Michelle Obama accused of spending $10 million of taxpayers' money on her vacations

"My question is, when are you people going to wake up?"

The Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets.

But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.

White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year

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Notice that this is from a british paper, it seems that american papers won't touch it.

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

Considering how hard she works on growing veggies in the White House garden, she deserves these vacations. :lol:

Gawd, remember the skank lady before her who was a complete embarassment to America until the fashion mags told her to clean her nasty ass up. We want our daughters to have role models they can look up to, and Mrs. Obama is setting a brillant example for this nation to follow. Notice her husband isn't a drunk, nor her daughters drunk skanks rolling in the gutters like the Bush family of misfits and cowards.

Laura Bush was and is a classy lady....you seem like the skank in this case.
Notice that this is from a british paper, it seems that american papers won't touch it.

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

Considering how hard she works on growing veggies in the White House garden, she deserves these vacations. :lol:

Not on our dime she doesnt. Since Obama has over 4 million dollars I think they can foot their own vacation bill:doubt:

Around this time George W. Bush clocked around 180 days of vaction, Reagan 108 or so, Clinton like 23 or 24 days.

Obama's got like 70 now.

Which one are you most mad at?

Notice that this is from a british paper, it seems that american papers won't touch it.

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

Considering how hard she works on growing veggies in the White House garden, she deserves these vacations. :lol:

Gawd, remember the skank lady before her who was a complete embarassment to America until the fashion mags told her to clean her nasty ass up. We want our daughters to have role models they can look up to, and Mrs. Obama is setting a brillant example for this nation to follow. Notice her husband isn't a drunk, nor her daughters drunk skanks rolling in the gutters like the Bush family of misfits and cowards.

Low blow dude.

Laura Bush was no skank. And Bush's daughters seem to be doing fine.
At lest she is American,call me when the neonuts quit giving trillions in taxpayer dollars to Israel.
Notice that this is from a british paper, it seems that american papers won't touch it.

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

It's good to be the Queen, just ask Imelda Marcos.



To quote Idi Amin and Robert Mugabe, "To the victor go the spoils!!"
Not looking forward to calling America a banana republic. This is what you get from a President who models his administration after a third world Kleptocracy like Zimbabwe. Drain the private sector, bloat the bureaucracy, and cash in and reward your cronies if you manage to maneuver your way into power. Don't blame the Tea Party when the economy crashes and the riots begin.

Ron Paul: Mobs In Europe A Sign Of Things Coming | RealClearPolitics
Notice that this is from a british paper, it seems that american papers won't touch it.

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

Isn't that great. She has never asked for a hand out or taken what she doesn't deserve. They are at the top, and still underpaid in relation to the highest wages in America. The self-sacrificing she is doing will long be remembered. I can't think of a 1st Lady who ever planted and harvests her own Victory garden like she does.

Ever hear of the Betty Ford Clinic?

I find it hard too beleive that all that money was spent by her on herself and family.

But the idea that that is what it has cost is not that much of a streatch considering all the security that's needed.

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