Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done

^ RWrs for them to be proud of.

An "activist?" A nobody, in other words.

An aide to a state attorney general.

A nobody, in other words.

No, I wouldn't call that a nobody.
Mochelle is a college educated dumfuk with a PhD. (Piled higher and Deeper)

The internet has become a place where low-life failures can come and swap insults about the successful, popular, and influential people.

You say "college educated" like it's a negative. You are the problem.
Successful in what? He/she/it sure ain't self educated. College educated means ''taught by Progressive Liberal Socialist OWO Pukes.''

Why don't you guys just start the "Real Know Nothing" Party? How is it in 2016 you don't value education?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.
Yes...we know that you consider higher education bad....it shows.
I consider government brainwashing bad. It's obvious you have received a full course of the brainwashing. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "government university" is the same as "education."
"Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done"


Such is the stupidity of the reprehensible right.

Mrs. Obama has been ‘fair game’ since before her husband took office, subject to lies and unwarranted attacks by the partisan right since before 2008 election.

What lies appeared in the mainstream media? What were the unwarranted attacks? Did she NOT attack and express her hatred for America?
"Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done"


Such is the stupidity of the reprehensible right.

Mrs. Obama has been ‘fair game’ since before her husband took office, subject to lies and unwarranted attacks by the partisan right since before 2008 election.

What lies appeared in the mainstream media? What were the unwarranted attacks? Did she NOT attack and express her hatred for America?
No, she did not, dumbass.
The internet has become a place where low-life failures can come and swap insults about the successful, popular, and influential people.

You say "college educated" like it's a negative. You are the problem.
Successful in what? He/she/it sure ain't self educated. College educated means ''taught by Progressive Liberal Socialist OWO Pukes.''

Why don't you guys just start the "Real Know Nothing" Party? How is it in 2016 you don't value education?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.
Yes...we know that you consider higher education bad....it shows.
I consider government brainwashing bad. It's obvious you have received a full course of the brainwashing. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "government university" is the same as "education."

Has this conversation only been about 'government university'? How about private universities? They teach much of the same things as state schools do.

[URL='http://feminist.stanford.edu/']Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - Stanford University[/URL]

Or are now about to tell us how 'stupid' Stanford is?
The internet has become a place where low-life failures can come and swap insults about the successful, popular, and influential people.

You say "college educated" like it's a negative. You are the problem.
Successful in what? He/she/it sure ain't self educated. College educated means ''taught by Progressive Liberal Socialist OWO Pukes.''

Why don't you guys just start the "Real Know Nothing" Party? How is it in 2016 you don't value education?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.

Actually learning is mostly what goes on in college. How do you become a lawyer, doctor, teacher, engineer or any other group of professions without a college degree? You can sit in the corner fondling with hand me down Play doh, doesn't change the fact that if you want to earn real money you need a real education.
Teacher's don't learn anything that's actually true. They learn abracadabra and psycho-babble. The same goes for the entire social sciences department, and most of liberals arts. History, sociology, cultural anthropology, economics, women's studies, black studies, yada yada yada are all brain washing and propaganda.
There's Britboy's problem right there.
So, she was kind of referencing how far this country has come, how the generation today benefited from causes in the past. What that has to do with Muslim and African countries lives only in your head.
She's putting down America. She's a despicable piece of shit.

January can't come quick enough when the two interlopers finally get out

Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.
The comforting thing...is 99.9% of them talk the talk but are too afraid to come out from under their mommy's bed.
She's putting down America. She's a despicable piece of shit.

January can't come quick enough when the two interlopers finally get out

Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.
The comforting thing...is 99.9% of them talk the talk but are too afraid to come out from under their mommy's bed.

I suppose this place does serve as an outlet for them. Then again, so does stormfront or freerepublic.
She's putting down America. She's a despicable piece of shit.

January can't come quick enough when the two interlopers finally get out

Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.
Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

So, that's a view not a person. Interracial and gay marriage were both unpopular when they became legal across the country, this is merely an extension of that.

They didn't become legal by popular vote, and neither did freaks with penises using the women's restroom.

But even further, I think opposition and support for forcing trans gendered people to use bathrooms based on them having whatever plumbing isn't really a slam dunk for you knuckle draggers.

Poll: 6-in-10 oppose bills like the North Carolina transgender bathroom law - CNNPolitics.com
6 in 10 people in that poll think you should stay at home and play with the oven.

One thing that is a slam dunk is open-borders. The vast majority of Americans oppose them and support controlling illegal immigration.

That's good. Nobody supports open borders. Liberals are in favor of having secure borders and sensible immigration policy.

You fail again.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The more she talks the better for Trump. Bammer's "like" numbers go down every time Michelle Antoinette speaks.
Yeah- as pointed out- the idea that Michelle Obama has not been the target of vicious lies by the Right wing for years is pretty hilarious- look at the comments by the resident Right wing nut jobs who can't stand the sight of a successful, intelligent black woman who can speak so much more articulately than they can.
What "vicious lies?"

Read through the thread, squirt.
In other words, you can't name any.

I'm sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

Michelle Obama is a transvestite
Comparing her to a monkey
terrorist fist bump
calling her fat
calling her a racist

All lies.

She is obviously a racist. As for the rest, you may see them here in this forum, but Republican politicians have never accused her of any of those things.

Republicans politicians in general have to much class to call Michelle Obama any of those things, or any of the things your or your fellow travellers call her.

As far as being a racist she is obviously no more a racist than you are.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.
Mochelle is a college educated dumfuk with a PhD. (Piled higher and Deeper)

And a wide ass. I bet they had to widen all the doors at the white house so she wouldn't have to pass through sideways.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

So, that's a view not a person. Interracial and gay marriage were both unpopular when they became legal across the country, this is merely an extension of that.

They didn't become legal by popular vote, and neither did freaks with penises using the women's restroom.

But even further, I think opposition and support for forcing trans gendered people to use bathrooms based on them having whatever plumbing isn't really a slam dunk for you knuckle draggers.

Poll: 6-in-10 oppose bills like the North Carolina transgender bathroom law - CNNPolitics.com
6 in 10 people in that poll think you should stay at home and play with the oven.

One thing that is a slam dunk is open-borders. The vast majority of Americans oppose them and support controlling illegal immigration.

That's good. Nobody supports open borders. Liberals are in favor of having secure borders and sensible immigration policy.

You fail again.

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.
Well, if she's going to join her hubby in throwing rocks at Attila the Hun, she'd best pull-up her Big Girl Panties...
January can't come quick enough when the two interlopers finally get out

Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

So, that's a view not a person. Interracial and gay marriage were both unpopular when they became legal across the country, this is merely an extension of that.

They didn't become legal by popular vote, and neither did freaks with penises using the women's restroom.

But even further, I think opposition and support for forcing trans gendered people to use bathrooms based on them having whatever plumbing isn't really a slam dunk for you knuckle draggers.

Poll: 6-in-10 oppose bills like the North Carolina transgender bathroom law - CNNPolitics.com
6 in 10 people in that poll think you should stay at home and play with the oven.

One thing that is a slam dunk is open-borders. The vast majority of Americans oppose them and support controlling illegal immigration.

That's good. Nobody supports open borders. Liberals are in favor of having secure borders and sensible immigration policy.

You fail again.

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.

That's a load of horseshit. In the first place, our borders weren't secure in 2001. For another, it was just reported that illegal aliens entering the country are up 53%.
Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
The idea that such a thing would happen is a total lie, asswipe.

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