Michelle Bachmann's Very Bad Choice: Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich While


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Deborah Weinstein: Michelle Bachmann's Very Bad Choice: Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich While Ending Unemployment Insurance for the Jobless

"In the real world, there are millions of people out of work and getting by on an average unemployment benefit of $293 a week. And there are millionaires, who receive about $110,000 a year from the Bush tax cuts."

Enough said right there but read the entire article. lets how the rightwingers are going to defend this shat, nevermind Bachmann herself receiving government "overspending" . Repugs locve big government, sheeeeeet, who are they trying to fool? :D
Deborah Weinstein: Michelle Bachmann's Very Bad Choice: Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich While Ending Unemployment Insurance for the Jobless

"In the real world, there are millions of people out of work and getting by on an average unemployment benefit of $293 a week. And there are millionaires, who receive about $110,000 a year from the Bush tax cuts."

Enough said right there but read the entire article. lets how the rightwingers are going to defend this shat, nevermind Bachmann herself receiving government "overspending" . Repugs locve big government, sheeeeeet, who are they trying to fool? :D

Just a little taste of things to come with these lapdogs.

They think people will forget by the time they're up for election again besides the unemployed don't get out and vote anyway. Until non voters get motivated, they can expect more of this shit.

When you have no money, no job, no prospects, it's depressing but you just can't stop trying because these idiots don't really care. There has to be a job that pays 300 a week and then they wouldn't be at the mercy of heartless pols.

I pray the unemployed find a way to make it through the holidays.
"In the real world, there are millions of people out of work and getting by on an average unemployment benefit of $293 a week. And there are millionaires, who receive about $110,000 a year from the Bush tax cuts."

Enough said right there but read the entire article. lets how the rightwingers are going to defend this shat, nevermind Bachmann herself receiving government "overspending". Repugs locve big government, sheeeeeet, who are they trying to fool? :D[/quote]

Rich is a matter of perception, there are many business owners whos assets include over $110,000 a year. I do not favor burdening the upper class, while only the middle class receives a tax break as a way of boosting the economy. How many homeless people, or low income earners have ever provided you with a job? It's this sort of narrow-minded "class warfare" that has kept this nation's unemployment hovering around 10% for the past 20 months! Programs like Cash for Clinkers, and other wasteful spending tactics, have only increased our debt with absolutely nothing positive to show for it!! It's as if Obama and the liberal democrats are throwing mud (government incentives aka spending) on the wall and hoping something at least sticks, to turn the nation's economy around! It's time Pelosi and Reed take a class on how the economy works.
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Stop the reparations, OPPS indefinate extensions of unemployment and the rate goes to 7% faster than Nancy lost the libtards power.
so putting more people out of work by raising taxes is a better choice than forcing people to go back to work after they've been sitting around doing nothing for two years?
Democrats, who are still in the majority, don't have the votes in their own party to extend "middle class" tax cuts alone.
I mean this is a common sense situation. When has poor people ever created jobs? It's best to extend the tax cuts because it is the rich who are able to create jobs.
Deborah Weinstein: Michelle Bachmann's Very Bad Choice: Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich While Ending Unemployment Insurance for the Jobless

"In the real world, there are millions of people out of work and getting by on an average unemployment benefit of $293 a week. And there are millionaires, who receive about $110,000 a year from the Bush tax cuts."
Enough said right there but read the entire article. lets how the rightwingers are going to defend this shat, nevermind Bachmann herself receiving government "overspending" . Repugs locve big government, sheeeeeet, who are they trying to fool? :D

How about you stop crying like a little bitch and get rich yourself?

Oh.... you dont have the intestinal fortitude to right?

Its easier to whine is'nt it. :(
I mean this is a common sense situation. When has poor people ever created jobs? It's best to extend the tax cuts because it is the rich who are able to create jobs.

Im still trying to find some idiot who is employed by a poor person :confused:
I mean this is a common sense situation. When has poor people ever created jobs? It's best to extend the tax cuts because it is the rich who are able to create jobs.

It has been shown that even though the tax cuts were in place for several years--they did nothing to generate more jobs--unless you want to count the thousands that were sent overseas.
Must be another $0.01 for the huffypuffy link for FlailGomer so he can keep up with his hormone treatments
First does anyone cry more than flaylo
Second, when you create exponentially larger unemployment benies ala France you get France style unemployment. IE >10%
"In the real world, there are millions of people out of work and getting by on an average unemployment benefit of $293 a week. And there are millionaires, who receive about $110,000 a year from the Bush tax cuts."

There is isn't a single millionaire receiving $110,000 from the Bush tax cuts, rather it is the government who will not be receiving $110,000 from those millionaires. It's not and never was the government's money.

What other people have is none of your business. Your position is fully based out of your own jealousy, envy, and greed.

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