited. :) That would be great. They have WAY overstepped their bounds, IMO.

Oh, that's not an opinion. That's a fact.

But the left wing morons like Schillian hide behind "case law" to say it does not matter.

And in the end...they are right. What we need is to put judges in place that will take case law in our direction.

Might as well be honest about it....the courts are now as political as congress.

Oh I totally agree. It seems to me that the justices are just as partisan in either direction as any of our politicians. I'd certainly like to see more moderate and nonpartisan justices, but that seems like a pipe dream. :lol:

Isn't that the truth, but when you have shit like the POTUS calling out the Court during a SOTU speech, they are going to hit back.

Well, I think it's more due to the fact that they are appointed by our presidents. :D Of course, they are going to nominate justices who share their ideals. So we have a bunch of liberal and conservative justices and no one in the middle, or that's how it seems to me.

Depends on the ideals.

Reagan nominates Bork and he is smeared to the point he can't be evaluated. Ted (I'm so glad he's dead) Kennedy was a total scumbag.

Then you have Kennedy and Schumer lecturing Roberts and Alito on the "gains" of the last 40 years. These men are to be independent. And yet the asswipe Kennedy dones not get it.

You think they are independent? :D I think they seem to fall on the conservative side.
no its not a pipe dream congress can unseat federal judges.

I want a third party to fix things, not screw things up. :D

Really you do want to screw things up.

By that, I mean...you want to return to a time when states controlled their own destinies and the SCOTUS had more time to golf.

Sure, I would like it if the feds stuck to what their job was originally intended to be, which was VERY limited. :) That would be great. They have WAY overstepped their bounds, IMO.

Oh, that's not an opinion. That's a fact.

But the left wing morons like Schillian hide behind "case law" to say it does not matter.

And in the end...they are right. What we need is to put judges in place that will take case law in our direction.

Might as well be honest about it....the courts are now as political as congress.

Oh I totally agree. It seems to me that the justices are just as partisan in either direction as any of our politicians. I'd certainly like to see more moderate and nonpartisan justices, but that seems like a pipe dream. :lol:

Oh? And when has this happened?
Really you do want to screw things up.

By that, I mean...you want to return to a time when states controlled their own destinies and the SCOTUS had more time to golf.

Sure, I would like it if the feds stuck to what their job was originally intended to be, which was VERY limited. :) That would be great. They have WAY overstepped their bounds, IMO.

Oh, that's not an opinion. That's a fact.

But the left wing morons like Schillian hide behind "case law" to say it does not matter.

And in the end...they are right. What we need is to put judges in place that will take case law in our direction.

Might as well be honest about it....the courts are now as political as congress.

Oh I totally agree. It seems to me that the justices are just as partisan in either direction as any of our politicians. I'd certainly like to see more moderate and nonpartisan justices, but that seems like a pipe dream. :lol:

Oh? And when has this happened?
Congress voted to unseat a federal judge during bushes term in office.
Malbear is right, guys, generally. Abortion will mean nothing to them in the election, and marriage equality will be the law of the land. But reach out to needs about their relatives, jobs, and such things, and they will carry the 2016 election for the Republicans.
Join Flakey's crew, apparently this election meant nothing to you! Does this fall on empty heads..I certainly hope not!

That certainly is not true and that kind of thinking will have you crying again in 2016. Why are you trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

Do you understand English? The GOP has an opportunity here to cost the Democratic Party an entire demographic. That's HUGE.

You, my friend are delusional... what was the last Hispanic VOTER DEMOGRAPHIC between republican and democrats... Look it up and tell us all!

Perhaps your eyes will open, but you seem to be invested in losing! If we are going to lose, put up that fight, instead of the suicide we are walking into!

Come on, where is the common sense around here any more.

Of course the Dems have gotten the Latino vote until now, because they have been the party of amnesty. And that is the ONLY reason.

Hispanics hate blacks and gays, and are against abortion.

They are conservatives waiting to be Republicans you fool.

It would be like if the Dems cut off support for welfare, the blacks would be OUT OF THERE. Same difference.

