Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED

THIS is what these kids are squealing about...they want their PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES

– Students arrived on the first day of school and realized a lot had changed over the summer.

The lunch line they used to visit to pick up pizza and french fries now had “same school lunch food as the others with more salad.”

SCnow.com reports:

Sophomore Madeline Taylor noticed that hardly anyone was eating.

“The entire rest of the day all I heard about was how hungry everyone was,” she said. “I then became very concerned about what would happen if this continued everyday throughout the school year.”

In response, students launched a petition on Change.org to bring back their favorites. It’s titled, “Bring Back The Choice of Pizza and French Fries” and to date has over 400 signatures.

“My petition wasn't just to bring back the pizza and french fries.

From the article

No one has ever explained to the students exactly why our favorite lunch choices have been taken away.”

Because you're a fucking kid, now sit down and shut up.

Seriously, they are KIDS not tiny adults. They do not get a say in policymaking.
THIS is what these kids are squealing about...they want their PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES

– Students arrived on the first day of school and realized a lot had changed over the summer.

The lunch line they used to visit to pick up pizza and french fries now had “same school lunch food as the others with more salad.”

SCnow.com reports:

Sophomore Madeline Taylor noticed that hardly anyone was eating.

“The entire rest of the day all I heard about was how hungry everyone was,” she said. “I then became very concerned about what would happen if this continued everyday throughout the school year.”

In response, students launched a petition on Change.org to bring back their favorites. It’s titled, “Bring Back The Choice of Pizza and French Fries” and to date has over 400 signatures.

“My petition wasn't just to bring back the pizza and french fries.

From the article

No one has ever explained to the students exactly why our favorite lunch choices have been taken away.”

HERE'S why kid...

Gee I wonder why the Obama daughters eat nice lunches at school? Maybe because they go to a prestigious school? Class envy is ripe with this one.
And now...the Right is reduced to whining about the President's childrens lunches. This is really sad...and quite funny...all at once. :lol:

No, we are whining about this:

A strong black woman in a position of power? Yeah, we know. You've been doing it for 5 yrs. Don't be so envious. It's not an attractive quality.

Strong? Overbearing. this is a picture of right before she bite him and turned him into a vampire.
Herr Michelle said to eat it and like it damn it.. But for her kids at Sidwell, there is an actual chef who makes them gourmet lunches daily on top of decadent desserts.. Sidwell kids to the front, PUBLIK SKROOL SERFS to the back of the bus, NOW.
Herr Michelle said to eat it and like it damn it.. But for her kids at Sidwell, there is an actual chef who makes them gourmet lunches daily on top of decadent desserts.. Sidwell kids to the front, PUBLIK SKROOL SERFS to the back of the bus, NOW.

I ask again ma'am. Why do you think private schools should have to adhere to public school policy?
School lunch menu for the Queenies daughters, Sasha and Malia:
Here's a sampling of the school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:

  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza
If the items listed above look like they could appear on the menu at a wedding or a five-star restaurant, that's because the menus are prepared by people that have studied under Sous Chefs.

Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News
Where in the US Constitution does it give the First Lady or even the POTUS the expressed right to force kids to eat what they demand??? SHOW ME... I'll wait.. ANYONE????
Still waiting on any leftist Gestapo Food Nazi to show us where in the US Constitution any POTUS or FLOTUS can force children to eat what THEY ALONE demand??? Where?? All the while, the Princess Malia and Sasha are served gourmet food for lunch daily.. So if the POTUS is is doing the unconstitutional tyrannical enforcement of shoving slop down our kids throats, why not force kids at private schools? Hell, he's already shredded the Constitution.. what's the fucking difference?? Come on lame ass leftist.. tell us
See, smarmy leftists don't need any reason other than dear leader said so.. that's all it takes to get in to lockstep Zombie style excuse mode.. Fuck it if it's unconstitutional or puts Americans at risk.. the first black POTUS said it's good and that's it, end of story.

:badgrin: Idiots
Republicans once again demonstrate their extreme hatred of all things Obama

So much so that they even come out against healthy lunches for schoolchildren

A big part of the problem with school lunches today is that kids can order ala carte, meaning if they offer pizza and french fries, that is all the kids buy to eat. When I was in school, we would purchase a tray lunch (in my case two or three of them) that included a main item such as a hamburger or pizza or sloppy joe, then a small salad, a fruit, a vegetable, and something for dessert, along with a milk. Most kids were happy with that and would eat the stuff they didn't care for as much if they were hungry, but they never really had any complaints because they were also getting something they liked every day. Secondly, imo too much emphasis has been put on school lunches and not nearly enough has been put on the lack of exercise that these kids are getting. The reason I ate three tray lunches per day in high school was because I ran cross-country and track and had one hell of an appetite. I weighed a whopping 120 lbs.
Where's Smarter than the Average dipshit? I'm waiting for his link to show us where in the US Constitution his messiah has the right to shove slop down kids throats?
Republicans once again demonstrate their extreme hatred of all things Obama

So much so that they even come out against healthy lunches for schoolchildren

A big part of the problem with school lunches today is that kids can order ala carte, meaning if they offer pizza and french fries, that is all the kids buy to eat. When I was in school, we would purchase a tray lunch (in my case two or three of them) that included a main item such as a hamburger or pizza or sloppy joe, then a small salad, a fruit, a vegetable, and something for dessert, along with a milk. Most kids were happy with that and would eat the stuff they didn't care for as much if they were hungry, but they never really had any complaints because they were also getting something they liked every day. Secondly, imo too much emphasis has been put on school lunches and not nearly enough has been put on the lack of exercise that these kids are getting. The reason I ate three tray lunches per day in high school was because I ran cross-country and track and had one hell of an appetite. I weighed a whopping 120 lbs.

NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.. You ARE NOT their parent.. The parents have the right and say so on what their kids eat.. NOT YOU OR BIG DADDY THUG.
Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News

This link shows you what the spoiled and pampered Obama kids have for lunch.

This link : This is the public school Serf lunch..
Michelle O s Lunch Rules Sour First Day Of School Student Fighting Back Politics

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

What do Obama's girls have to do with this? They go to a private school,. and yes they are privileged compared to everyday kids, as are the children of most wealthy people. I mean, maybe you want more of a communist society where everyone gets the same thing and is treated exactly the same and whose parents earn exactly the same. I'm not sure, but I thought you were against that. Regardless, Communism doesn't work.
Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News

This link shows you what the spoiled and pampered Obama kids have for lunch.

This link : This is the public school Serf lunch..
Michelle O s Lunch Rules Sour First Day Of School Student Fighting Back Politics

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

What do Obama's girls have to do with this? They go to a private school,. and yes they are privileged compared to everyday kids, as are the children of most wealthy people. I mean, maybe you want more of a communist society where everyone gets the same thing and is treated exactly the same and whose parents earn exactly the same. I'm not sure, but I thought you were against that. Regardless, Communism doesn't work.

What the fuck does it matter if they go to a snobby elite private school when it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the first place to force anyone to eat what one person demands using the heavy arm of the Fed Gov.. so who fucking cares?? If he's tearing apart the Constitution, why not force every damn kid in this country??? BECAUSE HIS KIDS are treated differently than the commoner serf kids thanks to you leftist Nazi food police types..
The same leftist BOZO boneheads who screech about the the rich versus the poor in here spewing shit about the privileged Obama brats.

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