Michele Bachmann: Obama Desecrates U.S. Dead By Ending Iraq War

Perhaps you wouldn't feel the need to beat a straw man- or in this case, a straw woman- if your president wasn't such an unprecedented failure.

1) Obama is no more "my" President than your President. :cuckoo:

2) Do you even know what a straw man is?
“President Obama was given a war that is won in Iraq, and he’s choosing to lose the peace,” Bachmann claimed on Meet the Press. “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

I was wondering when some idiot on the right would make such a claim, that it’s Bachmann is not surprising. Of course for the neo-cons more Americans must die in order to ‘honor’ those already lost. It’s almost criminal.

Otherwise Bachmann’s irrelevant as a presidential candidate. She remains representative of the ignorance of the right, however.
MIchele Bachmann Berates President Obama For Honoring American - Iraqi Pact Drawn Up During Bush Administration … Also Flubs Anti-Terror Policies

By Brian Beutler

Expanding on her statements during Saturday night’s foreign policy debate, GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann attacked President Obama for fully drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq, and claimed incorrectly that his war policies have left the country with a choice between releasing terrorists or killing them.

“President Obama was given a war that is won in Iraq, and he’s choosing to lose the peace,” Bachmann claimed on Meet the Press. “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

Obama is removing all troops from Iraq by year’s end, pursuant to an agreement between the two countries that dates back to the Bush administration. U.S. and Iraqi officials had discussed allowing a small number of troops to remain in Iraq past the deadline, but those discussions deadlocked over U.S. concerns that American troops would not be given immunity in Iraqi courts.

More: Bachmann: Obama Ending Iraq War Is Desecration Of American Dead | TPM 2012

The Bachman crazy train ran off the tracks again!
I'm just curious why we need a new thread every time the village idiot says something stupid.

Maybe such threads would disappear if Minnesota would institutionalize her.

Since you appear to be of the same intellectual level as Bachman, perhaps we should institutionalize you too.

Currently, we still have freedom of speech in America. She is as much at liberty to make asinine comments as you are.

That is the cross that all rational, intelligent Americans bear for that freedom - that some fucking morons will abuse their right.
Perhaps you wouldn't feel the need to beat a straw man- or in this case, a straw woman- if your president wasn't such an unprecedented failure.

1) Obama is no more "my" President than your President. :cuckoo:

2) Do you even know what a straw man is?

Addressing my comment to Lakhota, not you.

As far as I'm concerned, talking about Bachmann, a non-entity in the race, is a strawman.

Bachmann is the Tea-Tard poster girl...
I think we ought to kick the Iraqis out. They're more trouble than they're worth. Push them all into Iran. Great entertainment!
Bachmann is the Tea-Tard poster girl...

Actually, the Tea Party has rejected her.

I didn't know that. Seriously.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you post bullshit, then? Just an idea. You wanna know which of the candidates has the strongest support in the TEA Parties? Cain. But, of course, that doesn't quite fit with the leftist view that they're a bunch of old white racists, does it?

Must suck to be as dumb as dirt. You and Bachman share that trait.
Actually, the Tea Party has rejected her.

I didn't know that. Seriously.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you post bullshit, then? Just an idea. You wanna know which of the candidates has the strongest support in the TEA Parties? Cain. But, of course, that doesn't quite fit with the leftist view that they're a bunch of old white racists, does it?

Must suck to be as dumb as dirt. You and Bachman share that trait.

And you are proud of this?

Frankly, I am absolutely horrified that there is a large section of the GOP that will want to nominate a complete ignoramas like Herman Cain. Someone with absolutely NO qualifications to be president, a bad temperment and apparently is a serial abuser of women.

Is this really what the GOP has fallen to? We reject really qualified guys like Perry and Pawlenty because they aren't fanatical enough for us. But Herman, he appeals to our baser instincts.

"I can support Herman Cain and no one can call me a racist." What kind of thinking is that? Are you saying that a guy as unqualified, morally comprimised and ignorant as Cain is wouldn't get your support if he was white?

Oh, and what does he do when he gets caught molesting women? Plays the race card. So much for that.
seems like Bach is hard up for some media attention.

Not so easy w.o Palin in her corner.
MIchele Bachmann Berates President Obama For Honoring American - Iraqi Pact Drawn Up During Bush Administration … Also Flubs Anti-Terror Policies

By Brian Beutler

Expanding on her statements during Saturday night’s foreign policy debate, GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann attacked President Obama for fully drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq, and claimed incorrectly that his war policies have left the country with a choice between releasing terrorists or killing them.

