Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done

I consider government brainwashing bad. It's obvious you have received a full course of the brainwashing. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "government university" is the same as "education."
To you, Education = Brainwashing...yes, we understand your aversion to education.
That's what government education equals. There's a reason government always tries to take over the business of education.

What is the demonstrable evidence that state colleges brainwash and private colleges educate? Proof...show us something.
When did I claim private colleges are any better? The have been infected with the same disease as the government universities because the talent all comes from the same source.

So, you're against any higher education? Wow, you dumbfuck...I don't know what else to say.

No. I'm against government being involved in education in any way. That shouldn't run schools. They shouldn't give money to schools, and they shouldn't give money to students. It all corrupts.
To you, Education = Brainwashing...yes, we understand your aversion to education.
That's what government education equals. There's a reason government always tries to take over the business of education.

What is the demonstrable evidence that state colleges brainwash and private colleges educate? Proof...show us something.
When did I claim private colleges are any better? The have been infected with the same disease as the government universities because the talent all comes from the same source.

So, you're against any higher education? Wow, you dumbfuck...I don't know what else to say.

He's threatened by educated people.
I'm threatened by brainwashed people. Everyone should be.
That's what government education equals. There's a reason government always tries to take over the business of education.

What is the demonstrable evidence that state colleges brainwash and private colleges educate? Proof...show us something.
When did I claim private colleges are any better? The have been infected with the same disease as the government universities because the talent all comes from the same source.

So, you're against any higher education? Wow, you dumbfuck...I don't know what else to say.

He's threatened by educated people.

I think he's threatened by 8th graders.

That's no problem where you are concerned, obviously.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
You're delusional.

I guess Michelle Obama won't be re-elected.
Actually, yes. Most Americans are fine with transgendered people using the facilities which align with their gender identity.

You are even in he minority on "common sense" issues like that.

Bullshit. I doubt parents want men using women's locker rooms at their daughter's schools.
Don't bother... these loons are so far gone, on issues like that, that there's no cure but to vote 'em out of power on November 8...

Yeah, ignore the facts, stomp your little feet right out of here.
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you on the ass, Princess... now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy...

But that's what lil finger was responding to and you chiming in at the moment where he was ignoring evidence that most Americans (6 in 10) do not have an issue with transgendered people using the bathroom they feel most comfortable with. And even more at least feel they should have their rights protected.

You guys reminder of monkeys flinging poo in the zoo, it's all you have.

They certainly have an issue with freaks sporting penises using the women's locker room.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.

Slavery is not legal in any country in the world today.

I'm not sure if that's the case. Even if it is technically against the law, many countries turn a blind eye towards it.
Sucks to be a racist Michelle-hater. They can only act this racist while being anonymous in online forums. If they try it in public, everyone sees them as racist scumbags, and they get shunned by all decent people.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

As one expert put it (me):

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

This is the next page in the playbook and it puts Drumpf onto footing that is less than favorable electorally. When he does strike back...he will be attacking a:

  • Black
  • Female
Two key voting blocks.

If he does it elegantly, it will look terrible electorally though the losers in the pit with him will cheer and it will look great at the time, on the camera.. We know that he is incapable of class or elegance so it will be a full on trash fest with someone who has zero skin in the game. Likely he will go after her appearance or something else cosmetic about her.


This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.
ROTFLMFAO....Make a great TWEET for the Trumpster so they can finally find SOMETHING to claim he's a RACIST on!!!!:ack-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

My apology to all Wookies where ever they are! LOLOLOLOL!

I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

As one expert put it (me):

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

This is the next page in the playbook and it puts Drumpf onto footing that is less than favorable electorally. When he does strike back...he will be attacking a:

  • Black
  • Female
Two key voting blocks.

If he does it elegantly, it will look terrible electorally though the losers in the pit with him will cheer and it will look great at the time, on the camera.. We know that he is incapable of class or elegance so it will be a full on trash fest with someone who has zero skin in the game. Likely he will go after her appearance or something else cosmetic about her.


This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

Oh CandyPORN is going to be so upset...fucking moron doesn't watch the latest news!

Trump Just Beat Hillary at Her Own Game – This Changes Everything!

A new poll by Quinnipiac University has Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton in her own demographic — namely, Caucasian women.

According to ABC News, the poll released Wednesday showed Hillary Clinton with a slight lead over Donald Trump nationally. However, when looking at white women, Trump had a 41 to 40 percent lead over Clinton.

