Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’

The fact is that states and local governments not required to enforce immigration laws. There is such a thing as states rights. Or is it that we believe in states rights only when they do things we like.

Fair enough, and the Federal Government has rights too, like refusing to fund cities or states that harbor illegal aliens. That's all President Trump wants to do- deny all funding to San Francisco, New York and other outlaw cities. These towns can be "sanctuaries for illegals", but this will carry a cost.
True. States' rights are a factor. But Federal funding is not a right. The Fed can grant or deny federal funding as deemed appropriate. Why should the fed subsidize law enforcement funding to cities refusing to enforce the laws?
How many American citizens can illegals kill, rape, and torture per year before the libs dismantle their outlaw cities?
Apparently there is no limit, as long as the violated victims are white.
Exactly. Libs never let out a peep when the victim is White. Whites are the suppressor class. Whites are inherently evil. Liberals are rats to the core...traitorous rats.
How many American citizens can illegals kill, rape, and torture per year before the libs dismantle their outlaw cities?
Apparently there is no limit, as long as the violated victims are white.
Exactly. Libs never let out a peep when the victim is White. Whites are the suppressor class. Whites are inherently evil. Liberals are rats to the core...traitorous rats.
Are you a rat too? Me, guilty as charged...
How many American citizens can illegals kill, rape, and torture per year before the libs dismantle their outlaw cities?
Apparently there is no limit, as long as the violated victims are white.
Exactly. Libs never let out a peep when the victim is White. Whites are the suppressor class. Whites are inherently evil. Liberals are rats to the core...traitorous rats.
Are you a rat too? Me, guilty as charged...
Never...I would rather die a thousand cuts than call myself a neo-Liberal.
True. States' rights are a factor. But Federal funding is not a right. The Fed can grant or deny federal funding as deemed appropriate. Why should the fed subsidize law enforcement funding to cities refusing to enforce the laws?

The Federal Government denies funding to jurisdictions that have drinking ages under 21, or DUI legal limits of more than .08. the precedents are there
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

How the left labels things is very telling

Sanctuary cities = states refusing to enforce federal dhs laws and orders. This includes a lot of factors that are bad for the us. One is

Letting criminals back into society after arrested for a variety of crimes instead of notifying ICE as they are supposed to per the lawful orders

Outlaw cities is accurate terminology I think

What other names would be better than sanctuary city?

Also another example how the left uses words..

They use the term fetus instead of baby when describing an unwanted baby.They claim that it is a fetus and should be called that. But why do the headlines say Beyoncé is having 2 babies. Why do people that want to get pregnant and become so they say I'm having a baby ..point is the left only uses the term fetus when the baby is unwanted

I know abortion is far off topic but your post on sanctuary cities was interesting and it made me think about how the left incorrectly uses words to boost their agendas

Thoughts anyone?
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

How the left labels things is very telling

Sanctuary cities = states refusing to enforce federal dhs laws and orders. This includes a lot of factors that are bad for the us. One is

Letting criminals back into society after arrested for a variety of crimes instead of notifying ICE as they are supposed to per the lawful orders

Outlaw cities is accurate terminology I think

What other names would be better than sanctuary city?

Also another example how the left uses words..

They use the term fetus instead of baby when describing an unwanted baby.They claim that it is a fetus and should be called that. But why do the headlines say Beyoncé is having 2 babies. Why do people that want to get pregnant and become so they say I'm having a baby ..point is the left only uses the term fetus when the baby is unwanted

I know abortion is far off topic but your post on sanctuary cities was interesting and it made me think about how the left incorrectly uses words to boost their agendas

Thoughts anyone?
The saddest part about the left are the acquiescent hoards who through either well meaning or sheer stupidity allow themselves to be corralled into this group think. What a sad bunch.
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?
The fact is that states and local governments not required to enforce immigration laws. There is such a thing as states rights. Or is it that we believe in states rights only when they do things we like.

You may want to consider the following:

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses | USAM | Department of Justice

If the Federal Government ever decides to enforce the law, a lot of state politicians are in for a rude awaking.
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?

Civics 101--before congress can pass a law--there first has to be a LEGAL DEFINITION written by congress as to what a Sanctuary city is.

Without that definition written into law--Sanctuary cities don't exist.

IOW you couldn't get written up for speeding if there wasn't a legal definition "defining speeding." It's really not rocket science. This is the typical Hail Mary pass to get constituents all stirred up.

San Francisco is planning on suing the Federal Government if they impose sanctions on them being a Sanctuary city--and they'll probably win because there is no LEGAL definition that was written and approved by the congress, senate & President and signed into law. A judge would have to side with them, because there is no WRITTEN DEFINITION OR LAW.
How many American citizens can illegals kill, rape, and torture per year before the libs dismantle their outlaw cities?
Apparently there is no limit, as long as the violated victims are white.
Exactly. Libs never let out a peep when the victim is White. Whites are the suppressor class. Whites are inherently evil. Liberals are rats to the core...traitorous rats.
I'm white Republican I voted for trump! WHAT ELSE CAN I do to pass you off today? Bumper sticker I say

Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?