“President Obama was given a war that is won in Iraq, and he’s choosing to lose the peace,” Bachmann claimed on Meet the Press. “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

Obama is removing all troops from Iraq by year’s end, pursuant to an agreement between the two countries that dates back to the Bush administration. U.S. and Iraqi officials had discussed allowing a small number of troops to remain in Iraq past the deadline, but those discussions deadlocked over U.S. concerns that American troops would not be given immunity in Iraqi courts.

More: Bachmann: Obama Ending Iraq War Is Desecration Of American Dead | TPM 2012

The war ended before Obama took office. He's just pulling us out before the cleanup is finished, essentially dropping the program before completion. It's simply because he doesn't want to be bothered with Iraq anymore.

The Iraqis are turning against us and siding with terrorists. The State Department has been treating Iraqi officials like they're the enemy since Obama took over the White House.

The reason for going into Iraq is being totally ruined by Obama simply because it doesn't fit his ideology. He's more inclined to side with our enemies then protect us because regardless what he says in his speeches, he does not love the country of his birth. I know that sounds weird, but there are Americans that hate America. Seems Harvard is a hot-bed of this kind of anti-American thinking.
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I didn't know that. Seriously.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you post bullshit, then? Just an idea. You wanna know which of the candidates has the strongest support in the TEA Parties? Cain. But, of course, that doesn't quite fit with the leftist view that they're a bunch of old white racists, does it?

Must suck to be as dumb as dirt. You and Bachman share that trait.

And you are proud of this?

Frankly, I am absolutely horrified that there is a large section of the GOP that will want to nominate a complete ignoramas like Herman Cain. Someone with absolutely NO qualifications to be president, a bad temperment and apparently is a serial abuser of women.

Is this really what the GOP has fallen to? We reject really qualified guys like Perry and Pawlenty because they aren't fanatical enough for us. But Herman, he appeals to our baser instincts.

"I can support Herman Cain and no one can call me a racist." What kind of thinking is that? Are you saying that a guy as unqualified, morally comprimised and ignorant as Cain is wouldn't get your support if he was white?

Oh, and what does he do when he gets caught molesting women? Plays the race card. So much for that.

No, the TEA Parties are rejecting career politicians. Why? Because they are a bunch of fucking self serving, corrupt bastards.

No, the TEA Parties are rejecting career politicians. Why? Because they are a bunch of fucking self serving, corrupt bastards.


Right, like you aren't going to vote for Romney when the other career politicians force him down your throat.

You know, you might be on to something here! I mean, why should we actually trust a job to people who actually do that for a living. Who needs "professionals"?

Now if we can only get you all to reject "Career physicians". I mean, they are all corrupt bastards. Let's go to the guy who has no qualifications, but he makes you feel better by telling you what you want to hear.
No, the TEA Parties are rejecting career politicians. Why? Because they are a bunch of fucking self serving, corrupt bastards.


Right, like you aren't going to vote for Romney when the other career politicians force him down your throat.

You know, you might be on to something here! I mean, why should we actually trust a job to people who actually do that for a living. Who needs "professionals"?

Now if we can only get you all to reject "Career physicians". I mean, they are all corrupt bastards. Let's go to the guy who has no qualifications, but he makes you feel better by telling you what you want to hear.

I will.

If it means getting that train wreck obama out, I will vote for whoever is up against him.
No, the TEA Parties are rejecting career politicians. Why? Because they are a bunch of fucking self serving, corrupt bastards.


Right, like you aren't going to vote for Romney when the other career politicians force him down your throat.

You know, you might be on to something here! I mean, why should we actually trust a job to people who actually do that for a living. Who needs "professionals"?

Now if we can only get you all to reject "Career physicians". I mean, they are all corrupt bastards. Let's go to the guy who has no qualifications, but he makes you feel better by telling you what you want to hear.

I will.

If it means getting that train wreck obama out, I will vote for whoever is up against him.

Well, that's a problem, isn't it? I think you are letting your hate blind you.

I would vote for Gingrich or Perry against Obama. Either one would do a reasonably good job. Maybe Santorum.

Wouldn't vote for Romney because he's an unethical person with a crazy religion. Say what you want about Obama, and I've said plenty, I think deep down he is a decent guy who is over his head. He might improve with time. Clinton did. Romney, on the other hand, is slime. Say whatever you want to hear, screw over anyone to make a buck.

Wouldn't vote for Cain not just because he doesn't know things a guy running for that job should know, but he doesn't seem to care to learn. He's not just ignorant, he's willfully ignorant. And it appears that he has some serious issues with women. If anything has proven his unsuitability for office, it's how he's handled this whole sexual harrassment thing. If he's innocent, he is sure as hell trying to look guilty.

Bachmann and Paul are Crazy. Huntsman is just as liberal as Obama.

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