Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

""I moved on her like a bitch ,grab em by the pussy ,blood coming out of her where ever,,I would bomb the shit out of them ,,if she wasn't my daughter I'd date her African countries are shithole nations "",,,REPUBLICANS ,,,Michelle Wolfe was over the top
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.

But, I thought the extremely wealthy ruling class were good, and therefor need tax cuts?

It's funny how Republicans can't identify the extremely wealthy ruling class, as promoting unpatriotic, anti-American ordeals, that they are the ones who hire Illegal Immigrants in mass, they are the ones who outsource jobs in mass, they are Soros, Bezos, and Buffet they dislike.
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.

But, I thought the extremely wealthy ruling class were good, and therefor need tax cuts?

It's funny how Republicans can't identify the extremely wealthy ruling class, as promoting unpatriotic, anti-American ordeals, that they are the ones who hire Illegal Immigrants in mass, they are the ones who outsource jobs in mass, they are Soros, Bezos, and Buffet they dislike.

The ruling class are NOT Republicans. Most of them align with the D Party. Think Bezos, Facebook Dork, Buffet, Soros, Google Dickheads, Gates, etc.

Do not accept the propaganda that the ultra rich are Rs. They are not. Clearly the party of the ruling class is the D party...but please keep in mind, the R party does not want to expose this because they are working diligently to replace the D party, as the party of the ruling class.

Yet another clear example of how the two parties are essentially the same.

If you think I am an R, you aren't paying attention.
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.

But, I thought the extremely wealthy ruling class were good, and therefor need tax cuts?

It's funny how Republicans can't identify the extremely wealthy ruling class, as promoting unpatriotic, anti-American ordeals, that they are the ones who hire Illegal Immigrants in mass, they are the ones who outsource jobs in mass, they are Soros, Bezos, and Buffet they dislike.

The ruling class are NOT Republicans. Most of them align with the D Party. Think Bezos, Facebook Dork, Buffet, Soros, Google Dickheads, Gates, etc.

Do not accept the propaganda that the ultra rich are Rs. They are not. Clearly the party of the ruling class is the D party...but please keep in mind, the R party does not want to expose this because they are working diligently to replace the D party, as the party of the ruling class.

Yet another clear example of how the two parties are essentially the same.

If you think I am an R, you aren't paying attention.
Hey Leftnutter please read this book. Then you will KNOW the D Party is the party of the ruling class, which really you should know if you were informed.
Not B.E.C. AM?

Since the US has only been around since oh let's say 1790.......And then there was no democracy then, on the federal level....England was a democracy for a couple of years after the execution of the King and the takeover by the Puritans during the Civil War in the 16th century..

There was clearly a lot of brutality under this British Capitalist Democracy, they pushed on massive famine genocides in India, and Ireland, many millions perished.

Oh, and did I mention Hitler was elected in by Democracy?
Like Trump.

I don't particularly like Trump, perhaps only a bit more than Hillary.

However, what did Trump do that's so bad, thus far?

I will admit Trump runs his mouth off way too much, but when it comes to foreign policy, thus far nothing too tragic has happened.
President Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize for his foreign policy.
Maybe Reece’s Pieces.
Done with who? Snowflake trumpanzees? Yeah, they’ll quit going to her shows for sure now. :71:

Meanwhile, check out Michelle Wolf’s new Netflix show.

Michelle Wolf Netflix Show Trailer - Watch the Trailer for The Break With Michelle Wolf

Yes, stick a fork in her. She’s so done. :auiqs.jpg:
She was very funny. The MSM is upset because she really hit them hard, so they are spinning on the right and left. I love it. B
The difference is, you guys are just not funny.
Michelle Wolf is funny
Stephen Colbert is funny
Seth Meyers is funny
. These people have shown themselves to be haters. They incorporate it into their vulgar monologues. Michelle Wolfe is the new face of the democrat party.
^^^ from the guy who thinks Mexicans are rapists.
Libbies resort to one guy wearing one t-shirt as the same as a lengthy diatribe that goes out to millions

what about the constant narrative the right spewed as Trump called Obama a foreign agent? or painting parkland students 'crisis actors' ? or FLOTUS Michelle a tranny


Trump called Obama a foreign agent?

You'll need to cit that Comrade.

I only ask because I think that you're lying. You Communists act on bad faith.

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