Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
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If you want to call our President and even his followers brutes, go right ahead. Conservative have had it up to their necks with the abuse and bullshit coming from the Left. We're throwing the shit back at them and double smelly too.
The difference is, you guys are just not funny.
Michelle Wolf is funny
Stephen Colbert is funny
Seth Myers is funny
But you guys:
Not B.E.C. AM?

Since the US has only been around since oh let's say 1790.......And then there was no democracy then, on the federal level....England was a democracy for a couple of years after the execution of the King and the takeover by the Puritans during the Civil War in the 16th century..

There was clearly a lot of brutality under this British Capitalist Democracy, they pushed on massive famine genocides in India, and Ireland, many millions perished.

Oh, and did I mention Hitler was elected in by Democracy?
Like Trump.

I don't particularly like Trump, perhaps only a bit more than Hillary.

However, what did Trump do that's so bad, thus far?

I will admit Trump runs his mouth off way too much, but when it comes to foreign policy, thus far nothing too tragic has happened.
President Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize for his foreign policy.
The difference is, you guys are just not funny.
Michelle Wolf is funny
Stephen Colbert is funny
Seth Meyers is funny
. These people have shown themselves to be haters. They incorporate it into their vulgar monologues. Michelle Wolfe is the new face of the democrat party.
They cant send her out often enough for my liking. Go go go.... just the kind of stuff that freaks out everybody not living in New York and California. Reminds people where we don't want to go as a country. Progressives just can't help themselves with the radical stupidness.... but we'll take it everyday s0ns!!:113::113::113:
Saw awesome video last night of Don Rickles from 1985. Roasting the s*** out of Ronald Reagan. Hysterical.... did go right to the line but never cross it. Let's face it all those people in that room at the Correspondents Dinner.... classless assholes. Thankfully most Americans see that crowd as pompous arrogant and out of touch.
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
Not that nasty.
You approve of classless filth.
The important thing is that it pisses you off.
Does it? I don't watch classless filth.
You don't listen to Trump?
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
Not that nasty.
You approve of classless filth.
The important thing is that it pisses you off.
Does it? I don't watch classless filth.
You don't listen to Trump?
I do and he speaks to real Americans who love this country.
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2
If you want to call our President and even his followers brutes, go right ahead. Conservative have had it up to their necks with the abuse and bullshit coming from the Left. We're throwing the shit back at them and double smelly too.
The difference is, you guys are just not funny.
Michelle Wolf is funny
Stephen Colbert is funny
Seth Myers is funny
But you guys:
None of the people you mentioned are even remotely funny. They ever wore a uniform and defended our nation? Nope. Just liberal cowards.
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2
If you want to call our President and even his followers brutes, go right ahead. Conservative have had it up to their necks with the abuse and bullshit coming from the Left. We're throwing the shit back at them and double smelly too.
The difference is, you guys are just not funny.
Michelle Wolf is funny
Stephen Colbert is funny
Seth Myers is funny
But you guys:
I thought she was outstanding. Very funny but also, very right. The way she slammed our criminal class (aka politicians and MSM), was absolutely perfect.

She went after the MSM for claiming they HATE Trump, when clearly they love him. Trump has given them the ratings and massive amounts of money they never would have gotten with the lying pantsuit. They are partially responsible for Trump being POTUS and they are happy about it.
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Saw awesome video last night of Don Rickles from 1985. Roasting the s*** out of Ronald Reagan. Hysterical.... did go right to the line but never cross it. Let's face it all those people in that room at the Correspondents Dinner.... classless assholes. Thankfully most Americans see that crowd as pompous arrogant and out of touch.
Even funnier was Rickles acknowledging Rev Bill Graham with "My right hand hurts". As a Christian I laughed. So would Jesus.
You want to attribute a silly comic relief act to the demise of our democracy? Now that's funny!
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.
Which came first? dick Cheney started it.

Great. So we can now let the politics of three year olds dictate adult behavior.
Cheney started it. The Trump tapped into this country's racist & bigot vote. Now these deplorables think they have a right to spew their shit without repercussion.

That's correct s0n, we do!!:hello77::hhello::hhello:


Tens of millions of us out there..... providing the big bumpy cucumber to the progressive fags:springbed:
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.

If someone wants a hot bowl of soup ...
And you give them a hot bowl of soup ...
Then it doesn't matter where the soup came from.

The problem is not with the rulers ...
It's with the power the People have granted them through government ...
And their inability to look elsewhere for solutions.

Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.
There is some truth to that. Of course, the USA is not really a true democracy. It is partial one...a representative democracy or republic. The unfortunate thing is the representatives are criminals, entirely owned and controlled by the extreme wealthy, who are the REAL ruling class.

If someone wants a hot bowl of soup ...
And you give them a hot bowl of soup ...
Then it doesn't matter where the soup came from.

The problem is not with the rulers ...
It's with the power the People have granted them through government ...
And their inability to look elsewhere for solutions.

So true.

This is why the ruling class works diligently to control what information the masses consume. They also are very good at promoting the BS that is the two party system. They control the MSM entirely...and promote partisanship at a rabid level. We see rabid believers on this forum every day...essentially they are dupes for the ruling class and don't know it.

Anyone who consumes lots of MSM news and believes it, whether Fox or the many left wing outlets, you have a dupe.
So true.

This is why the ruling class works diligently to control what information the masses consume. They also are very good at promoting the BS that is the two party system. They control the MSM entirely...and promote partisanship at a rabid level. We see rabid believers on this forum every day...essentially they are dupes for the ruling class and don't know it.

Anyone who consumes lots of MSM news and believes it, whether Fox or the many left wing outlets, you have a dupe.

True indeed ... But in a way the media is just doing its part as a consumer based business.
Politics has reached the pinnacle of absurdity through the propagation of desired necessity.

In most things, politics included, once you replace ... "What can I do" ... With ... "What can we do" ...
Then the "we" with access to the most money is going to decide what everyone is doing.


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