Civics 101--before congress can pass a law--there first has to be a LEGAL DEFINITION written by congress as to what a Sanctuary city is.

Without that definition written into law--Sanctuary cities don't exist.

IOW you couldn't get written up for speeding if there wasn't a legal definition "defining speeding." This is the typical Hail Mary pass to get constituents all stirred up.

San Francisco is planning on suing the Federal Government if they impose sanctions on them being a Sanctuary city--and they'll probably win because there is no LEGAL definition that was written and approved by the congress, senate & President and signed into law. A judge would have to side with them, because there is no WRITTEN DEFINITION OR LAW.
Incorrect as stare decisis has already been established regarding the role of the federal government in matters of immigration.
Federal vs. State Immigration Laws - FindLaw
The fact is that states and local governments not required to enforce immigration laws. There is such a thing as states rights. Or is it that we believe in states rights only when they do things we like.

You may want to consider the following:

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses | USAM | Department of Justice

If the Federal Government ever decides to enforce the law, a lot of state politicians are in for a rude awaking.

That applies to the entire country--it does NOT define Sanctuary Cities that Trump is threatening to target. I am certain there are illegals in your state, so does that mean Trump can cut off Federal Funding to your state? What about 1 illegal in an entire state, does that mean it is now a Sanctuary City? With no congressional legal definition we cannot LEGALLY determine what a Sanctuary city is.

These are the issues that you would run head on into-- in any Federal District court across this nation. Until Sanctuary cities are defined by congress and signed into law they don't exist. Threatening them or actually withholding funding from them-without a written congressional approved legal definition would result in class action law suits in the billions for damages done--and it wouldn't be a pretty site for the taxpayers of this country.
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That applies to the entire country--it does NOT define Sanctuary Cities that Trump is threatening to target

Yes...because a country's cities are not located within its border...Christ. Your entire argument is as absurd as the Democrats who promote it.
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How many American citizens can illegals kill, rape, and torture per year before the libs dismantle their outlaw cities?
Apparently there is no limit, as long as the violated victims are white.
Exactly. Libs never let out a peep when the victim is White. Whites are the suppressor class. Whites are inherently evil. Liberals are rats to the core...traitorous rats.
Are you a rat too? Me, guilty as charged...
Never...I would rather die a thousand cuts than call myself a neo-Liberal.
Oops! Not a liberal rat here. I misinterpreted "rat". I can think of many better ends than being a liberal. I'm one of those privileged "whites", although my heritage is otherwise, my appearance condemns me as a "white".
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?

Civics 101--before congress can pass a law--there first has to be a LEGAL DEFINITION written by congress as to what a Sanctuary city is.

Without that definition written into law--Sanctuary cities don't exist.

IOW you couldn't get written up for speeding if there wasn't a legal definition "defining speeding." This is the typical Hail Mary pass to get constituents all stirred up.

San Francisco is planning on suing the Federal Government if they impose sanctions on them being a Sanctuary city--and they'll probably win because there is no LEGAL definition that was written and approved by the congress, senate & President and signed into law. A judge would have to side with them, because there is no WRITTEN DEFINITION OR LAW.
Incorrect as stare decisis has already been established regarding the role of the federal government in matters of immigration.
Federal vs. State Immigration Laws - FindLaw

You bring up a LEGAL DEFINITION of what a Sanctuary city is. Without that you cannot legally determine which city is Sanctuary and which ones aren't. It has to be a FEDERAL DEFINITION, not a State Law--as we are talking about Federal Funding.

You cannot be charged for a crime or misdemeanor without a legal definition FIRST of the crime or misdemeanor you have violated.

The U.S. Congress has never legally DEFINED Sanctuary city.
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Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?

Civics 101--before congress can pass a law--there first has to be a LEGAL DEFINITION written by congress as to what a Sanctuary city is.

Without that definition written into law--Sanctuary cities don't exist.

IOW you couldn't get written up for speeding if there wasn't a legal definition "defining speeding." This is the typical Hail Mary pass to get constituents all stirred up.

San Francisco is planning on suing the Federal Government if they impose sanctions on them being a Sanctuary city--and they'll probably win because there is no LEGAL definition that was written and approved by the congress, senate & President and signed into law. A judge would have to side with them, because there is no WRITTEN DEFINITION OR LAW.
Incorrect as stare decisis has already been established regarding the role of the federal government in matters of immigration.
Federal vs. State Immigration Laws - FindLaw

You bring up a LEGAL DEFINITION of what a Sanctuary city is. Without that you cannot legally determine which city is Sanctuary and which ones aren't. It has to be a FEDERAL DEFINITION, not a State Law--as we are talking about Federal Funding.
You are dancing on heads of pins that do not exist. The umbrella law covers the cities within a nations borders. You can call yourself a fairy from the land of Tinker Bell but if you murder someone..the law still applies to you. The same can be said about federal immigration law...see federal.

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