Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’

Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

How about "hideout cities"? The mayors are abetting criminals. I doubt if their police forces will stand up for the xenophile traitors against federal marshals.
The fact is that states and local governments not required to enforce immigration laws. There is such a thing as states rights. Or is it that we believe in states rights only when they do things we like.

You may want to consider the following:

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses | USAM | Department of Justice

If the Federal Government ever decides to enforce the law, a lot of state politicians are in for a rude awaking.

That applies to the entire country--it does NOT define Sanctuary Cities that Trump is threatening to target. I am certain there are illegals in your state, so does that mean Trump can cut off Federal Funding to your state? What about 1 illegal in an entire state, does that mean it is now a Sanctuary City? With no congressional legal definition we cannot LEGALLY determine what a Sanctuary city is.

These are the issues that you would run head on into-- in any Federal District court across this nation. Until Sanctuary cities are defined by congress and signed into law they don't exist. Threatening them or actually withholding funding from them-without a written congressional approved legal definition would result in class action law suits in the billions for damages done--and it wouldn't be a pretty site for the taxpayers of this country.
I would welcome cutting off federal funding from my state. Then, we would have to learn to live within our means. Of course, a corollary to that would be our state refusal to submit to federal restriction on our ability to generate our own funds, aka: 10th Amendment.

We already have San Francisco & Seatlle Washington suing Trump. We have laws in this country--but you sure as hell need a legal definition you can defend in court--LOL There has to be a written law--according to that definition--that has been broken or you'll get laughed out of court or end up paying a lot of money to the plantiff for being stupid.

Here is what the mayor of Seattle is saying. He's saying it's against the Constitution.

"Seattle is suing President Donald Trump over his executive order cracking down on so-called “sanctuary cities” for how they handle people living in the United States illegally.

The city is doing nothing wrong by limiting its own involvement in immigration enforcement, while Trump is overreaching by trying to make cities do the work of the federal government, Mayor Ed Murray and City Attorney Pete Holmes said Wednesday.

The goal of the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle, is to have the executive order declared unconstitutional, Murray said at a news conference, accusing the Trump administration of waging “a war on cities.”

“Our lawsuit is staying true to our values,” the mayor said. “We value civil rights, we value the courts and we value the Constitution.”

Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

Interesting point of view--so they're apparently attacking the constitutionality of withholding Federal money from Sanctuary cities that haven't even been legally defined.

Oreo. you trying to create a narrative with legs where there is none is funny. You people are screwed. The Supreme court would over turn your nonsense quickly. The only reason it hasn't yet, is because they are waiting for the NEW one to be installed, which will be Friday I believe, and all your liberal hearts will then be broken when you won't be able to do anything unless it is against the law.
I doubt that. Lets face it, if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll probably also get a clear understanding of what the Emoluments clause in the Constitution means at that time also.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Immigration is not Democrats fault, it is fault of congress for never writing a Sanctuary city definition--and Republicans have owned both houses for the last 7 years and they've done nothing. They could have come up with a definition and had it on Trump's desk as soon as he was sworn in--they didn't.

Like Obamacare, it sounds great on the campaign trail--something else they have campaigned on for the last 7 years, but the rubber never meets the road when it comes to reality.
Democrats will barely win anything in 2018, and that includes blue state elections.

Republicans win because Democrats are no longer a viable American political party, not because they are an outstanding choice.
True! The sad part is that the Dems have doubled down on black (pardon the pun). They have gone further left after Shitlery was banished back to her Hell pit.
Democrats are finished.

This push to make every city a sanctuary city is not only an act of desperation, it is also a perpetual noose around their neck.

These idiots thought Obamacare was an albatross in 2010 and 2014, but 2018 will make those years look like blowout wins for Democrats thanks to sanctuary cities.
No...never ever underestimate the stupidity of the average man. Sadly, our national IQ has been declining for some time.
The national IQ of the Democrats can't get any lower.

B Students Jealous of A Students

That's to be expected from Bell Curve deniers.
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.
So speaks the anchor baby.
Good point mich. I've always called them sanctuary cities but i see now how stupid that was of me. The media cartels are very good at telling us what words to use.

Michelle Malkin: ‘Stop Calling Them Sanctuary Cities, They Are Outlaw Cities’ – InvestmentWatch

april 1 2017 Michelle Malkin appeared live on Fox News and demanded the mainstream media stop referring to “sanctuary cities” when in fact these cities are “outlaw cities” determined to break the law and serve “open border special interests.”

“First of all we have to stop calling these places sanctuary cities,” the author and political commentator said.

“They are outlaw cities. They are safe spaces for criminality.”

Michelle Malkin argued that by using the propaganda term “sanctuary cities” we are playing into the hands of the liberal establishment, determined to impose its agenda on the nation via their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.

“People are sick and tired of it.”

From now on we should refer to these cities by the more accurate term “outlaw cities“.

Has Malkin filed her sexual harrassment lawsuit against Fox yet?
Companies yank ads from O'Reilly's show after sexual harassment claims
Embattled Fox News hit with yet another sex harassment suit

Some of the female anchors and commentators are hanging in there, hoping they can save Fox Noise from complete failure.
Last edited:

I fail to see the humor. You are obviously racist against Asian Americans.
Okay hitler :cuckoo:
Disgusting. At least I am honest in my racism. Sad people like you hide behind your 'ideals'. Pitiful.

T---R---O---O---F! Taste that nigga!

You are proof that USMB will let anybody (or anything) post here.
I fail to see the humor. You are obviously racist against Asian Americans.
Okay hitler :cuckoo:
Disgusting. At least I am honest in my racism. Sad people like you hide behind your 'ideals'. Pitiful.

T---R---O---O---F! Taste that nigga!

You are proof that USMB will let anybody (or anything) post here.
You might want to look at your avatar sometime....

You are a complete basket case.
Well nothing is going to happen to these "outlaw" cities until Congress comes up with a legal definition of what they are. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't. Then congress would have to pass laws regarding these Outlaw cities, that would then have to go to the Senate for approval and then put on Trump's desk.

You really haven't elected a KING--and anything that has to do with MONEY--has to go through congress.


You are about as sharp as a fucking marshmallow.

"Congress comes up with a legal definition"

Of what? An illegal immigant? Have it! Or a city whose government harbors them?...Have it!

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to determine which ones are outlaw and which ones aren't."

You really are a thick fucker aren't you?

Civics 101--before congress can pass a law--there first has to be a LEGAL DEFINITION written by congress as to what a Sanctuary city is.

Without that definition written into law--Sanctuary cities don't exist.

IOW you couldn't get written up for speeding if there wasn't a legal definition "defining speeding." This is the typical Hail Mary pass to get constituents all stirred up.

San Francisco is planning on suing the Federal Government if they impose sanctions on them being a Sanctuary city--and they'll probably win because there is no LEGAL definition that was written and approved by the congress, senate & President and signed into law. A judge would have to side with them, because there is no WRITTEN DEFINITION OR LAW.
Incorrect as stare decisis has already been established regarding the role of the federal government in matters of immigration.
Federal vs. State Immigration Laws - FindLaw

You bring up a LEGAL DEFINITION of what a Sanctuary city is. Without that you cannot legally determine which city is Sanctuary and which ones aren't. It has to be a FEDERAL DEFINITION, not a State Law--as we are talking about Federal Funding.
You are dancing on heads of pins that do not exist. The umbrella law covers the cities within a nations borders. You can call yourself a fairy from the land of Tinker Bell but if you murder someone..the law still applies to you. The same can be said about federal immigration law...see federal.
So, that is the legal definition of a Sanctuary city? You tell us.

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