Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves

I don't think there is anything wrong with mentioning the history of slavery to kids studying the Emancipation proclamation.

I'd just like to see equal attention given to other aspects of American history, such as the religious objectives of the Pilgrims, the reasons for the Revolution, and the philosophical basis of The Constitution.

Yea you guys would have loved the pilgrims. They fired the first shots in your imaginary "war on christmas". The Pilgrims were ultra orthodox jackasses that England was glad to be rid of.
Again, a poor analogy.

Hunger is an issue during prosperous times as well as depressing economies. It is an ongoing issue.

Slavery of black Americans no longer exists.

However, as I said in my first comment in this thread, I see nothing wrong with the first lady discussing it with children learning about the EP.

It warrants no defense. I applaud her as a first lady. She is doing an outstanding job despite the two things against her.....her husbands ineptness and the fact that many on the right hate her.

But if you wish to defend it....use analogies that work.

Do you know that analogies are not meant to be compared on every level but only on the ways that make them similar? ...Nevermind

When used in a debate...which is what this board is for....an analogy is supposed to display a strong similarity to the issue at hand...otherwise it does nothing but deflect from the topic itself.

Now, in the case of "hunger", that analogy was used by you to show how silly it is to criticize Michelle for bringing up slavery even though slavery was no longer an American Issue. And as you saw, whereas I agree with you in regard to the topic, your analogy was full of holes and in no way defended your (our) position.

Perhpas if you said...

We are no longer at war with the British, so why do we teach our children about the revolutionary war?.....now THAT is a solid analogy....yes some holkes....but the holes would be quickly filled....

Such as ..."well, the american revolution is part of our history"...and I can respond with "so is American Slavery.

Maybe you should give me a little more credit and spend less time criticizing my intelligence.


1.A comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
2.A correspondence or partial similarity.

Your definition of what it should be doesn't matter. When I say you're high as a kite I don't mean you are floating on air produced by wind gusts and high as the average height of kites....It just means you're really high...try not to be smart and an idiot at the same time. Pick one
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Doofus, your attempt to qualify The African American Slave experience as unique is FBS. Learn some history.

Well since we are talking history lets discuss Europe in the mid 1800s and how they had outlawed slavery. The US was alone among "civilized" nations in that it not only defended slavery but had states fight to the death to preserve it

Wrong. The civil war was not just about slavery, it was about states vs federal rights.
How many of the countrys below that abolished slavery after the US did in 1865, are not civilized. Keep swinging and missing RW :cool:

I seriously doubt that the Rebel States would have voted to seceed after Lincolns election if slavey did not exist.
I don't think there is anything wrong with mentioning the history of slavery to kids studying the Emancipation proclamation.

I'd just like to see equal attention given to other aspects of American history, such as the religious objectives of the Pilgrims, the reasons for the Revolution, and the philosophical basis of The Constitution.

Yea you guys would have loved the pilgrims. They fired the first shots in your imaginary "war on christmas". The Pilgrims were ultra orthodox jackasses that England was glad to be rid of.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm............no, not orthodox. That was sort of the POINT. The Puritans were severely reformist, anti-Catholic, protestant Lutherans of an extreme sect.

They weren't quite Anabaptists, though. Anabaptists threw everything out from Catholicism, too, but some of them had too much fun. Orgies. Communism.

The Puritans weren't up for fun. They were into hard work and high ethics. That culture still lingers among some groups. Though NOT the group complaining bitterly about how they should get lots of reparations for slavery. The people who derive from the Puritans are the richer part of America. Because that culture works better than trying to guilt people into giving you money, as if.
Barrys wifey should stick to giving dieting advice to the ghetto kids whose parent is to ignorant to do so'.......Stick to the kitchen where she might have some use............
As I recall all the fuss is about the First Lady daring to mention the Slaves that worked at the Decatur House to school children, who were taking part in a re-enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Funny how that brought out a lot of hatred in some folks.

We are sick of all the guilting.

If they really hate that they came here enslaved, they should go back. It's perfectly obvious. But they don't. They just keep trying to get more and more out of whites by this continual guilting. It's disgusting.

Why does our History make you feel guilty?
She's doing a good job? Can you cite some examples?



She has successfully endeared the hearts of many despite the far right criticizing every move she makes...not to mention having to be associated with a man who is way out of his league.

And she has successfully pissed off many with her comments.

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction.

we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”
Yes, slavery was 150 years ago. It should not be mentioned

But we should allow founding fathers opinions from 235 years ago determine our agenda

With all due respect, what a bullshit point. Slavery can and should be talked about in a true historical context. But the American Black slave experience is not unique; I'm not dismissing it, but it is not unique.

I'd prefer to see slavery discussed in the here and now and discuss how we can eradicate it from the face of the planet. But that won't happen in America because slavery in America = racism. That's what is taught in school and it's a fallacy.

Yet race never had anything to do with slavery. Slavery was based on labor needs.

Slavery goes back thousands of years. Slavery exists today. And sadly slavery will exist for centuries to come.

Should the existence of slavery from the past, present and future prevent us from utilizing and embracing the great teachings of men of history from centuries past?

Should we ignore the teachings of great philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle because slavery existed in their day?

Should we dismiss the Magna Carta?

I think not. I could list a thousand more examples but I'm only on my second coffee.


What a total load of bullshit

The American Black slave experience was not unique? Are you fucking nuts? Indentured servitude was not slavery and it was voluntary. Black slaves were captured against their will and treated as animals. Not only them but all succeeding generations. What is not unique about that?

Race had nothing to do with slavery? They were treated like animals and considered lesser human beings up until the 1960s. Race had nothing to do with it?

