Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

One only needs to look at what the central government has done since Lincoln's time, to see that is a criminal enterprise. Just as Lincoln enriched the R party by subsidizing railroads, Obama has enriched the D party by subsidizing green energy.

Railroads and green energy are good things, until Uncle Sam gets involved. Then they turn into racketeering enterprises.

So why don't people just not vote the main two parties? 2016 will see another 95% for them.
Don't be naive.

A majority of the people have no clue what's going on...and the statists and oligarchy know this.

Being naive? I'm not being naive. However even if you do fight against the political elite by saying they shouldn't ever do anything, what does this serve then? nothing, because the people will just vote for the main people.

Or maybe give those people something else to shout about. Trump's done it, and based on almost nothing. Do it based on "hey, let's get democracy back by changing the way we vote" and people might listen if enough people say it.
It is most certainly naive to ask the question you did. That being....So why don't people just not vote the main two parties?

I never posted that I think pols should do nothing, but it is clear that today when pols do something, it often is detrimental

One only needs to look at what the central government has done since Lincoln's time, to see that is a criminal enterprise. Just as Lincoln enriched the R party by subsidizing railroads, Obama has enriched the D party by subsidizing green energy.

Railroads and green energy are good things, until Uncle Sam gets involved. Then they turn into racketeering enterprises.

So why don't people just not vote the main two parties? 2016 will see another 95% for them.
Don't be naive.

A majority of the people have no clue what's going on...and the statists and oligarchy know this.

Being naive? I'm not being naive. However even if you do fight against the political elite by saying they shouldn't ever do anything, what does this serve then? nothing, because the people will just vote for the main people.

Or maybe give those people something else to shout about. Trump's done it, and based on almost nothing. Do it based on "hey, let's get democracy back by changing the way we vote" and people might listen if enough people say it.
It is most certainly naive to ask the question you did. That being....So why don't people just not vote the main two parties?

I never posted that I think pols should do nothing, but it is clear that today when pols do something, it often is detrimental. No?

Making the assumption that I asked the question because I didn't know the answer...... as if I'm an idiot.....
Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advance age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.
Conspiracy theorists are people who are unable to think clearly and logically: it's all about emotion and fear clouding your understanding of the world. Clearly, gipper, you are such a person. What a pathetic world you must live in.
Please wake up.

Your post indicates a clear inability to think.
Seriously? You've rotted your brains overdosing on Ding Dongs. And that's what you want for your children and grandchildren. Cool

I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.

And if I don't? Then what, they might be "insulted" that I don't trust them with /my/ kids? I don't give two fucks if folks think I'm a control freak, I check(ed) everywhere my children went because it was /my/ responsibility to ensure my children's safety and well-being. That even included searching my family members homes to ensure that everything my kids could be harmed by was taken care of to my satisfaction. I opened every reachable cabinet and drawer in their aunt and uncles house, installed new outlet covers, and installed toilet locks on every bowl as well as made them move the couch so it wasn't next to the stairs (where the kids could climb over the railing and fall.) They actually thanked me for the help since they were planning to start a family eventually and didn't know half the shit I had checked and gone over with them. (Now they have 12 damn kids!! wtf are they thinking?!?! lol)
They have too many kids. The world is already over-populated. Now are you gonna call me a control freak?

How exactly does this compare to being a control freak? You do realize what a control freak is yea? It's about micromanagement of stuff in your life; like... insisting that my cable company put silicone sealant around the jack hole they drilled into my house. Being a control freak has nothing to do with over population of the world, nor ones opinion's on how many kids someone else has...

That said, everyone in the family has told them they have too many kids already. They are having to have a custom house built for them because nothing has enough room, they have to drive two vans to go out to dinner and we need half a fucking restaurant; it's obnoxious stupid. The response we get is that they have no intention of stopping. What are we gonna do? Force them to get fixed? Frankly, we barely even have the "right" to bitch about more than the size inconveniences at family gatherings that happen four or five times a year, they have a shit-ton of money and they're supporting themselves, they don't ask anyone to babysit for them, and they're just doing what they do. It's just a different lifestyle or religious belief or w/e -- "Mormons believe children are more valuable than gold. The Mormon perspective is one that extends beyond this life. We believe in a life after this one where worldly titles and treasures will be left behind and meaningless. However, our relationships are eternal; families can be together forever. A loving family is the crowing blessing of all existence. Children are not seen as a burden, but an everlasting source of joy. And isn’t it natural to want more of something that brings you joy?" -- Their life, their belief, their choices, their responsibility. ~shrug~
People can justify all they want, but intelligent, educated people do not have 12 children. I lived in Austria, which has zero population growth. Not because it is enforced but because people are educated. You're friends are not doing their children any favor having so many children that no one gets the attention he/she deserves. And don't bring in others: it's like saying if Johnny jumps off a bridge, I should be able to also. That's not good logic.
You would think the crowd that likes to tell people on government assistance what they can/can't do would love this kind of thing.
I've never had an issue with Michelle Obama's push for healthier food. Makes sense to me.
People can justify all they want, but intelligent, educated people do not have 12 children. I lived in Austria, which has zero population growth. Not because it is enforced but because people are educated. You're friends are not doing their children any favor having so many children that no one gets the attention he/she deserves. And don't bring in others: it's like saying if Johnny jumps off a bridge, I should be able to also. That's not good logic.

