Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP - Yahoo! News

Some points that stand out:

But while Bachmann is a genius at rallying the troops—and convincing them to give her their money—she's never displayed the slightest skill at (or interest in) turning her small-government rhetoric into a reality by, say, proposing or passing significant legislation. In many ways, that makes her the emblematic politician for our niche-media age. When success is measured by the intensity of your following as opposed to its size—and when Twitter, Facebook, and Fox News let politicians easily reach their most intense audiences with incendiary soundbites—it's no wonder so many of them wind up serving less as actual legislators than as conduits for a message.

Which means she's a charlatan, a con woman, thats what people are when they talk a big game, get your money and don't deliver.

And this more importantly:

As Boehner told The New Yorker late last year, 2011 "is going to be probably the first really big adult moment [for Republicans]. You can underline 'adult.'" Ryan reinforces the "hey, we're grownups" message.

Bachmann, however, does not. A recent analysis by the Pulitzer Prize-winning watchdog site PolitiFact shows that of the 13 times she's been fact-checked, "seven of her claims [have been found] to be false and six have been found to be ridiculously false," says PolitiFact Editor Bill Adair. "I don't know anyone else that we have checked, more than a couple times, that has never earned anything above a false. She is unusual in that regard." Among Bachmann's greatest hits: saying that Obama will hike taxes on small businesses that make $250,000 ("pants on fire"); claiming that "the president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day" ("false"); and declaring that in the 1970s, "the swine flu broke out… under another Democrat, President Jimmy Carter" ("pants on fire"). Beyond all the easily disprovable falsehoods, Bachmann is famous for simply saying outrageous things: that homosexuality is a "dysfunction"; that Obama is turning America into a "nation of slaves"; that conservatives should "slit their wrists" and be "blood brothers" to defeat health-care reform.

And the forum rightwingers have the audacity to call Bachmann and her like TeaBaggers acolytes "conservatives," when they can be counted on for is extremist, false sound bites and fear mongering, and absolutely no action.
For the retards who are going to attack the link posted as "leftist" before you waste your time with your fallacious argumentation, name one piece of meaningful legislation that Bachmann has managed to get passed that reflects anything she thought of, prove that all the crap she spouts in her retarded sound bites are factual, after you do all of that, then you have some ammo to attack the link and the article as "Leftist."
gawd, what GARBAGE. and this is from YAHOO NEWS, the new National Enquire.

I guess this week it's hate on Bachmann.
Bachman has said things that were outright falsehoods.

Remeber the sotry about Obama spending massive money on a trip that turned out to be nothing but lies from a low level foreign blog.

When an American is so willing to find wrongdoing in their own country that they are taken in like this woman was they dont make a good representive of the American people.
Like I said, I would EXPECT something like this out of the NATIONAL ENQUIRE.
yahoo news has become another mouth piece, hit man for the Democrat-Progressive-Commie Party.

get your news ELSEWHERE folks.
Like I said, I would EXPECT something like this out of the NATIONAL ENQUIRE.
yahoo news has become another mouth piece, hit man for the Democrat-Progressive-Commie Party.

get your news ELSEWHERE folks.

Your ad-hominem troll babble isn't a refutation. If you have no factual information to refute what was said just admit you are a stupid acolyte for believing and defending Bachmann.
Like I said, I would EXPECT something like this out of the NATIONAL ENQUIRE.
yahoo news has become another mouth piece, hit man for the Democrat-Progressive-Commie Party.

get your news ELSEWHERE folks.

Your ad-hominem troll babble isn't a refutation. If you have no factual information to refute what was said just admit you are a stupid acolyte for believing and defending Bachmann.

get your news elsewhere people, yahoo news has become like the Huffington post, the DailyKos, mediamatters.
The squishy, east coast country club elite neocon GOP needs to be disrupted.

Let the leftist poseurs go join the Democrat Party.

Is that more retarded troll babble I hear? You must abusing narcotics if you think Bachmann is a real conservative
Why are republican women always in the (dare I say it) crosshairs of the left? George Soros must be one sexist SOB.
The squishy, east coast country club elite neocon GOP needs to be disrupted.

Let the leftist poseurs go join the Democrat Party.

Is that more retarded troll babble I hear? You must abusing narcotics if you think Bachmann is a real conservative
Didn't say anything about Bachmann in particular.

But if she is what it takes to purge the party of east coast elite leftist poseurs, then I'm all for it.
The squishy, east coast country club elite neocon GOP needs to be disrupted.

Let the leftist poseurs go join the Democrat Party.

Is that more retarded troll babble I hear? You must abusing narcotics if you think Bachmann is a real conservative
Didn't say anything about Bachmann in particular.

But if she is what it takes to purge the party of east coast elite leftist poseurs, then I'm all for it.

I give you props for staying on topic. You post above is BS, are you saying those in the GOP who aren't far right with dumb rhetoric like Bachmann are "leftist poseurs?" People like her need to be purged for the sake of the American people, charlatans like her who have accomplished nothing except being attentions whores are not needed.
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gawd, what GARBAGE. and this is from YAHOO NEWS, the new National Enquire.

I guess this week it's hate on Bachmann.

I knew it, attack the source with no actual facts to prove what was stated is GARBAGE.

in my short time here i have learn Steph doesnt really do these things. She is another soundbyte machine.
I am amazed she knows how to turn on a computer.

Pfeeesh, YAWN.

since you've been here all you've done is attack others with your oh so witty comments.
makes me laugh.
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