Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED

Here's some slop for you , little serf children.


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One cup of gruel per kid.. one apple, perhaps some water.. Back of the line serfs
Kids must have Drs note in Va to bring school lunch from home courtesy of the Gestapo left

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

LOL Oh my God you are stupid.

Your own link outed your previous link as a lie.

You claimed that a little girl was forced to give up her turkey and cheese sandwich sack lunch in exchange for a chicken nugget lunch, but in reality here is what happened. according to YOUR link

Someone at the school, whether a teacher, cafeteria worker, or a state program advisor (it's still unclear which, though the first two seem much more likely if you've ever seen lunch time at a day care center) observed that the child lacked milk and suggested she go through the line to get some if she wanted it. The child then mistakenly believed that going through the line meant she had to get an entirely new lunch.

Maybe you should try reading what you link to rather than just rapid fire linking... LOL[/QUOTE]
Republicans once again demonstrate their extreme hatred of all things Obama

So much so that they even come out against healthy lunches for schoolchildren

A big part of the problem with school lunches today is that kids can order ala carte, meaning if they offer pizza and french fries, that is all the kids buy to eat. When I was in school, we would purchase a tray lunch (in my case two or three of them) that included a main item such as a hamburger or pizza or sloppy joe, then a small salad, a fruit, a vegetable, and something for dessert, along with a milk. Most kids were happy with that and would eat the stuff they didn't care for as much if they were hungry, but they never really had any complaints because they were also getting something they liked every day. Secondly, imo too much emphasis has been put on school lunches and not nearly enough has been put on the lack of exercise that these kids are getting. The reason I ate three tray lunches per day in high school was because I ran cross-country and track and had one hell of an appetite. I weighed a whopping 120 lbs.

NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.. You ARE NOT their parent.. The parents have the right and say so on what their kids eat.. NOT YOU OR BIG DADDY THUG.

And the American people have the "right" to PAY for childhood obesity and the obese adults most of them become?

Since 1960, the number of obese Americans has tripled. What? Tripled, yes!! And six times more Americans are now extremely obese than 50 years ago. Unfortunately, everyone is paying for this obesity epidemic. How much? Here are 10 shocking numbers related to the costs of obesity:

  1. $190 billion -- That's the amount of added medical costs every year that are estimated to stem from obesity-related problems. It’s nearly 21% of total U.S. health care costs.
  2. 105% -- According to a study conducted by the Brookings Institution, this is the increased amount that obese Americans pay for prescription drugs compared to individuals who aren't obese.
  3. $3.4 billion -- Cars are burning around 938 million gallons of gasoline per year more than they would if Americans weighed what they did in 1960.
  4. $164 billion -- The Society of Actuaries estimates that U.S. employers are losing this amount in productivity each year due to obesity-related issues with employees.
  5. $6.4 billion -- Every year, this amount is estimated to be lost due to employee absenteeism related to obesity.
  6. $1 billion -- U.S. airlines are consuming an extra 350 million gallons of fuel per year due to overweight passengers.
  7. $14.3 billion -- This is how much childhood obesity costs the U.S. each year, according to a published study from the Brookings Institution.
  8. $62 billion -- Medicare and Medicaid are spending nearly this amount every year on obesity-related costs.
  9. $66 billion -- Columbia University researchers say that if current trends don't change, annul obesity-related medical costs in the U.S. could increase this amount by 2030.
  10. $580 billion -- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation predicts that annual economic productivity loss due to obesity could hit this staggering amount by 2030 unless the current situation changes.
- See more at: 10 Flabbergasting Costs of America s Obesity Epidemic - Motley Fool
Tacos are cheap food so are French fries pizza spaghetti. Real healthy food is expensive. Ever been to a health food store?

A chicken breast with brown rice and spinach salad is healthy a taco with fries is cheap.
And I do think parents should make their kid's lunches until the kid is old enough to make his own lunch.
Gee I wonder why the Obama daughters eat nice lunches at school? Maybe because they go to a prestigious school? Class envy is ripe with this one.
Obama boast how its not fair that the rich live like this yet he lives like this. Hypocrite much
I wonder if the NHL did itself any favor when the professional ice hockey league agreed to run Mooshell public service TV spots for a couple of years, where she implores kids to get up off their duffs, to eat healthy, and to exercise an hour a day? Needless to say, her gigantic butt was always off-camera.
She's not that fat....but then again, she's not one of those waddling kids I see around these days because parents can't be bothered to feed their OWN children in healthy ways. Whatever...let them drop dead at 30.
fatass bodey doesnt want to see kids waddling around like she does.

All the way back to the Reagan Administration, Republicans saw this as a "Salad". And still do.
Wow. What a tragedy. If only parents could send a lunch from home.....

Oh, well, whatcha gonna do?

Actually, some places either PROHIBIT that, or throw it away and force the cafeteria slop on them if it's not "healthy" enough.

The only sure way around it I have found would be to claim religious dietary restrictions...no chance any public school has a Kosher (or Halal) kitchen.

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