Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done

To you, Education = Brainwashing...yes, we understand your aversion to education.
That's what government education equals. There's a reason government always tries to take over the business of education.

What is the demonstrable evidence that state colleges brainwash and private colleges educate? Proof...show us something.
When did I claim private colleges are any better? The have been infected with the same disease as the government universities because the talent all comes from the same source.

So, you're against any higher education? Wow, you dumbfuck...I don't know what else to say.

He's threatened by educated people.

I think he's threatened by 8th graders.
Read through the thread, squirt.
In other words, you can't name any.

I'm sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

Michelle Obama is a transvestite
Comparing her to a monkey
terrorist fist bump
calling her fat
calling her a racist

All lies.

She is obviously a racist. As for the rest, you may see them here in this forum, but Republican politicians have never accused her of any of those things.
You’re obviously a liar, as she is not a ‘racist.’

And republicans and conservatives have in fact said those very things, and worse, all lies – whether they hold elected office or not is irrelevant.

Please share with us how you would attend an openly racist, radical church and NOT be racist.

Racist to you. But to any black politician in Chicago the largest constituency in the city.

But mostly I can't believe you walk jobs are still ranting and raving about nonsense.

The wackjob bigots on the right getting more and more insane. :cuckoo:
Interlopers, hah, Nothing like ignoring elections.
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...
Have you read some of the threads/posts here lately? They go on and on about disenfrancising Democrats/Liberals/Minorities from the right to vote. They sound more like fascists in their panic over this November.

I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...

Yeah, ignore the facts, stomp your little feet right out of here.
That she is a racist is a given. She and Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama attended a racist church for 20+ years. Even you know that to be true.

It was a racist church? No, I don't know about that, just the one guy and Obama denounced him and hasn't raised a finger in the name of racism since then. Or before for that matter.

Doesn't all that spinning make you dizzy? Is that why you're happy, happy, joy, joy?

Sorry, haven't seen any racist actions by Obama. Either one of them.

There have been endless racist incidents with Hussein, every time a black kid gets shot he shoots his mouth before any evidence is in. Blacks can't be guilty facing whites, yeah, he's a flaming racist

That's not racism. He's the first black president, when a black kid gets shot by cops for whatever reason people are going to want to hear from him.

Hear from him, sure. Pronounce immediate guilt of the white cop, pure racism. Obama is a race ho
It was a racist church? No, I don't know about that, just the one guy and Obama denounced him and hasn't raised a finger in the name of racism since then. Or before for that matter.

Doesn't all that spinning make you dizzy? Is that why you're happy, happy, joy, joy?

Sorry, haven't seen any racist actions by Obama. Either one of them.

There have been endless racist incidents with Hussein, every time a black kid gets shot he shoots his mouth before any evidence is in. Blacks can't be guilty facing whites, yeah, he's a flaming racist

That's not racism. He's the first black president, when a black kid gets shot by cops for whatever reason people are going to want to hear from him.

Hear from him, sure. Pronounce immediate guilt of the white cop, pure racism. Obama is a race ho

The only thing close to immediate guilt I heard that wasn't even close was him calling the police stupid for arresting a guy entering his own home, it was stupid of the cop.
I have to remember that the wingnuts on this board are a minority in this country. A loud, knuckle dragging, fuck everyone else minority but a minority just the same, I give me a little comfort.

Anyway, I've seen too many threads from our fellow 'patriots' who wish to do all sorts of Constitutional harm to their fellow Americans.

You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...

Yeah, ignore the facts, stomp your little feet right out of here.
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you on the ass, Princess... now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy...
You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...

Yeah, ignore the facts, stomp your little feet right out of here.
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you on the ass, Princess... now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy...

But that's what lil finger was responding to and you chiming in at the moment where he was ignoring evidence that most Americans (6 in 10) do not have an issue with transgendered people using the bathroom they feel most comfortable with. And even more at least feel they should have their rights protected.

