Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED


So we're pretending that "wanting" kids to eat healthy and "caring" about kids eating healthy, and mandating that certain foods are removed are the same thing. There's no difference between the two.

I guess that's how you look at things when you believe the government has all the answers.


Come on, this much ado about nothing. Kids have been complaining about school lunches since cain enrolled at Eden Elementary.

The lunches are perfectly fine to eat.
No one would give a shit that the Obamas children are enjoying the privileges of wealth, if it were not for their striking hypocrisy. All the posters who pretend they don't get that context are either stupid, or glaringly obtuse.
I still don't see the hypocrisy......maybe you can explain
1.) they are the 1% telling others what they should eat???meanwhile back at the Obama palace....
They are the one percent who are concerned with the nutrition of others

How is that hypocrisy?
Because she is not trying to feed others what she ensures her own children eat, and instead imppsrs on others what she does not impose on her own children.

If every child in American public schools got to eat what her kids ate, then taxes would have to be raised.

All in favor..... :clap:
Gee I wonder why the Obama daughters eat nice lunches at school? Maybe because they go to a prestigious school? Class envy is ripe with this one.

What's hilarious is they claim democrats play the class warfare card and then they turn around and play the same card when it favors them. Hypocrite overload.

The OP is, as always, hilarious and really not worth responding to.

The theme, however, is pretty intense....Pelosi liberalism is probably the last thing the Democrats should embrace from their own end of the spectrum. As a liberal, I roll my eyes when I hear stories like the schools confiscating lunch.

Yet here you are moron.. That doesn't answer the question of Schools becoming the Food Gestapo , now does it? Nor does it answer why Herr Michelle didn't make certain HER OWN children's school was included.. Let's starve kids but my kids will eat like kings and queens and all the good little ass licking lefties jump and cheer in unison as usual.. You Zombies are pathetic.

We can always count on LCC for comedic relief. But hey her looks aren't everything, she's side (of her blouse) splittingly funny in her lame attempt at prose as well.
Gee I wonder why the Obama daughters eat nice lunches at school? Maybe because they go to a prestigious school? Class envy is ripe with this one.

What's hilarious is they claim democrats play the class warfare card and then they turn around and play the same card when it favors them. Hypocrite overload.

The OP is, as always, hilarious and really not worth responding to.

The theme, however, is pretty intense....Pelosi liberalism is probably the last thing the Democrats should embrace from their own end of the spectrum. As a liberal, I roll my eyes when I hear stories like the schools confiscating lunch.

Yet here you are moron.. That doesn't answer the question of Schools becoming the Food Gestapo , now does it? Nor does it answer why Herr Michelle didn't make certain HER OWN children's school was included.. Let's starve kids but my kids will eat like kings and queens and all the good little ass licking lefties jump and cheer in unison as usual.. You Zombies are pathetic.
I think you too should push for the GOP to add "get cafeterias out of schools" to their national platform.

It does make you appreciate the "mission creep" that our schools have undergone. Look, I think schools should stick to teaching students 100% of the time and get rid of all extra-curricular activities; No sports of any kind that involve staying outside of regular school hours, definitely no activities that require any such commitment that takes away from the 3R's, compulsory 4 years of math, 4 years of applied science (aka not Geology), 4 years of English Composition, 2 years of economic study, mastery of one language outside of English and less emphasis on history, physical education, and all of the other crap that schools have zero business even endeavoring in much less focusing on.

Did you see where Allen ISD's $60M football stadium was closed due to shoddy workmanship?

Anyway, schools once focused on the 3Rs, now they are defacto daycare/entertainment centers for kids. I would never want to get rid of cafeterias--you have to be focused to learn anything and the OP's funny attempt to draw a line from healthy food to poor health deserves all of the ridicule that it got (and then some). But I do think there is a lot to be said for the right wing in general when they want to get back to basics.

I would re-instate federal funding (if it was instated to start with) for vocational education to teach the trades. There is no shame in learning how to turn a wrench. I know that isn't "basics" but the idea that every kid is college material is false. Most kids don't have a clue what they truly want to do at 18. Many adults (if not most) are equally clueless at the age of 28. That is why I would also pre-pay for 60 hours of college and have the earnings paid back over the careers of those who borrow.
Yet here you are moron.. That doesn't answer the question of Schools becoming the Food Gestapo , now does it? Nor does it answer why Herr Michelle didn't make certain HER OWN children's school was included.. Let's starve kids but my kids will eat like kings and queens and all the good little ass licking lefties jump and cheer in unison as usual.. You Zombies are pathetic.

Michelle Obama (or the government, which is really what we're talking about) has little standing to tell private schools what to serve for lunch.....

Do you want them to? Do you want public schools to be subject to standards (because taxpayers pay for it) as well as private schools?
C'mon....it's just something else for RWrs to be petty about. All you have to do is see how rude and crude they've gotten on this thread to clearly see that they have nothing substantial to discuss.

C'mon...they didn't "get" rude and crude. LCC starts there and devolves into her trademark racist hatred.
Come on, this much ado about nothing. Kids have been complaining about school lunches since cain enrolled at Eden Elementary.

The lunches are perfectly fine to eat.

The issue seems not so much to be whether the lunches are edible - more about how children are being forced to eat them (after their home-packed lunches are thrown out by Michelle's food police) or go hungry.

But control is never an issue with you Marxists - after all, it's the collective that counts!
Come on, this much ado about nothing. Kids have been complaining about school lunches since cain enrolled at Eden Elementary.

