Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves

White feudal serfs in Europe were far worse off than black slaves in America for much, much longer and in much, much greater numbers.

The great depression happened so ppl shouldn't mention hunger because...uh...

If you had made the effort to read my entire post and quote not just the first sentence of it, you would know that my point was that bitching about slavery should be heard about as often as there is bitching about feudal serfdom, especially in view of the fact that feudal serfs were far worse off than slaves, yet - unlike black folks, who may or may not even be descendants of former slaves but can't stop bitching about slavery - descendants of serfs learned to live and forgive and forget.

The likes of Michele Obama bitch and complain and the likes of you make idiotic remarks.
Yes, slavery was 150 years ago. It should not be mentioned

But we should allow founding fathers opinions from 235 years ago determine our agenda

Of course it can be mentioned, just not used as a weapon to beat over the head of people that had noting to do with it in order to get ones way.

Which wasn't what was done but I'm sure you feel that it was. Right?

Cause someone black said slavery and whenever someone black says slavery they are doing it to be malicious
Of course slavery should be mentioned. As a footnote. What the founders did, however, was to write out our governing documents and build our political and judicial system. A political and judicial system that changed the world. Nothing that the slaves did was particularly noteworthy or important. Slaves didn't change the course of history. White people going to war may have changed the course of history, but slaves did nothing.
Yes, slavery was 150 years ago. It should not be mentioned

But we should allow founding fathers opinions from 235 years ago determine our agenda

Of course it can be mentioned, just not used as a weapon to beat over the head of people that had noting to do with it in order to get ones way.

Which wasn't what was done but I'm sure you feel that it was. Right?

Cause someone black said slavery and whenever someone black says slavery they are doing it to be malicious

Sadly more often than not it either directly or indirectly they usually are.
Of course it can be mentioned, just not used as a weapon to beat over the head of people that had noting to do with it in order to get ones way.

Which wasn't what was done but I'm sure you feel that it was. Right?

Cause someone black said slavery and whenever someone black says slavery they are doing it to be malicious

Sadly more often than not it either directly or indirectly they usually are.

Because you feel that way...doesn't mean its reality
Yes, slavery was 150 years ago. It should not be mentioned

But we should allow founding fathers opinions from 235 years ago determine our agenda

With all due respect, what a bullshit point. Slavery can and should be talked about in a true historical context. But the American Black slave experience is not unique; I'm not dismissing it, but it is not unique.

I'd prefer to see slavery discussed in the here and now and discuss how we can eradicate it from the face of the planet. But that won't happen in America because slavery in America = racism. That's what is taught in school and it's a fallacy.

Yet race never had anything to do with slavery. Slavery was based on labor needs.

Slavery goes back thousands of years. Slavery exists today. And sadly slavery will exist for centuries to come.

Should the existence of slavery from the past, present and future prevent us from utilizing and embracing the great teachings of men of history from centuries past?

Should we ignore the teachings of great philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle because slavery existed in their day?

Should we dismiss the Magna Carta?

I think not. I could list a thousand more examples but I'm only on my second coffee.


What a total load of bullshit

The American Black slave experience was not unique? Are you fucking nuts? Indentured servitude was not slavery and it was voluntary. Black slaves were captured against their will and treated as animals. Not only them but all succeeding generations. What is not unique about that?

Race had nothing to do with slavery? They were treated like animals and considered lesser human beings up until the 1960s. Race had nothing to do with it?
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May 23, 2013, By Susan Jones @ Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves | CNS News
First Lady Michelle Obama joins children learning about the Emancipation Proclamation at historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2013. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - In remarks at the historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, first lady Michelle Obama remembered the 20 slaves who toiled at the mansion around the corner from the White House, where "some of our nation's foremost leaders" lived and hosted parties.

The stories of those slaves "too often get lost," Mrs. Obama said.

Oh come on! Gimme a break Moochelle. It's been over a hundred years and nobody alive is responsible for it. You and your husband simply cannot stop playing the race card, can you?

It is. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Sorry folks....see nothing wrong with it. The children were learning about the Emancipation Proclamation. Should she have mentioned something else.....like the removal of badmitton from the Olympics?

Give it a rest. She is doing a dam good job despite her husband being completely out of his league.

Haters gotta hate.
Yes, slavery was 150 years ago. It should not be mentioned

But we should allow founding fathers opinions from 235 years ago determine our agenda

With all due respect, what a bullshit point. Slavery can and should be talked about in a true historical context. But the American Black slave experience is not unique; I'm not dismissing it, but it is not unique.

I'd prefer to see slavery discussed in the here and now and discuss how we can eradicate it from the face of the planet. But that won't happen in America because slavery in America = racism. That's what is taught in school and it's a fallacy.

Yet race never had anything to do with slavery. Slavery was based on labor needs.

Slavery goes back thousands of years. Slavery exists today. And sadly slavery will exist for centuries to come.

Should the existence of slavery from the past, present and future prevent us from utilizing and embracing the great teachings of men of history from centuries past?

Should we ignore the teachings of great philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle because slavery existed in their day?

Should we dismiss the Magna Carta?