So much for all that war on women rhetoric.

Trump had a bigger lead among white males, with a whopping 60 to 26 percent lead in the polls. Needless to say, ABC News thought it was about time to trot out some “experts” to explain why horrible, neanderthal men might be willing to support Trump.

“This is the group that economically and socially have lost the most ground in America over the last 30 or 40 years,” Bruce Cain, a political science professor at Stanford University, told ABC News on Tuesday.

“There was a time when, by virtue of being a man, you could feel superior to women in the workforce. There was a time when you could make a pretty good living in manufacturing, and that’s disappearing. There was a time when you didn’t feel a lot of competition from immigrants … and that’s disappearing.”

Yeah, damn those white men and the fact that they can’t feel superior any more! Never mind the fact that most of the people being polled probably weren’t even in the workforce when such retrograde opinions were common. That’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

No explanation from Prof. Cain on why women seem to like Trump. If he were able to venture a guess, I would imagine it would involve these cavemen getting their clubs, dragging their objectified wives by their hair to the pollster, and communicating via a series of primitive Cro-Magnon grunts that they wanted her to tell the man with the clipboard that she liked Trump.

Or maybe — and this is just a theory — Trump’s level of support is from people who are fed up with the way the establishment’s system has been working and that Hillary Clinton is about as establishment as they come.

We’ve seen a surprising amount of support for Trump among every demographic, including ones that the Democrats have long believed are in the tank for them. It doesn’t look good for Hillary in November.
Doesn't all that spinning make you dizzy? Is that why you're happy, happy, joy, joy?

Sorry, haven't seen any racist actions by Obama. Either one of them.

There have been endless racist incidents with Hussein, every time a black kid gets shot he shoots his mouth before any evidence is in. Blacks can't be guilty facing whites, yeah, he's a flaming racist

That's not racism. He's the first black president, when a black kid gets shot by cops for whatever reason people are going to want to hear from him.

Hear from him, sure. Pronounce immediate guilt of the white cop, pure racism. Obama is a race ho

The only thing close to immediate guilt I heard that wasn't even close was him calling the police stupid for arresting a guy entering his own home, it was stupid of the cop.

there is no way that Hussein pronouncing guilt over anyone before any facts are in is anything but racism
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

As one expert put it (me):

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

This is the next page in the playbook and it puts Drumpf onto footing that is less than favorable electorally. When he does strike back...he will be attacking a:

  • Black
  • Female
Two key voting blocks.

If he does it elegantly, it will look terrible electorally though the losers in the pit with him will cheer and it will look great at the time, on the camera.. We know that he is incapable of class or elegance so it will be a full on trash fest with someone who has zero skin in the game. Likely he will go after her appearance or something else cosmetic about her.


This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

It doesn’t look good for Hillary in November.

talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.


Oh, what's that? You're an all talk, no action pussy who is nowhere near as confident as you pretend? It's okay, conservatives have a long history here of being pussies and welching on bets. That is why I no longer make "loser leave town" bets; when we did that in 2012, 100% of all conserve-hate-ives welched. An avatar bet is more cruel because it lets everyone know you've lost.

Anyway, if you can summon some manhood, feel free to take the bet. If not, your squeamish bitch-like behavior is all the proof we need that you can't run with the serious folks here.

Here's an idea...use more profanity in your posts...that sounds really grown-up.

Ink the contract bitch....lets see if you're as confident as you say you are.

I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

As one expert put it (me):

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

This is the next page in the playbook and it puts Drumpf onto footing that is less than favorable electorally. When he does strike back...he will be attacking a:

  • Black
  • Female
Two key voting blocks.

If he does it elegantly, it will look terrible electorally though the losers in the pit with him will cheer and it will look great at the time, on the camera.. We know that he is incapable of class or elegance so it will be a full on trash fest with someone who has zero skin in the game. Likely he will go after her appearance or something else cosmetic about her.


This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

It doesn’t look good for Hillary in November.

talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.


Oh, what's that? You're an all talk, no action pussy who is nowhere near as confident as you pretend? It's okay, conservatives have a long history here of being pussies and welching on bets. That is why I no longer make "loser leave town" bets; when we did that in 2012, 100% of all conserve-hate-ives welched. An avatar bet is more cruel because it lets everyone know you've lost.

Anyway, if you can summon some manhood, feel free to take the bet. If not, your squeamish bitch-like behavior is all the proof we need that you can't run with the serious folks here.