And NOW that Obola has made his BIG SPEECH, right in the middle of the Latino Emmy Awards, and MILLIONS of Latino's KNOW he was the one, NOT Republicans that gave 5 million of them amnesty, how, explain to me, are the Republicans going to make it that THEY were the ones to do that? You make me change my mind with facts, figures, and LOGIC and I WON'T call you a fool!

Man, I have tried to avoid just coming out and saying this, but you have left me no choice.

You just aren't very smart.

Listen sonny, Latinos have ONE reason to vote Democrat. They want their friends/cousins/brothers whatever to be US citizens.

They will now have this, so when they go to the polls in 2016, they won't care who gave it to them. Oh sure the Dems hope they are that stupid, but they aren't. They will look around and say "Oh, well I got what I want" then they will vote AGAINST gay rights, they will vote AGAINST blacks They will vote AGAINST abortion, they will vote for CONSERVATIVES which means .........


However, if the GOP turns it into a 2 year fight , THAT the Latinos likely WILL remember and they will vote against the GOP which means obviously the Dems.

I can't believe you are this stupid... or are simply another Democrat plant like Flakey is. The Democrats just gave all their relatives AMNESTY! Did you, at least listen to the asshats speech? All you have is your SUPPOSITION, when we ALREADY have facts and figures, and have the knowledge that the Latino press is in the Democrats corner.

How old are you child, not to know this? I've seen it happening for 7 decades, and it will only stop when the system collapses, or when CONSERVATIVES bring sanity back to an ailing country!
Personally I feel the country would be better off with me as benevolent dictator.

I'd be fair and judicious in the use of my unilateral powers.
I'll be the dictator . You aren't smart enough or a caring hard worker.
You'll be the court jester on Dottie's day off.

and like it.
I'll be the general who has the respect and command of the entire military and blow you right out of office.
Sorry, not my style. I, as does everyone here, have absolutely no say on what goes on, but gives our educated opinion about these topics, and THAT is exactly what I am doing. You have the moral, and legal HIGH GROUND, yet you give it up without, at least, explaining to your supporters why! THIS is why there is a strong call for a THIRD PARTY, one that stays the course, and puts ethics, principles, and the LAW in front!
You know that the irs scandal will bring down this president, right? Pick your battles in government. They can do this a pass a bunch of bills and make the dems look like true obstructionists. 2016 will be given to us. Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. Let the govs sue the president.

I'll bet you $100 right now that the feckless Republicans are NEUTERED for the next 2 years, being OUTPLAYED by a group of Chicago THUGS that know the game of POLITICS better than the Republicans do...they CHEAT, LIE and STEAL, all things the Republicans won't do, NOT out of fear of being caught, but out of fear of the 4th estate, in the back pocket of the regime, turning on them like rabid dogs!
Your to conservative lets make it $10000.

Why not a MILLION, Pogo did that and backed out!
I'll bet you 15 million. That's 75% of my wealth. Without hesitation. The question is will you back out? I haven't been wrong in over 7 years and again I have predicted everything. You would be wise to reconsider. When your wrong I'm gracious. I won't make you look bad. I'm not like that.

Well I don't have 15 million, How about a gentlemans bet, you win, I'll put in my signature that YOU are the smartest guy in USMB, and I'm a dumb ass, I win, YOU do the same! Bet?
Personally I feel the country would be better off with me as benevolent dictator.

I'd be fair and judicious in the use of my unilateral powers.
I'll be the dictator . You aren't smart enough or a caring hard worker.
You'll be the court jester on Dottie's day off.

and like it.
I'll be the general who has the respect and command of the entire military and blow you right out of office.

LOL you've just been demoted to White House cat.
You know that the irs scandal will bring down this president, right? Pick your battles in government. They can do this a pass a bunch of bills and make the dems look like true obstructionists. 2016 will be given to us. Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. Let the govs sue the president.

I'll bet you $100 right now that the feckless Republicans are NEUTERED for the next 2 years, being OUTPLAYED by a group of Chicago THUGS that know the game of POLITICS better than the Republicans do...they CHEAT, LIE and STEAL, all things the Republicans won't do, NOT out of fear of being caught, but out of fear of the 4th estate, in the back pocket of the regime, turning on them like rabid dogs!
Your to conservative lets make it $10000.