I think not. I could list a thousand more examples but I'm only on my second coffee.


What a total load of bullshit

The American Black slave experience was not unique? Are you fucking nuts? Indentured servitude was not slavery and it was voluntary. Black slaves were captured against their will and treated as animals. Not only them but all succeeding generations. What is not unique about that?

Race had nothing to do with slavery? They were treated like animals and considered lesser human beings up until the 1960s. Race had nothing to do with it?

That's the way slaves have been treated since the beginning of human history.
We has to forget about slavery so we can pretend that whole Civil War thing was about sumnthin else!
May 23, 2013, By Susan Jones @ Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves | CNS News
First Lady Michelle Obama joins children learning about the Emancipation Proclamation at historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2013. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - In remarks at the historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, first lady Michelle Obama remembered the 20 slaves who toiled at the mansion around the corner from the White House, where "some of our nation's foremost leaders" lived and hosted parties.

The stories of those slaves "too often get lost," Mrs. Obama said.

Oh come on! Gimme a break Moochelle. It's been over a hundred years and nobody alive is responsible for it. You and your husband simply cannot stop playing the race card, can you?


So at a ceremony honoring the Emancipation Proclamation, the First Lady shouldn't mention slavery?

Damn....is the right wing media fucked up or what?
Nope...all slavery is the same. Derp! Keep repeating that so you don't have to consider the differences.

being held against your will and forced to work for those holding you for no pay is just as bad if you are a White Jew in Egypt or a black man in America.

Should I continue to look at Egyptians as "former" slave owners?

Yes, I already said all slavery is the same. Or else it wouldn't be called Slavery. Now go play somewhere. Heres a ball...Doesn't matter if its a ball or some guys testicles because they're all balls right? Just like slavery.

There is conditional slavery.....those who become slaves voluntarily (indentured servants), temporarily (indentured servants), debtors, losers in a war, criminals.

There is racial slavery.....the Hebrew in Egypt (fictional), the Africans and Indians in North and South America.

Guess which one is worse and perpetual?
May 23, 2013, By Susan Jones @ Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves | CNS News
First Lady Michelle Obama joins children learning about the Emancipation Proclamation at historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2013. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - In remarks at the historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, first lady Michelle Obama remembered the 20 slaves who toiled at the mansion around the corner from the White House, where "some of our nation's foremost leaders" lived and hosted parties.

The stories of those slaves "too often get lost," Mrs. Obama said.

Oh come on! Gimme a break Moochelle. It's been over a hundred years and nobody alive is responsible for it. You and your husband simply cannot stop playing the race card, can you?


So at a ceremony honoring the Emancipation Proclamation, the First Lady shouldn't mention slavery?

Damn....is the right wing media fucked up or what?
They went down the Rabbit Hole a while ago.
White feudal serfs in Europe were far worse off than black slaves in America for much, much longer and in much, much greater numbers.

The great depression happened so ppl shouldn't mention hunger because...uh...

Again, a poor analogy.

Hunger is an issue during prosperous times as well as depressing economies. It is an ongoing issue.

Slavery of black Americans no longer exists.

However, as I said in my first comment in this thread, I see nothing wrong with the first lady discussing it with children learning about the EP.

It warrants no defense. I applaud her as a first lady. She is doing an outstanding job despite the two things against her.....her husbands ineptness and the fact that many on the right hate her.

But if you wish to defend it....use analogies that work.
May 23, 2013, By Susan Jones @ Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves | CNS News
First Lady Michelle Obama joins children learning about the Emancipation Proclamation at historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2013. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - In remarks at the historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, first lady Michelle Obama remembered the 20 slaves who toiled at the mansion around the corner from the White House, where "some of our nation's foremost leaders" lived and hosted parties.

The stories of those slaves "too often get lost," Mrs. Obama said.

Oh come on! Gimme a break Moochelle. It's been over a hundred years and nobody alive is responsible for it. You and your husband simply cannot stop playing the race card, can you?


Sounds like you crackers are running scared!:clap2::clap2:
They should remember slavery: they should be grateful it happened.

They simply lucked out, that's all. If there hadn't been black slavery, there would be no blacks here, they couldn't get here. They'd all be in Africa living in cardboard shacks with no toilets, no clothes, no economy, no government ------

Here they live far, far better on the cultural matrix supplied wholly by the white culture: they get zoning and housing codes, paved roads, banking, free schools, policing, emergency rooms and free hospitals, Social Security, welfare, lots and lots of stuff they never would have had in Africa and which Africa has almost none of now, anywhere at all.

This whole slavery nonsense is just an attempt to guilt us out of yet MORE. I'd ignore it if I heard that stuff. They are lucky they got here: note that however much they whine and complain NO ONE black ever goes back to Africa ---- they could, the flights are possible and the living is cheap in American terms. Why don't they go back, you know?

It's all hypocrisy. If they really hated it, they should just go back to Africa, why not? They are free to do so, they've been bitterly complaining all these years that we took them from Africa, so if they really mean it, I would think they would just go back. They would finally be back where they say they want to be and we'd all be better off.

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