Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.

That's a load of horseshit. In the first place, our borders weren't secure in 2001. For another, it was just reported that illegal aliens entering the country are up 53%.

No- its just asswipes like you feed on feeling scared all of your lives.

The reality is that our borders are not 'open'- well maybe our border with Canada but certainly not our border with Mexico

You didn't care about the border until Barack Obama was elected, you didn't care that Bush ignored the border after 9/11, only once a black man was elected to office did you suddenly decide the border was 'open'.

Still fewer illegal aliens crossing into the United States than were crossing under Bush- the only difference is you never gave a damn about the border while a white man was President.

All lies. I won't even bother disputing them because only retards fall for that shit.

You never bother, it's a pattern.

I do it all the time, douche bag.
Masturbating to Michael Savage's show is nothing to brag about.
Stop talking about yourself. She is the FLOTUS and a classy woman.

Yes, sheer class!

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.

That's a load of horseshit. In the first place, our borders weren't secure in 2001. For another, it was just reported that illegal aliens entering the country are up 53%.

No- its just asswipes like you feed on feeling scared all of your lives.

The reality is that our borders are not 'open'- well maybe our border with Canada but certainly not our border with Mexico

You didn't care about the border until Barack Obama was elected, you didn't care that Bush ignored the border after 9/11, only once a black man was elected to office did you suddenly decide the border was 'open'.

Still fewer illegal aliens crossing into the United States than were crossing under Bush- the only difference is you never gave a damn about the border while a white man was President.

All lies. I won't even bother disputing them because only retards fall for that shit.

You never bother, it's a pattern.

I do it all the time, douche bag.

Not bother? I agree. Like in this thread for instance.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

So, she was kind of referencing how far this country has come, how the generation today benefited from causes in the past. What that has to do with Muslim and African countries lives only in your head.

Did you know that the White House had milking cows and Dolly Madison used to hang laundry out back?

As to the current situation of slavery in the world, most of the highest slave rates are in Muslim countries of course.

I bet the hypocrite uses a lot of products produced by Slave Labor.

Free the Slaves
I'm sure most elitist libs do
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition hike. :)
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

So, she was kind of referencing how far this country has come, how the generation today benefited from causes in the past. What that has to do with Muslim and African countries lives only in your head.

Did you know that the White House had milking cows and Dolly Madison used to hang laundry out back?

As to the current situation of slavery in the world, most of the highest slave rates are in Muslim countries of course.

I bet the hypocrite uses a lot of products produced by Slave Labor.

Free the Slaves
I'm sure most elitist libs do

Actually if you shop in america, so do you.
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
It is. Tuition hikes are coming. Count on it.
Cool. Michelle Obama is now making Trump and all his minions cry. The more the merrier. And in response, Trump will flail about, throw some more limp-wristed sissy-slaps, and everyone will bust up laughing.

Bringing out Michelle is also a good tactic because whenever Michelle speaks, a cadre of racist losers crawls out of their slimy crevices and starts screaming, which sends even more votes to the Democrats.

This is just the start. Most of the Democrats are still sitting on the sidelines until the Democratic primaries get settled. Once that's done, it's open season on Trump, meaning many more of these delightful meltdowns from Trump, and from his minions here.
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
It is. Tuition hikes are coming. Count on it.

Because of Obama
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
It is. Tuition hikes are coming. Count on it.

Because of "Obamacare"? Pffft.
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
It is. Tuition hikes are coming. Count on it.

Because of Obama
She can't even give a commencement address without dragging politics into it. No wonder college kids are screwed up. These people are pathetic.

I don't understand why she can't follow your apolitical example, and yeah, these college kids, wtf. Getting educated like society programmed them to. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is pathetic.
Well since Obamacare is sucking up all available funds including that of higher education. I'm sure they will enjoy their next tuition home. :)

Ha ha, yeah, sure it is. You know "Obamacare" was hatched at the Heritage Foundation, right?
It is. Tuition hikes are coming. Count on it.

Because of "Obamacare"? Pffft.
All of the people they added to Medicare/Medicaid ...yes. All available funds go there. Nothing left for funding higher education. Like I said. Look for tuition hikes soon.

Thank your local libs.
Last edited:
All of the people they added to Medicare/Medicaid ...yes. All available finds go there. Nothing left for funding higher education. Like I said. Look for tuition hikes soon.

Thank your local libs.
Yup, look at Chicago. They can't even fund compulsory education, such as it is there.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

So, she was kind of referencing how far this country has come, how the generation today benefited from causes in the past. What that has to do with Muslim and African countries lives only in your head.

Did you know that the White House had milking cows and Dolly Madison used to hang laundry out back?

As to the current situation of slavery in the world, most of the highest slave rates are in Muslim countries of course.

I bet the hypocrite uses a lot of products produced by Slave Labor.

Free the Slaves
I'm sure most elitist libs do

Of course they do, just the same as the biggest advocates of Green Energy flying around on private jets. As long as they VIRTUE SIGNAL loudly enough, they think they are exempt from the standards they try to push on the rest of us.
Did she talk about her not one, but TWO six figure ghost jobs she accepted while Barrack was a Senator in Chicago? Guess not....
She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

So, she was kind of referencing how far this country has come, how the generation today benefited from causes in the past. What that has to do with Muslim and African countries lives only in your head.

Did you know that the White House had milking cows and Dolly Madison used to hang laundry out back?

As to the current situation of slavery in the world, most of the highest slave rates are in Muslim countries of course.

I bet the hypocrite uses a lot of products produced by Slave Labor.

Free the Slaves
I'm sure most elitist libs do

Of course they do, just the same as the biggest advocates of Green Energy flying around on private jets. As long as they VIRTUE SIGNAL loudly enough, they think they are exempt from the standards they try to push on the rest of us.
Yep. And all the rich Hollywood do gooders that are anti gun with their fully armed security people.

Libs never walk the talk.
I wonder if she also brought up the fantastic deal they got on their mansion in an exclusive neighborhood in Chicago while she accepted two six figure ghost positions right after her husband became a Senator?....guessing not that either.
The internet has become a place where low-life failures can come and swap insults about the successful, popular, and influential people.

You say "college educated" like it's a negative. You are the problem.
Successful in what? He/she/it sure ain't self educated. College educated means ''taught by Progressive Liberal Socialist OWO Pukes.''

Why don't you guys just start the "Real Know Nothing" Party? How is it in 2016 you don't value education?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.
Yes...we know that you consider higher education bad....it shows.
I consider government brainwashing bad. It's obvious you have received a full course of the brainwashing. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "government university" is the same as "education."
To you, Education = Brainwashing...yes, we understand your aversion to education.
Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
The idea that such a thing would happen is a total lie, asswipe.
Are you gay?
And that would matter why exactly?

Are you?
You come off as gay. Maybe it's the whiny thing.
Perhaps it's your Gay-Dar alerting you.
Successful in what? He/she/it sure ain't self educated. College educated means ''taught by Progressive Liberal Socialist OWO Pukes.''

Why don't you guys just start the "Real Know Nothing" Party? How is it in 2016 you don't value education?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.
Yes...we know that you consider higher education bad....it shows.
I consider government brainwashing bad. It's obvious you have received a full course of the brainwashing. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "government university" is the same as "education."
To you, Education = Brainwashing...yes, we understand your aversion to education.
That's what government education equals. There's a reason government always tries to take over the business of education.

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