Why did whites own whites? First slaves in America were white children from Britain. Historical fact.

Why did blacks own blacks? There were black slave owners. Historical fact.

Why did First Nations tribes own other natives as slaves? They did. Historical fact.

Don't hand me that racism bullshit.
I don't think there is anything wrong with mentioning the history of slavery to kids studying the Emancipation proclamation.

I'd just like to see equal attention given to other aspects of American history, such as the religious objectives of the Pilgrims, the reasons for the Revolution, and the philosophical basis of The Constitution.

Yea you guys would have loved the pilgrims. They fired the first shots in your imaginary "war on christmas". The Pilgrims were ultra orthodox jackasses that England was glad to be rid of.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm............no, not orthodox. That was sort of the POINT. The Puritans were severely reformist, anti-Catholic, protestant Lutherans of an extreme sect.

They weren't quite Anabaptists, though. Anabaptists threw everything out from Catholicism, too, but some of them had too much fun. Orgies. Communism.

The Puritans weren't up for fun. They were into hard work and high ethics. That culture still lingers among some groups. Though NOT the group complaining bitterly about how they should get lots of reparations for slavery. The people who derive from the Puritans are the richer part of America. Because that culture works better than trying to guilt people into giving you money, as if.

Scarlett letters, Salem Witch Trials, banning Christmas, yea they sound like a great group to emulate.
With all due respect, what a bullshit point. Slavery can and should be talked about in a true historical context. But the American Black slave experience is not unique; I'm not dismissing it, but it is not unique.

I'd prefer to see slavery discussed in the here and now and discuss how we can eradicate it from the face of the planet. But that won't happen in America because slavery in America = racism. That's what is taught in school and it's a fallacy.

Yet race never had anything to do with slavery. Slavery was based on labor needs.

Slavery goes back thousands of years. Slavery exists today. And sadly slavery will exist for centuries to come.

Should the existence of slavery from the past, present and future prevent us from utilizing and embracing the great teachings of men of history from centuries past?

Should we ignore the teachings of great philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle because slavery existed in their day?

Should we dismiss the Magna Carta?

I think not. I could list a thousand more examples but I'm only on my second coffee.


What a total load of bullshit

The American Black slave experience was not unique? Are you fucking nuts? Indentured servitude was not slavery and it was voluntary. Black slaves were captured against their will and treated as animals. Not only them but all succeeding generations. What is not unique about that?

Race had nothing to do with slavery? They were treated like animals and considered lesser human beings up until the 1960s. Race had nothing to do with it?

Why did whites own whites? First slaves in America were white children from Britain. Historical fact.

Why did blacks own blacks? There were black slave owners. Historical fact.

Why did First Nations tribes own other natives as slaves? They did. Historical fact.

Don't hand me that racism bullshit.

Why does any of your questions matter?

Answer: They dont
Slavery in America wasn't bad because slavery has happened everywhere.

Hiroshima wasn't bad because bombings happen all the time
Does this include the slaves held by Egypt? How about the British slaves of the Romans? Don't they count? How about slavery TODAY, what's our obligation to those enslaved by muslims?

Big Moo should have another lobster tail, let the butter drip down her chin, it improves her appearance.

Or about the new American slaves - "illegal immigrants" who live in fear and have no rights and work for (almost) free?
There should be a black history month, and black studies programs so that the lessons of slavery are never forgotten..........lol
Slavery in America wasn't bad because slavery has happened everywhere.

Hiroshima wasn't bad because bombings happen all the time

I've never said the slavery wasn't "bad". I consider it evil.

All I'm saying is that the history of black slavery in America is not unique. Truth.

And rather than consistently focus on the past deeds of those that were ignorant to the evils of slavery in America that we should all focus on slavery world wide in the here and now.

The trade in human flesh be it for labor or for sex is a horrid truth in the present.

Some child today is being traded for money for farm work in China as we type. In Cuba as we are carrying on this conversation, some parent is selling their son or their daughter into the sex trade to be abused by foreign tourists.
Slavery in America wasn't bad because slavery has happened everywhere.

Hiroshima wasn't bad because bombings happen all the time

Nobody said slavery wasnt bad..try again, if you cant be truthful make shit up, typical liberal argument.


She has successfully endeared the hearts of many despite the far right criticizing every move she makes...not to mention having to be associated with a man who is way out of his league.

And she has successfully pissed off many with her comments.

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction.

we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”

Ah but most of the many that were pissed off by these comments are just as pissed at her stay in the White House!
Slavery in America wasn't bad because slavery has happened everywhere.

Hiroshima wasn't bad because bombings happen all the time

I've never said the slavery wasn't "bad". I consider it evil.

All I'm saying is that the history of black slavery in America is not unique. Truth.

And rather than consistently focus on the past deeds of those that were ignorant to the evils of slavery in America that we should all focus on slavery world wide in the here and now.

The trade in human flesh be it for labor or for sex is a horrid truth in the present.

Some child today is being traded for money for farm work in China as we type. In Cuba as we are carrying on this conversation, some parent is selling their son or their daughter into the sex trade to be abused by foreign tourists.

It pretty clear what you're doing buddy...the rest of your dribble is just to mask your bullshit
Slavery in America wasn't bad because slavery has happened everywhere.

Hiroshima wasn't bad because bombings happen all the time

Nobody said slavery wasnt bad..try again, if you cant be truthful make shit up, typical liberal argument.

Nope nobody isn't saying slavery is bad their just saying whats the big whoop with American slavery because slavery has happened all over the place.

Just like I said Hiroshima was nothing because bombings happen all the time.

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