Here's an idea...use more profanity in your posts...that sounds really grown-up.

Ink the contract bitch....lets see if you're as confident as you say you are.


You're ON CandyPorn! This is going to be entertaining and FUNNY!
Sucks to be a racist Michelle-hater. They can only act this racist while being anonymous in online forums. If they try it in public, everyone sees them as racist scumbags, and they get shunned by all decent people.

I've never gone after Michelle except after a couple of slip ups she has made. But I have berated many who have. I personally have championed the use of a stylist for her. Cripes. If anyone needs one it is a First Lady. Gone Beyonce!

But Michelle has now entered the ring. Get ready baby.
Well, if she's going to join her hubby in throwing rocks at Attila the Hun, she'd best pull-up her Big Girl Panties...
I think anyone who's been called an ape for seven years has already figured that much out eh?
That's bush-league stuff, son... what's coming down the pipe is probably far worse... carrying verbal and in-print attacks to a new level for her, most likely...
Sure...but she doesn't have that very very very very thin orange skin that tiny handed Drumpf does.
so you judge someone based on their skin color?
racist prick
What race is offended by comments about orange skin?
The Irish and don't you forget it.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.
Slavery didn't end here because this nation evolved." Slavery ended in the USA because Abraham Lincoln saw fit to use manumission as a strategy to win the Civil War. And the slavery that is still going on in African and Muslim nations does not compare to the chattel slavery that occurred in the USA. BTW today's wage slaves are not much better off than those other types in Africa or Asia or the Middle East.

Slavery was in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East before the USA was created. Africans caught and traded fellow Africans with Europeans and Americans. White Americans ceased slavery in this Country. Slavery is still practiced in Africa and the Middle East.
You're also a minority, douche bag. Do you really think the majority supports allowing people with penises to use the women's restroom and locker room?

So, that's a view not a person. Interracial and gay marriage were both unpopular when they became legal across the country, this is merely an extension of that.

They didn't become legal by popular vote, and neither did freaks with penises using the women's restroom.

But even further, I think opposition and support for forcing trans gendered people to use bathrooms based on them having whatever plumbing isn't really a slam dunk for you knuckle draggers.

Poll: 6-in-10 oppose bills like the North Carolina transgender bathroom law - CNNPolitics.com
6 in 10 people in that poll think you should stay at home and play with the oven.

One thing that is a slam dunk is open-borders. The vast majority of Americans oppose them and support controlling illegal immigration.

That's good. Nobody supports open borders. Liberals are in favor of having secure borders and sensible immigration policy.

You fail again.

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.

That's a load of horseshit. In the first place, our borders weren't secure in 2001. For another, it was just reported that illegal aliens entering the country are up 53%.

Do you have a link to prove your Bull Crap again?
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She said she wakes up in a house built by slaves. She should have added that much of this Nation was built by slaves, Black and Irish slaves, and that this Nation evolved to make Slavery illegal while slavery is still legal in African and Muslim Nations.
Slavery didn't end here because this nation evolved." Slavery ended in the USA because Abraham Lincoln saw fit to use manumission as a strategy to win the Civil War. And the slavery that is still going on in African and Muslim nations does not compare to the chattel slavery that occurred in the USA. BTW today's wage slaves are not much better off than those other types in Africa or Asia or the Middle East.

Slavery was in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East before the USA was created. Africans caught and traded fellow Africans with Europeans and Americans. White Americans ceased slavery in this Country. Slavery is still practiced in Africa and the Middle East.

Slavery is still practiced here, too - and all over the world.

But it's not legal anywhere.
I'm sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

Michelle Obama is a transvestite
Comparing her to a monkey
terrorist fist bump
calling her fat
calling her a racist

All lies.

She is obviously a racist. As for the rest, you may see them here in this forum, but Republican politicians have never accused her of any of those things.

Republicans politicians in general have to much class to call Michelle Obama any of those things, or any of the things your or your fellow travellers call her.

As far as being a racist she is obviously no more a racist than you are.

Of course she's a racist. She blames racism for everything. She claims whites have been persecuting her all her life.
If she did, she'd likely not be wrong.

Yeah, right, because getting a $300,000 job means you have been persecuted. Being FLOTUS means you have been persecuted. If anything, she is privileged.

Maybe I can change your agenda against your hatred to African American First Lady ............... Former FLOTUS Laura Bush a lifetime Republican endorse Hillary Clinton for POTUS.

Laura Bush hints she would rather vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

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