Hey I just mentioned them in passing cause I find it crazy. You are the one who dragged them out into the topic to bitch about it. I'll admit she's a bit slow, but he's not at all - thus why they have a shit-ton of money. Regardless, of your, or my, personal opinion on the matter, in America we have this thing called "Freedom" it means they can have 100 kids if they want and no one else can say jack. Not to mention we're talking about Alaska here, there is no over-population in Alaska.
People can justify all they want, but intelligent, educated people do not have 12 children. I lived in Austria, which has zero population growth. Not because it is enforced but because people are educated. You're friends are not doing their children any favor having so many children that no one gets the attention he/she deserves. And don't bring in others: it's like saying if Johnny jumps off a bridge, I should be able to also. That's not good logic.

Hey I just mentioned them in passing cause I find it crazy. You are the one who dragged them out into the topic to bitch about it. I'll admit she's a bit slow, but he's not at all - thus why they have a shit-ton of money. Regardless, of your, or my, personal opinion on the matter, in America we have this thing called "Freedom" it means they can have 100 kids if they want and no one else can say jack. Not to mention we're talking about Alaska here, there is no over-population in Alaska.
People in Austria and other countries have the same freedom. Unfortunately, people in America so often choose the freedom to be uneducated and obtuse.
I find it amusing that you base a families intelligence entirely upon their religiously founded decision to have a lot of children. Do you hate all religious beliefs equally, or just the ones that rub your opine that the world is over populated the wrong way?
Fat ass Michelle Obama is NOT a nutrition expert and has no business telling anyone what to feed their kids.

It doesn't take a nutritional expert to know that those fat Southern children do not need to be eating any more fried Twinkies. lol
And it doesn't take a nutritional expert to know that fat ass Michelle has no business telling ANYBODY what to eat.
Why do you think Michelle Obama is a "fat ass"?
Fat ass Michelle Obama is NOT a nutrition expert and has no business telling anyone what to feed their kids.

It doesn't take a nutritional expert to know that those fat Southern children do not need to be eating any more fried Twinkies. lol
And it doesn't take a nutritional expert to know that fat ass Michelle has no business telling ANYBODY what to eat.

She's in tip top shape, and I have no doubt she could kick your rear end. lol
Oh yeah, she's in great shape. :laugh2:

Yes she is. She's certainly not that anorexic form that American fashion sadly admires....causing girls to generate eating disorders.
I don't why we the people are paying for a bunch of people who are Suppose to Represent US in Congress. these Agencies just make up their own rules to stick on us.

Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare
Final regulation only allows daycare centers to serve juice once a day

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
April 25, 2016 1:50 pm

New rules stemming from the school lunch law championed by first lady Michelle Obama are banning popular children’s cereals like Frosted Flakes in daycare centers.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a final rule Monday that will affect more than 3 million kids in daycare centers across the country. The regulation will only allow daycare centers to serve juice once a day, will ban fried foods, and encourages centers to not add honey to a child’s yogurt.

The regulation is a result of the 2010 law aimed at school lunches, a top priority of Mrs. Obama’s Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative. The government hopes ( hummm. the Government hopes) the new rule will “help children build healthy habits.”

“This final rule updates the meal pattern requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program to better align them with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010,” the final rule states. “This rule requires centers and day care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program to serve more whole grains and a greater variety of vegetables and fruit, and reduces the amount of added sugars and solid fats in meals.”

The law required the USDA to “promote health and wellness in child care settings via guidance and technical assistance that focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and limiting electronic media use,” according to the regulation.

all of the wonderful here:
Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

Got to love it when people start demanding their kids eat unhealthy food.
It's something I've noticed and been saying for years....don't get in the way of RWrs and their junk food. Just don't.
I grew up eating Frosted Flakes and drinking Cherry Kool Aid made with real sugar and so did most of the kids I grew up with

None of us are obese.

That settles it then. Some dude who thinks he's skull says eating sugar a d fried foods has no harmful effect on kids or anyone else.

Skulls anecdotal story proves it.

Hey skull are there ANY fat people in your America?
Skull in your America, does eating right and exercising have ANY benefits?

Go ahead and ban cupcakes and fried chicken today. Some people will still be fat in 10 years.

There's nothing you can do about it.

And since you can't seem to grasp the idea of portion size or moderation maybe you need a government hack to tell you what to eat and when to exercise. I don't need to be treated like a child.

This issue should be between the kids parents and the operators of the day care the fucking government has no business getting involved
I don't buy sugary cereals for my kids...chips, maybe two bags a month...I don't fry foods either, in my family there is a thing called high cholesterol...which leads to massive heart attacks, strokes and triple heart bypass surgeries....
Not even once in a great while Captain Crunch? One hasn't lived until they've tried Captain Crunch.
I don't buy sugary cereals for my kids...chips, maybe two bags a month...I don't fry foods either, in my family there is a thing called high cholesterol...which leads to massive heart attacks, strokes and triple heart bypass surgeries....
Not even once in a great while Captain Crunch? One hasn't lived until they've tried Captain Crunch.
Gotta be with crunchberries though

I don't buy sugary cereals for my kids...chips, maybe two bags a month...I don't fry foods either, in my family there is a thing called high cholesterol...which leads to massive heart attacks, strokes and triple heart bypass surgeries....
Not even once in a great while Captain Crunch? One hasn't lived until they've tried Captain Crunch.
What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
Translation: She's uppity.
What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
Translation: She's uppity.

More like nosy and pushy.

I can't stand anyone who tells other people what to do or how to live so that's most everyone these days

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