Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
Are you that stupid, or do you just pretend to be?
What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
You’re clearly this stupid – no pretending.
Michelle is a pig, she knows nothing about nutrition (or anything else). She needs to butt the hell out.
I personally think it's the parents job to know what their kids are eating at daycare, the gov doesn't need to be a part of this process at all. I could give a little, if it is indeed /just/ for the gov paid for food - beggars can't be choosers... (or well that was the case when I was growing up.) So long as they're not telling the day care they can /never/ serve fried food, w/e. Though I still find it a bit pathetic that our gov. feels the need to micromanage this deeply into what /should/ be a private matter between a parent and their chosen daycare facility. Have parents actually become so useless to their kids?

I find it even worse that schools and daycare centers don't seem to know anything about healthy eating and are serving kids absolute shit. What kind of a country is it?
I personally think it's the parents job to know what their kids are eating at daycare, the gov doesn't need to be a part of this process at all. I could give a little, if it is indeed /just/ for the gov paid for food - beggars can't be choosers... (or well that was the case when I was growing up.) So long as they're not telling the day care they can /never/ serve fried food, w/e. Though I still find it a bit pathetic that our gov. feels the need to micromanage this deeply into what /should/ be a private matter between a parent and their chosen daycare facility. Have parents actually become so useless to their kids?

I sent my child to a daycare center that received no government support- no tax dollars subsidizing meals. Guess what- government didn't tell them how to feed the kids.

But if tax payers are subsidizing meals fed to kids at daycare facilities- why shouldn't we insist on healthier food being fed for our tax dollars?

Because we want these kids to fail and become obese so our own kids will do much better in life?
How about parents take some responsibility for their kids and check out the menu at their daycare? Is that a hard thing for parents to do or something? (I must admit I know nothing of daycare's, my children never once stayed with anyone who wasn't family...)
How about parents take some responsibility for their kids and check out the menu at their daycare? Is that a hard thing for parents to do or something? (I must admit I know nothing of daycare's, my children never once stayed with anyone who wasn't family...)

I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.
I don't why we the people are paying for a bunch of people who are Suppose to Represent US in Congress. these Agencies just make up their own rules to stick on us.

Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare
Final regulation only allows daycare centers to serve juice once a day

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
April 25, 2016 1:50 pm

New rules stemming from the school lunch law championed by first lady Michelle Obama are banning popular children’s cereals like Frosted Flakes in daycare centers.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a final rule Monday that will affect more than 3 million kids in daycare centers across the country. The regulation will only allow daycare centers to serve juice once a day, will ban fried foods, and encourages centers to not add honey to a child’s yogurt.

The regulation is a result of the 2010 law aimed at school lunches, a top priority of Mrs. Obama’s Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative. The government hopes ( hummm. the Government hopes) the new rule will “help children build healthy habits.”

“This final rule updates the meal pattern requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program to better align them with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010,” the final rule states. “This rule requires centers and day care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program to serve more whole grains and a greater variety of vegetables and fruit, and reduces the amount of added sugars and solid fats in meals.”

The law required the USDA to “promote health and wellness in child care settings via guidance and technical assistance that focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and limiting electronic media use,” according to the regulation.

all of the wonderful here:
Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare
Though she may suggest such rules and support them, MICHELLE OBAMA HAS NO POWER TO ENFORCE SUCH A BAN.

So stop blaming her for every fucking thing under the sun. It is not up to her. She knows it, the congress knows it, we know it: everyone knows it--why don't you know it?
I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.

And if I don't? Then what, they might be "insulted" that I don't trust them with /my/ kids? I don't give two fucks if folks think I'm a control freak, I check(ed) everywhere my children went because it was /my/ responsibility to ensure my children's safety and well-being. That even included searching my family members homes to ensure that everything my kids could be harmed by was taken care of to my satisfaction. I opened every reachable cabinet and drawer in their aunt and uncles house, installed new outlet covers, and installed toilet locks on every bowl as well as made them move the couch so it wasn't next to the stairs (where the kids could climb over the railing and fall.) They actually thanked me for the help since they were planning to start a family eventually and didn't know half the shit I had checked and gone over with them. (Now they have 12 damn kids!! wtf are they thinking?!?! lol)
I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.

And if I don't? Then what, they might be "insulted" that I don't trust them with /my/ kids? I don't give two fucks if folks think I'm a control freak, I check(ed) everywhere my children went because it was /my/ responsibility to ensure my children's safety and well-being. That even included searching my family members homes to ensure that everything my kids could be harmed by was taken care of to my satisfaction. I opened every reachable cabinet and drawer in their aunt and uncles house, installed new outlet covers, and installed toilet locks on every bowl as well as made them move the couch so it wasn't next to the stairs (where the kids could climb over the railing and fall.) They actually thanked me for the help since they were planning to start a family eventually and didn't know half the shit I had checked and gone over with them. (Now they have 12 damn kids!! wtf are they thinking?!?! lol)
They have too many kids. The world is already over-populated. Now are you gonna call me a control freak?
What does Michelle care anyway....

she has the best Chefs at home...best food...most expensive food

.....she will have a good life until they leave the House

what an unpleasant woman....so full of hatred towards traditional America

may be she doesn't even know how to cook herself ......

what a piece of.....

they will end up their days in McDonald's that family.......

in Honolulu.....
What an unpleasant woman you are, so full of hatred and so locked into your mean spirited partisanship, you hate someone because she is the wife of a democratic president. Sad, very, very sad. Your hatred it obvious and putrid, don't deny it.
Our food supply has been bastardized by big food and big chemical...the consequences include obesity and illness. All the while, our big omnipresent central government that is suppose to protect the American people from harmful substances, is doing the opposite.

It is all about the money.
Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advanced age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.
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Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advance age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.
Conspiracy theorists are people who are unable to think clearly and logically: it's all about emotion and fear clouding your understanding of the world. Clearly, gipper, you are such a person. What a pathetic world you must live in.
Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advance age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.
Conspiracy theorists are people who are unable to think clearly and logically: it's all about emotion and fear clouding your understanding of the world. Clearly, gipper, you are such a person. What a pathetic world you must live in.
Please wake up.

Your post indicates a clear inability to think.
I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.

And if I don't? Then what, they might be "insulted" that I don't trust them with /my/ kids? I don't give two fucks if folks think I'm a control freak, I check(ed) everywhere my children went because it was /my/ responsibility to ensure my children's safety and well-being. That even included searching my family members homes to ensure that everything my kids could be harmed by was taken care of to my satisfaction. I opened every reachable cabinet and drawer in their aunt and uncles house, installed new outlet covers, and installed toilet locks on every bowl as well as made them move the couch so it wasn't next to the stairs (where the kids could climb over the railing and fall.) They actually thanked me for the help since they were planning to start a family eventually and didn't know half the shit I had checked and gone over with them. (Now they have 12 damn kids!! wtf are they thinking?!?! lol)
Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advance age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.

Then again the person doing this isn't an elected official, it's not someone who seeks to gain personally from this, it's a mother with two daughters.

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