Michelle O attacks women for trump:any woman who voted against Clinton voted against their own voice

the blame game has begun. didn't women vote overwhemingly for Crooked Hillary anyway?
No, they did not.

Trump won married women, and white women if I recall correctly.

Standard Democrat nonsense. "You're voting against your own interests".

My wife's interests are not defined by Democrats.
Standard Democrat nonsense. "You're voting against your own interests".

My wife's interests are not defined by Democrats.

They put you in a group and then attack you if you don't conform to what they expect from that group.

ANd they claim to be open minded.

It does sort of explain why they are so often freaked about by the simple act of discussing groups.

Because in their minds, being put in a group, is a prelude to an attack.
the blame game has begun. didn't women vote overwhemingly for Crooked Hillary anyway?
It's the politics of division.

If blacks didn't vote for Obama, they weren't actually black.
if women don't vote for any (D) woman, they aren't supporting women.

The left demands that women and minorities vote as they are told or else.
Why is the former administration engaging in lecturing to the nation? Your job is done, move along unless you want the more cynical voting public to rally around anything you propose as they know you are paid for.

These same voters supported Obama. It's easy to try and dictate when they have nothing more to lose, and so much to gain by the alt-left and globalist sponsors who were rewarded.

With each passing day of Trump standing up for America these former politicians just look more obviously nothing more than paid shill activists who have little love for America.
Clintonites now trying to convince themselves that a corny Facebook ad is the reason their candidate with a 30% approval rating lost.
Mouchelle your husband was the worst president ever! that's why Crooked Hillary lost!
Huff Post had a RACIST and vulgar headline '
Dear Fellow White Women: We F**ked This Up

!!!!!!! racist and saying women Fd up!!!!
they can be blatant racists--but if whites mention facts---RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this shows you Huff's and blacks' thinking--total hypocrisy--so their arguments are worthless
Michelle also said Beyonce couldn't be a better role model for her kids
so she is really saying I am always right....my way is always right.....YOU are wrong.....
what a B^^^h to say something like that
like voting is a math test
I guess blacks who voted against her are wrong also.....why don't she say that?
Because voting for a party that wants open borders, men pretending to be woman in the women's restroom, a race war based on lies and diversity for the sake of diversity is voting for my interest? smh C'mon Michelle. Try again.
Leave it up to anyone on the left to insult 41% of the female electorate.

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