The lunches are perfectly fine to eat.

The issue seems not so much to be whether the lunches are edible - more about how children are being forced to eat them (after their home-packed lunches are thrown out by Michelle's food police) or go hungry.

But control is never an issue with you Marxists - after all, it's the collective that counts!

First of all, I lean right, not left.

Second of all, your childish insults are just that - childish

Third of all - the idiots who are confiscating lunches are doing so on their own, there is NO mandate that says ANYTHING about home lunches. You could pack your child a chocolate chip cookie and nothing else and there is NO law, ANYWHERE that says you can't.

Any school that has teachers doing so, That is a LOCAL issue, I suggest they attend their local school board meeting and raise hell.

Fourth - Since the USG you know PAYS for at least part of school lunches, they should have a say what is in them. Exactly no different than since they pay for food stamps they should get to have a say whether those people getting them are on drugs (I've NO doubt that you support drug testing for welfare recipients)

You are WRONG on so many levels here it isn't even funny, but the bottom line is you are free to send any kind of lunch (within the law of course) that you want to school with your child and if it confiscated from them. SUE THE FUCKING SCHOOL. The Obama's have NOTHING to do with it, NOTHING. You can't post one single quote from MO suggesting that that school's should confiscate homemade lunches. Not one.
First of all, I lean right, not left.

Second of all, your childish insults are just that - childish

Third of all - the idiots who are confiscating lunches are doing so on their own, there is NO mandate that says ANYTHING about home lunches. You could pack your child a chocolate chip cookie and nothing else and there is NO law, ANYWHERE that says you can't.

Any school that has teachers doing so, That is a LOCAL issue, I suggest they attend their local school board meeting and raise hell.

Fourth - Since the USG you know PAYS for at least part of school lunches, they should have a say what is in them. Exactly no different than since they pay for food stamps they should get to have a say whether those people getting them are on drugs (I've NO doubt that you support drug testing for welfare recipients)

You are WRONG on so many levels here it isn't even funny, but the bottom line is you are free to send any kind of lunch (within the law of course) that you want to school with your child and if it confiscated from them. SUE THE FUCKING SCHOOL. The Obama's have NOTHING to do with it, NOTHING. You can't post one single quote from MO suggesting that that school's should confiscate homemade lunches. Not one.

OK, keep on believing. I'll accept that you also believe you're not a Democrat.
First of all, I lean right, not left.

Second of all, your childish insults are just that - childish

Third of all - the idiots who are confiscating lunches are doing so on their own, there is NO mandate that says ANYTHING about home lunches. You could pack your child a chocolate chip cookie and nothing else and there is NO law, ANYWHERE that says you can't.

Any school that has teachers doing so, That is a LOCAL issue, I suggest they attend their local school board meeting and raise hell.

Fourth - Since the USG you know PAYS for at least part of school lunches, they should have a say what is in them. Exactly no different than since they pay for food stamps they should get to have a say whether those people getting them are on drugs (I've NO doubt that you support drug testing for welfare recipients)

You are WRONG on so many levels here it isn't even funny, but the bottom line is you are free to send any kind of lunch (within the law of course) that you want to school with your child and if it confiscated from them. SUE THE FUCKING SCHOOL. The Obama's have NOTHING to do with it, NOTHING. You can't post one single quote from MO suggesting that that school's should confiscate homemade lunches. Not one.

OK, keep on believing. I'll accept that you also believe you're not a Democrat.

I'm neither a Dem nor a Rep. I'm too honest and thoughtful for either party.

What I am is CORRECT.
Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News

This link shows you what the spoiled and pampered Obama kids have for lunch.

This link : This is the public school Serf lunch..
Michelle O s Lunch Rules Sour First Day Of School Student Fighting Back Politics

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

From your first link.


I have never seen school lunches served on throw away plates, or a 'school' with a wood table and a couch in the background.
What a convoluted way to simply say "YES"!
Then produce the fucking statute says schools should confiscate homemade lunches that don't meet requirements. Or even a quote from MO saying that she would like to see them doing so....

You can't and you won't , because you are WRONG.

Screaming that I am a Marxist I just don't believe it won't make you any more right... LOL
Republicans once again demonstrate their extreme hatred of all things Obama

So much so that they even come out against healthy lunches for schoolchildren
The thing is the food is NOT healthy.

The healthy part of is in including actual fruit and vegetables and mostly controlling portion size.

They aren't serving tofu and shit. People are over reacting.
THIS is what these kids are squealing about...they want their PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES


– Students arrived on the first day of school and realized a lot had changed over the summer.

The lunch line they used to visit to pick up pizza and french fries now had “same school lunch food as the others with more salad.”

SCnow.com reports:

Sophomore Madeline Taylor noticed that hardly anyone was eating.

“The entire rest of the day all I heard about was how hungry everyone was,” she said. “I then became very concerned about what would happen if this continued everyday throughout the school year.”

In response, students launched a petition on Change.org to bring back their favorites. It’s titled, “Bring Back The Choice of Pizza and French Fries” and to date has over 400 signatures.

“My petition wasn't just to bring back the pizza and french fries.
I go to my kids school and eat lunch. It has a better selection than when I was in school. At least there are choices between salads, hummus, short order and the daily fair lunch On Friday it's pizza day, thurs, taco salad, wed Chicken patty with mashed taters, etc. It does not serve fish on fri., like I had to eat..

The food is comparable to the military..
Instead of one lunch plate in mass production when I was in school.

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