Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

Trumpanzees are outraged at Michelle Wolf’s vulgarity!

This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
Imus did it to the Clintons. Everyone lived. It's not just libtards that cross the line at times. Take a deep breath and get over it.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner


When the Radio-Television Correspondents Association invited Don Imus, the WFAN radio morning man in New York, to be the after-dinner speaker at its annual gala on Thursday night in Washington, members knew how uninhibited his barbs could be. And how well informed; Mr. Imus is as well known for being obsessed with politics as for being a so-called shock jock.

But the correspondents apparently got more than they bargained for when Mr. Imus made fun of President Clinton's supposed extramarital affairs and Hillary Clinton's legal problems -- with both the President and the First Lady sitting on the dais as he spoke.

The remarks were deemed so insulting that the association sent a letter of apology to the Clintons yesterday, and Michael D. McCurry, the President's press secretary, asked C-Span, the cable network that routinely rebroadcasts Washington events, to refrain from retransmitting this one.

At C-Span, the vice president for programming, Terry Murphy, said the dinner speech would be rebroadcast, tonight at 8, as scheduled. Then, Mr. Murphy -- who is also the chairman of the correspondents association -- signed the letter apologizing to the Clintons.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner

Here's his routine. CSPAN vids won't copy, but it's at this link.
3-21-96 Don Imus clip | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

If it was wrong for Don Imus to do it then it was wrong for those Libtard WHCA assholes to do it, wasn't it?

The sad thing is that hardly any of those Libtard Fake News assholes that were in the audience Saturday night did anything other than laugh at the bitch's sick jokes. They should have walked or or booed her.

The sad thing is that those assholes did more than just roast Donald Trump. They viciously attacked his family and women that worked for him. Ivanka, Kellyyanne, Melania and Sarah. That shrill ugly hateful Liberal hag attacked the looks of these women and that was pretty despicable.

If somebody had said anything like that about Obama's Wookie Transvestite "wife" you Libtards would be screaming to high heaven, wouldn't you?

All that dinner did was expose the hate of the Left and how they are assholes. They actually gave a great campaign speaking point to the Republicans to point out how much the Liberals are full of hate. The Moon Bats thought they were being smug and cute with their pink pussy hat nastiness but it is and will continue to backfire on them.
Flash, I watched it and the audience's lack of response was painful. They should have gotten Colbert.
That’s because she was skewering that audience of timid stenographers. Of course they didn’t think it was funny. But America thought it was hilarious and dead accurate.
Grotesque people driven by out of control emotions and inability to accept reality
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
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I did not like what I heard of her skit. But she was on target.

Which came first? dick Cheney started it. Trump spewed hate & made it OK for his followers to do the same. Now it's OK to use slurs, be an outspoken bigot., assault women. Lie all the time.
The left hate our guts, fine now we hate them back and refuse to compromise instead we will defeat them.
They are too busy helping crime in most areas.
And the right is too busy raping children.
Not so. We see how leftist queers are alway trying to get children.
Yeah, you run with that if it helps you come to terms with your deviance.
Facts speak for themself. You see it all the time. Liberal schools teaching kids abut deviant faggotry and trannyism all the time. Deny it all you want, we know you are liars.
And the right is too busy raping children.
Not so. We see how leftist queers are alway trying to get children.
Yeah, you run with that if it helps you come to terms with your deviance.
Facts speak for themself. You see it all the time. Liberal schools teaching kids abut deviant faggotry and trannyism all the time. Deny it all you want, we know you are liars.
Awww, little Donnie Shitstainer is upset. You should settle your nerves like your fucktard in chief does, and grab some underage pussy.
Why is it ok for you to run around grabbing underage dick, but Trump getting porn star pussy is a problem? You're a pedophile, dude. You shouldn't be complaining about what other people do.
Sad....just sad

Why don’t you go back into retirement?
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?

Because no dialogue is involved.

I agree about your description of Wolf. She screwed herself royally last nite.

But because there is no dialogue people only hang around others who have
similar views. Thus they only know one side of the story.

That whore is in trouble because her audience just got cut in half when she
tours. The Donald is going to roast this bitch and it will follow her in her
career. Now the Hollywood Folks might cheer her, but she'll play hell
getting gigs and tours.

And there is no way around it. She wasn't going after the POTUS she
was going after an invited guest that sat thru the entire ordeal. A Press

The Donald is gonna make Sanders an innocent victim and he is going
to rip those White House reporters for putting that woman up on that stage.

I wouldn't be surprised if he ended the Daily WH press meetings.

BS. Wolf is a legend and showed that sack of shit Hackerbee for the scum sucking loser she is.
Not so. We see how leftist queers are alway trying to get children.
Yeah, you run with that if it helps you come to terms with your deviance.
Facts speak for themself. You see it all the time. Liberal schools teaching kids abut deviant faggotry and trannyism all the time. Deny it all you want, we know you are liars.
Awww, little Donnie Shitstainer is upset. You should settle your nerves like your fucktard in chief does, and grab some underage pussy.
Why is it ok for you to run around grabbing underage dick, but Trump getting porn star pussy is a problem? You're a pedophile, dude. You shouldn't be complaining about what other people do.
Sad....just sad

Why don’t you go back into retirement?
I've never been retired and I'm a long way from retirement age. Do you ever get anything right?
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
Fox news and fake news doesn't say that liar! I say it, and countless other people around the country are saying it. People are SICK TO DEATH of filthy hateful lib scum!

Notice regressive stains ALWAYS trot out Fox in a failed attempt to destroy what is stated as somehow being false? Troll, people on message boards and comments sections all over are saying that. I hope you like what you have done.
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
Fox news and fake news doesn't say that liar! I say it, and countless other people around the country are saying it. People are SICK TO DEATH of filthy hateful lib scum!

Notice regressive stains ALWAYS trot out Fox in a failed attempt to destroy what is stated as somehow being false? Troll, people on message boards and comments sections all over are saying that. I hope you like what you have done.

That people are sick to death of hateful lib scum is all the more reason to keep agitating them to keep it going. The libscum needs to be poked and prodded into increasing their attacks. Remember, every time a libscum launches into a personal attack, especially as hysterical as they are doing it, they are not discussing issues and President Trump looks even more presidential. Keep them on issues like Sarah Sanders eye liner or even better "common sense gun control".
Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
Fox news and fake news doesn't say that liar! I say it, and countless other people around the country are saying it. People are SICK TO DEATH of filthy hateful lib scum!

Notice regressive stains ALWAYS trot out Fox in a failed attempt to destroy what is stated as somehow being false? Troll, people on message boards and comments sections all over are saying that. I hope you like what you have done.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but your just his Deplorable base....m'eh...he's fucked.

I haven't done Jack. If you want to by his crap go for it. Normal people are no longer buying it and there is no divisive (ie Clinton) bogeyman to blame.
That people are sick to death of hateful lib scum is all the more reason to keep agitating them to keep it going. The libscum needs to be poked and prodded into increasing their attacks. Remember, every time a libscum launches into a personal attack, especially as hysterical as they are doing it, they are not discussing issues and President Trump looks even more presidential. Keep them on issues like Sarah Sanders eye liner or even better "common sense gun control".

There was nothing hysterical about Wolf's accurate portrayal of the Tellie Tubby that is Huckerbee Sanders. However, the right's reaction? Now, that's hysterical...

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