You guys reminder of monkeys flinging poo in the zoo, it's all you have.
In other words, you can't name any.

I'm sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

Michelle Obama is a transvestite
Comparing her to a monkey
terrorist fist bump
calling her fat
calling her a racist

All lies.

She is obviously a racist. As for the rest, you may see them here in this forum, but Republican politicians have never accused her of any of those things.
You’re obviously a liar, as she is not a ‘racist.’

And republicans and conservatives have in fact said those very things, and worse, all lies – whether they hold elected office or not is irrelevant.

Please share with us how you would attend an openly racist, radical church and NOT be racist.

Racist to you. But to any black politician in Chicago the largest constituency in the city.

But mostly I can't believe you walk jobs are still ranting and raving about nonsense.

The wackjob bigots on the right getting more and more insane. :cuckoo:
They are panicking.
You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...

Yeah, ignore the facts, stomp your little feet right out of here.
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you on the ass, Princess... now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy...
Please share with us how you would attend an openly racist, radical church and NOT be racist.

Racist to you. But to any black politician in Chicago the largest constituency in the city.

But mostly I can't believe you walk jobs are still ranting and raving about nonsense.

The wackjob bigots on the right getting more and more insane. :cuckoo:

Let me see if I have this straight. According to you, because this church is in Chicago, it isn't racist. Interesting. I grew up on the North Side of Chicago. Left there many decades ago but still have relatives in the Windy City.

Do you consider this to be racist?

What if you substituted White for every Black in the system?

The Black Value System

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System, written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee, chaired by the late Vallmer Jordan in 1981.

Dr. Manford Byrd, our brother in Christ, withstood the ravage of being denied his earned ascension to the number one position in the Chicago School System. His dedication to the pursuit of excellence, despite systematic denials, has inspired the congregation of Trinity United Church of Christ. Prayerfully, we have called upon the wisdom of all past generations of suffering Blacks for guidance in fashioning an instrument of Black self-determination, the Black Value System.

Beginning in 1982, an annual Black Value System – Educational Scholarship in the name of Dr. Byrd was instituted. The first recipient of the Dr. Manford Byrd Award, which is given annually to the man or woman who best exemplifies the Black Value System, was our brother, Dr. Manford Byrd.

These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They consist of the following concepts:
  1. Commitment to God. “The God of our weary years” will give us the strength to give up prayerful passivism and become Black Christian Activists, soldiers for Black freedom and the dignity of all humankind. Matthew 22:37 – Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
  2. Commitment to the Black Community. The highest level of achievement for any Black person must be a contribution of strength and continuity of the Black Community. I John 4:20 – If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother [or his sister], he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother or sister whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Read the rest at: The Black Value System - Trinity United Church of Christ
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

Slavery is not legal in any country in the world today.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Fair game for what? This board has been saying disgusting shit about her since I joined.

Fair game lol

For the record no rational person gives a damn what she says. She is the WIFE of a politician, nothing more.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.
Slavery didn't end here because this nation evolved." Slavery ended in the USA because Abraham Lincoln saw fit to use manumission as a strategy to win the Civil War. And the slavery that is still going on in African and Muslim nations does not compare to the chattel slavery that occurred in the USA. BTW today's wage slaves are not much better off than those other types in Africa or Asia or the Middle East.
The only thing close to immediate guilt I heard that wasn't even close was him calling the police stupid for arresting a guy entering his own home, it was stupid of the cop.

You knowledge of the DailyKOS or The Nation talking points is impressive.

As you know, when Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, jumped the gun, and made his TV appearance about a friend of his, President Obama said he DID NOT HAVE ALL THE FACTS. Brilliant is it not?

The police had followed protocol, it was President Obama's friend who got his panties in a twist while trying to break into his home due to having lost the keys. Instead of showing his behind, all he had to do was courteously thank the officers for having come out, and showed them his ID and waited for them to check.

Police acted Stupidly

Shocking Audio Obama has to Redistribute WHITE Suburbia’s Wealth for both His and Our Salvation

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