Michele Bachmann Mangles Revolutionary History

This isn't the first time she has had fucked up like this, first history and now geography, with a teabag in her hand. This is the shit that Repugs get when they select what they perceive to be beauty over brains, even though Bachmann is by no means a pretty woman to most people.
Grow up. If this is the best you can get on her then she's in great shape.
What do you expect?

Bachmann learns her history from Glenn Beck

Too bad they aren't educated and enlightened like you are

I'm no genius. But I could kick the shit out of Bachmann when it comes to politics and American History. Her repeated misrepresentations show a limited grasp of our government and our history
Misspeaks and gaffes are going to be normal against people on both side of the aisle. Does anybody really think that if they were followed around constantly, (24/7 in Obama's case) they wouldn't misspeak at all? This is why nothing ever gets solved in our country. Because people bicker over stupid stuff, and it's one giant "I got ya!" game. Focus on issues that matter-not silly misspeaks that everybody would make if they spoke that often to the public.
What do you expect?

Bachmann learns her history from Glenn Beck

Too bad they aren't educated and enlightened like you are

I'm no genius. But I could kick the shit out of Bachmann when it comes to politics and American History. Her repeated misrepresentations show a limited grasp of our government and our history


Yes, you would take her apart with your deep knowledge and understanding of American History, logic and economics. But you you really think it's fair to measure her against you? I mean who would pass that test?
What do you expect?

Bachmann learns her history from Glenn Beck

I like her because she drives "thinking" independents to the left :)

Would she be like Pelosi then?
Pelosi DROVE her party so far LEFT, her and the Obama took a HISTORIC ASS KICKING in this last election.

you liberals are so funny with your wild imaginations.

AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:
I like her because she drives "thinking" independents to the left :)

Would she be like Pelosi then?
Pelosi DROVE her party so far LEFT, her and the Obama took a HISTORIC ASS KICKING in this last election.

you liberals are so funny with your wild imaginations.

AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

And she got fired for the way she went about it. Now the adults are having to undo the damage she caused. Pelosi is nothing but a union dweeb and anyone who supports her is acting directly against the best interests of the American taxpayers.
I like her because she drives "thinking" independents to the left :)

Would she be like Pelosi then?
Pelosi DROVE her party so far LEFT, her and the Obama took a HISTORIC ASS KICKING in this last election.

you liberals are so funny with your wild imaginations.

AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

oh yeah she did, the biggest shit one, ObamaCare is being VOIDED by the courts and is being shown to be UNCONSTITUTIOANL. She with the Help of the Obama, was defeated by historic numbers for a Midterm election..
So ALL that MAKES her SOME WINNER.:lol:
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Bachmann flubs Revolutionary War geography in NH - Yahoo! News

NASHUA, N.H. – U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota stood before New Hampshire Republicans with a tea bag clutched in her hand Saturday, but her grasp on Revolutionary War geography wasn't quite as tight.
Before headlining a GOP fundraiser, the possible presidential hopeful told a group of students and conservative activists in Manchester, "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord."
But those first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Massachusetts, not New Hampshire.

"So I misplaced the battles Concord and Lexington by saying they were in New Hampshire," Bachmann posted on her Facebook page later. "It was my mistake, Massachusetts is where they happened. New Hampshire is where they are still proud of it!"

Though Bachmann probably wasn't the first to confuse Concord, N.H., with Concord, Mass., her mistake was striking given her roots in the tea party movement, which takes its name from the dumping of tea into Boston Harbor by angry American colonists in December 1773, 16 months before the Battle of Lexington Green.

This isn't the first time she has had fucked up like this, first history and now geography, with a teabag in her hand. This is the shit that Repugs get when they select what they perceive to be beauty over brains, even though Bachmann is by no means a pretty woman to most people.

At least she has heart, her gaffe notwithstanding and she does the will of her Constituients and acknowleges her oath and adheres to it unlike many electeds on the left that ignore their oath and do what the hell they want to spite their oath.

ETA: And she doesn't see the Constitution as a damned nuscience, a wall that must be gotten around or destroyed...
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Would she be like Pelosi then?
Pelosi DROVE her party so far LEFT, her and the Obama took a HISTORIC ASS KICKING in this last election.

you liberals are so funny with your wild imaginations.

AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

And she got fired for the way she went about it. Now the adults are having to undo the damage she caused. Pelosi is nothing but a union dweeb and anyone who supports her is acting directly against the best interests of the American taxpayers.
What is your obsession w/ the word "dweeb"? What are you, like 14 yrs old :eusa_eh:
Would she be like Pelosi then?
Pelosi DROVE her party so far LEFT, her and the Obama took a HISTORIC ASS KICKING in this last election.

you liberals are so funny with your wild imaginations.

AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

oh yeah she did, the biggest shit one, ObamaCare is being VOIDED by the courts and is being shown to be UNCONSTITUTIOANL. So that MAKES her SOME WINNER.:lol:

So you know, in advance, how a courts going to rule? You MIGHT be right, if it gets that far, because of my siggie pic.
AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

And she got fired for the way she went about it. Now the adults are having to undo the damage she caused. Pelosi is nothing but a union dweeb and anyone who supports her is acting directly against the best interests of the American taxpayers.
What is your obsession w/ the word "dweeb"? What are you, like 14 yrs old :eusa_eh:
AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

oh yeah she did, the biggest shit one, ObamaCare is being VOIDED by the courts and is being shown to be UNCONSTITUTIOANL. So that MAKES her SOME WINNER.:lol:

So you know, in advance, how a courts going to rule? You MIGHT be right, if it gets that far, because of my siggie pic.

I'll give you a couple new words since you don't like "dweeb". How about "pusillanimous pissant". I'll use that term when I'm addressing you if you prefer.
AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

And she got fired for the way she went about it. Now the adults are having to undo the damage she caused. Pelosi is nothing but a union dweeb and anyone who supports her is acting directly against the best interests of the American taxpayers.
What is your obsession w/ the word "dweeb"? What are you, like 14 yrs old :eusa_eh:
AND she got a considerable amt. of legislation passed. Whats the primary role of politicians? Oh yeah, to govern. Why do you hate women :mad:

oh yeah she did, the biggest shit one, ObamaCare is being VOIDED by the courts and is being shown to be UNCONSTITUTIOANL. So that MAKES her SOME WINNER.:lol:

So you know, in advance, how a courts going to rule? You MIGHT be right, if it gets that far, because of my siggie pic.

I love that "corporate takeover". Are all those people who voted republican last November being told what to do by the corporations?
I just wasted a minute of my life reading your uninformed posts. Buh Bye

You've wasted far more than than that and it's not from reading my posts. You're a parrot. You deliberately mislead and misinform. You're a purveyor of Leftist propaganda. You are acting against the best interests of the American people who play by the rules and work hard for their families.
Threads like this are such a waste of time. Everyone on both sides can point to mistakes and flubs. It's juvenile and very weak. Another example of the Obamatron intellect.

Ah yes, deep thoughts and sanctimony from the guy who did this:


I'm flattered that you would take the time and energy to dig that out. I feel special. And thanks for reminding us what a dumb ass your dear leader is.
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Bachmann flubs Revolutionary War geography in NH - Yahoo! News

NASHUA, N.H. – U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota stood before New Hampshire Republicans with a tea bag clutched in her hand Saturday, but her grasp on Revolutionary War geography wasn't quite as tight.
Before headlining a GOP fundraiser, the possible presidential hopeful told a group of students and conservative activists in Manchester, "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord."
But those first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Massachusetts, not New Hampshire.

"So I misplaced the battles Concord and Lexington by saying they were in New Hampshire," Bachmann posted on her Facebook page later. "It was my mistake, Massachusetts is where they happened. New Hampshire is where they are still proud of it!"

Though Bachmann probably wasn't the first to confuse Concord, N.H., with Concord, Mass., her mistake was striking given her roots in the tea party movement, which takes its name from the dumping of tea into Boston Harbor by angry American colonists in December 1773, 16 months before the Battle of Lexington Green.

This isn't the first time she has had fucked up like this, first history and now geography, with a teabag in her hand. This is the shit that Repugs get when they select what they perceive to be beauty over brains, even though Bachmann is by no means a pretty woman to most people.

At least she has heart, her gaffe notwithstanding and she does the will of her Constituients and acknowleges her oath and adheres to it unlike many electeds on the left that ignore their oath and do what the hell they want to spite their oath.

ETA: And she doesn't see the Constitution as a damned nuscience, a wall that must be gotten around or destroyed...

Bachmann doesn't have a clue as to what is in the Constitution only what she wants it to say
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Bachmann flubs Revolutionary War geography in NH - Yahoo! News

This isn't the first time she has had fucked up like this, first history and now geography, with a teabag in her hand. This is the shit that Repugs get when they select what they perceive to be beauty over brains, even though Bachmann is by no means a pretty woman to most people.

At least she has heart, her gaffe notwithstanding and she does the will of her Constituients and acknowleges her oath and adheres to it unlike many electeds on the left that ignore their oath and do what the hell they want to spite their oath.

ETA: And she doesn't see the Constitution as a damned nuscience, a wall that must be gotten around or destroyed...

Bachmann doesn't have a clue as to what is in the Constitution only what she wants it to say

Right, because you can "read between the lines" and she can't. You find lots of things in the Constitution, the right to welfare, government redistribution of wealth, an abortion, confiscate and spend other people's money on earmarks and anything else Congress dreams up, ignore State rights and destroy individual freedoms. She doesn't realize like you do that just because they aren't enumerated in the Constitution doesn't mean they aren't in there, you can find them just fine. What's her problem? She only sees what she wants to see when she doesn't find these things in the Constitution where as you find what isn't in there because you don't just see what you want to like she does.
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