Why not a MILLION, Pogo did that and backed out!
I'll bet you 15 million. That's 75% of my wealth. Without hesitation. The question is will you back out? I haven't been wrong in over 7 years and again I have predicted everything. You would be wise to reconsider. When your wrong I'm gracious. I won't make you look bad. I'm not like that.

Well I don't have 15 million, How about a gentlemans bet, you win, I'll put in my signature that YOU are the smartest guy in USMB, and I'm a dumb ass, I win, YOU do the same! Bet?
At least your honest. Deal.
I'll bet you $100 right now that the feckless Republicans are NEUTERED for the next 2 years, being OUTPLAYED by a group of Chicago THUGS that know the game of POLITICS better than the Republicans do...they CHEAT, LIE and STEAL, all things the Republicans won't do, NOT out of fear of being caught, but out of fear of the 4th estate, in the back pocket of the regime, turning on them like rabid dogs!
Your to conservative lets make it $10000.

Why not a MILLION, Pogo did that and backed out!
I'll bet you 15 million. That's 75% of my wealth. Without hesitation. The question is will you back out? I haven't been wrong in over 7 years and again I have predicted everything. You would be wise to reconsider. When your wrong I'm gracious. I won't make you look bad. I'm not like that.

Well I don't have 15 million, How about a gentlemans bet, you win, I'll put in my signature that YOU are the smartest guy in USMB, and I'm a dumb ass, I win, YOU do the same! Bet?
At least your honest. Deal.

Bookmarked! I HOPE you win!
Personally I feel the country would be better off with me as benevolent dictator.

I'd be fair and judicious in the use of my unilateral powers.
I'll be the dictator . You aren't smart enough or a caring hard worker.
You'll be the court jester on Dottie's day off.

and like it.
I'll be the general who has the respect and command of the entire military and blow you right out of office.

LOL you've just been demoted to White House cat.
You can't demote someone who has more respect than dictator with that much power and control due to respect. Lol..
Oh, that's not an opinion. That's a fact.

But the left wing morons like Schillian hide behind "case law" to say it does not matter.

And in the end...they are right. What we need is to put judges in place that will take case law in our direction.

Might as well be honest about it....the courts are now as political as congress.

Oh I totally agree. It seems to me that the justices are just as partisan in either direction as any of our politicians. I'd certainly like to see more moderate and nonpartisan justices, but that seems like a pipe dream. :lol:

Isn't that the truth, but when you have shit like the POTUS calling out the Court during a SOTU speech, they are going to hit back.

Well, I think it's more due to the fact that they are appointed by our presidents. :D Of course, they are going to nominate justices who share their ideals. So we have a bunch of liberal and conservative justices and no one in the middle, or that's how it seems to me.

Depends on the ideals.

Reagan nominates Bork and he is smeared to the point he can't be evaluated. Ted (I'm so glad he's dead) Kennedy was a total scumbag.

Then you have Kennedy and Schumer lecturing Roberts and Alito on the "gains" of the last 40 years. These men are to be independent. And yet the asswipe Kennedy dones not get it.

You think they are independent? :D I think they seem to fall on the conservative side.

Not independents.....but independent of the other two branches.

All Kennedy needs to determine is if they will follow the constitution. Of course, to him that means whatever it is that he needs to form the legacy he requires to get away from Mary Joe.
Your to conservative lets make it $10000.

Why not a MILLION, Pogo did that and backed out!
I'll bet you 15 million. That's 75% of my wealth. Without hesitation. The question is will you back out? I haven't been wrong in over 7 years and again I have predicted everything. You would be wise to reconsider. When your wrong I'm gracious. I won't make you look bad. I'm not like that.

Well I don't have 15 million, How about a gentlemans bet, you win, I'll put in my signature that YOU are the smartest guy in USMB, and I'm a dumb ass, I win, YOU do the same! Bet?
At least your honest. Deal.

Bookmarked! I HOPE you win!
I've already won.

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