Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food

Kids cant eat shit for lunch no more...Thanks Obama


Wahhh waahhhh

We get it, you don't care that she is a hypocrite.
a lot of links in this article at site

Everyone hates Michelle Obama’s school lunches because Republicans
posted at 10:11 pm on May 27, 2014 by Mary Katharine Ham

There’s a hashtag filled with colorful commentary and color pictures of the devastation Michelle Obama’s healthy school lunch initiative has wrought on the plastic platters of America’s school children.

There’s a GAO report showing participation in the school lunch program down more than 1 million students— the first such decline in years— while costs are up and the actual nutritional value of these allegedly improved meals remains in question. But none of this requires reevaluation.

The real problem with Michelle Obama’s crusade and a top-down, inflexible federal mandate for students of varying sizes and tastes is that Republicans are pointing out that it’s not as great as the First Lady claims:

If Michelle Obama had it her way, House Republicans would currently be in detention.

In one of the most overtly political speeches during her tenure as First Lady, Obama slammed Republicans on Tuesday for trying to weaken school nutritional standards, one of her key policy achievements.

“This is unacceptable,” Obama said at a White House meeting with school leaders and experts. “It’s unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher on this issue,” she said, pointing to obesity statistics in both children and adults. “The last thing we can afford to so right now is play politics with our kids health.”

I, unlike many others, don’t have a huge problem with the First Lady pushing for healthier eating. It’s a fine message, we do have a childhood obesity problem, and I’d rather meddlesome liberals be in the business of encouraging such things socially than mandating them

But this school lunch overhaul seems to be a perfect example of how a basically unobjectionable encouragement to eat healthier can become a disaster when the government attempts to implement it in a one-size-fits-all program
ALL of it here
Everyone hates Michelle Obama?s school lunches because Republicans « Hot Air
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God forbid the 1st Lady of the United States points out that obesity is a huge problem...but what about when it's the military pointing it out?

Retired military leaders say this generation is "too fat to fight" - CBS News

I guess we can apply all the comments made about Michelle to the US Military, eh?

it is in the interest of the military to have a fit force. it's not michelles' damn business to decide what people eat; and to put UNFUNDED MANDATES on localities in the process

you're a joke

but you knew this

^^^And there you have it, ODS set in stone!!! ^^^

:lol: It's like Poe's law come to life!

the truth

nice deflection though leftard
I've already put in my input. I was one of the food workers who had to deal with this menu change and force it on kids..now I'm just watching you people marching to what government does with your kids and not give a damn

Yes eating healthy is such a huge imposition. I am sure processed chicken nuggets are much easier to prepare than baked chicken.
I've already put in my input. I was one of the food workers who had to deal with this menu change and force it on kids..now I'm just watching you people marching to what government does with your kids and not give a damn

Yes eating healthy is such a huge imposition. I am sure processed chicken nuggets are much easier to prepare than baked chicken.

hey, go to work for them...no skin off my ass
we had 5.75 hours to feed 100 kids breakfast and 500 kids lunch and there was 5 of us
you can take my spot it's open
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I've already put in my input. I was one of the food workers who had to deal with this menu change and force it on kids..now I'm just watching you people marching to what government does with your kids and not give a damn

Yes eating healthy is such a huge imposition. I am sure processed chicken nuggets are much easier to prepare than baked chicken.

hey, go to work for them...no skin off my ass
we had 5.75 hours to feed 100 kids breakfast and 500 kids lunch and there was 5 of us
you can take my spot it's open

Wait. So you were one of those union public employees living off the title you always complain about?
What she says or does is irrelevant to taxpayer funded lunches being unfit for child consumption, amd needing an overhaul.

What michelle obama says or does doesnt change the fact that childhood obesity is at epidemic levels and we shouldnt be exascerbating that issuse WITH OUR ACTUAL TAX DOLLARS(and in effect our healthcare dollars).

Its such common sense shit. Remarkable.
What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where the Obamas send their children to school, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the “Chef’s Choice.” Other options on the exclusive menu include:

Crusted tilapia
Herb roasted chicken
Pesto cream & garden-fresh marinara sauce
Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
BBQ sliders
Pesto pasta
All-natural rosemary chicken
All-natural beef nachos
Baked three-cheese lasagna
Pepperoni flatbread pizza


While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/

She's trying to help people, unlike some who want to pull the rug right out from under poor children.
hey, go to work for them...no skin off my ass
we had 5.75 hours to feed 100 kids breakfast and 500 kids lunch and there was 5 of us
you can take my spot it's open

So clearly my position that they should have better food, better choices, and more staff with which to work is wrong because it is easier to feed a kid a pop tart and call it breakfast than it is to actually cook something.

Your cafeteria BTW is underfunded, which does not surprise me. Only 5 employees means between a manager, a dishwasher, a cashier, you only had two people to cook and serve. Our school system has far more people in the cafeterias, but hey, let's keep it the way you had it rather than embrace any change.
Here's Moooch at the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest coming in THIRD! Only 42 Dogs in 12 minutes...She said afterward she'll practice at home for next years contest!


You sure are jealous of her....:lol::lol:
Here's Moooch at the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest coming in THIRD! Only 42 Dogs in 12 minutes...She said afterward she'll practice at home for next years contest!


You sure are jealous of her....:lol::lol:

You're right Mert, I'd sure like to be able to eat 10 Hot Dogs in 12 minutes, but I like mustard and kraut, instead of mayo and Fries! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

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